Re: [PAYCO] Statement of Position - Program of Action

2014-09-20 Thread Linda Ndebele
Cde Matome,

I wish to express my gratitude to the continous rationale manner you approach 
challenges facing our party and our revolutionary task. Indeed I agree with you 
that we have to make a choice between Revolting or conforming to the system. 
Making such a choice is critical to know who are with the masses of our people 
(revolt route) or those with the system (conforming route).

I wish to state where I stand. I stand for revolt. I know the implications of 
taking this route to me personally, professionally, financially and 
politically. I know that one stands to loose his life, be unpopular, growth 
professionally, financial difficulties and political isolation within the party 
and outside the party. I have considered all these consequences of this 
decision but despite and inspite of these I prefer to stand with the masses of 
my people. I stand for revolt and martyrdom.

I have gone through the position statement of the Programme of Action and agree 
wholeheartedly with it. I will share some of my contributions with the main 
contents of the programme of action. I strongly believe we need to embark on 
serious cadreship development if we have to succeed with mass mobilization and 
produce quality leaders to lead our people into revolutionary action.

Count me in therefore on revolt cadre.

Izwe lethu!

Linda Kwame Ndebele
Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!

-Original Message-
From: "matome" 
Date: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 20:26:57 
To: ; 'Michael Muendane'; 'Mbulelo 
Cc: ; ; ; 
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Subject: [PAYCO] Statement of Position - Program of Action

Dear Comrades,

Find herewith attached the thrust of a revolutionary program (in development). 
It is our view that the choice facing us today is between - Revolt and Conform. 
We must choose one, and so is the PAC. The choice is indeed less about 
'factions' or 'personalities' but about 'ROCO' - Revolt or Conform.

I have made my choice and I think the time has come for all of us to make our 
choices known so that we should not waste each other 's time in case we are on 
different agenda routes. It is better to engage in inner party struggle with 
comrades with whom a foundational outlook is shared than engage in wastage. 
Time is of the essence. Let's declare our colours. 

Please read the attached and let us unchain each other to pursue what we each 
believe than keep each other in a chained adulterous relationship. 

We cannot hurt in perpetuity unless we are part of the perpetrators. We must 
make a call - Revolt or Conform !

Matome Mashao

Sent from my BlackBerry®

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Re: [PAYCO] FW: attack on party annual conference

2014-09-20 Thread matome
Comrade Gift and Others,

I hope you are well and good my friend.

I must commend you for mustering sufficient courage to make the point about the 
sinking ship that we are. You have indeed taken it to a higher level in terms 
of the chosen method of cleansing the party. Whether this method is right or 
not is another matter. Your level of impatience with mediocrity is commendable. 
It is my wish that we all can assume intolerance against incapacity, mediocrity 
and outright counter-revolution. It is the lack of this intolerance which 
threatens the party. If we all assume indignation against the destruction of 
what is left of the PAC, we may be able to save it from total closure.

The complexity lies here though: all these groups accuse each other of deviant 
agendas. So this begs the question: how deep is the damage on the party, and 
what precisely will it take to restore some respectable organisation. The jury 
is out on this one. Some argue that it is totally adulterated right from the 
centre, with divisions and mediocrity impacting on the young and old, 
themselves playing a part in that mediocrity as well. Others, hold a near 
religious view that somehow by some act the party will resuscitate.

Over the years, in view of all of these, the party has developed a self-eating 
culture. The culture of quarels not for revolution but for side-shows. This has 
blinded many of us from even seeing the good in each other.

It also interests me that we often talk of how opportunistic the charterists 
are. But equally how many amongst us share this opportunism with the 
charterists? Is it really true that a majority of us are not opportunistic and 
non-charterist minded ? We must differentiate the lack of exposure to 
opportunism from our ability to withstand it. Is it not true that there are 
many amongst us who given a chance would do just what the charterists are 
doing? So the reality may also just be the fact that our members are 'denied' a 
chance for opportunism; that if it were offered to them they will excel in it 
perhaps even better than the charterists themselves.

These questions have kept me thinking long and hard. It is the same question 
that many here have asked. And rightly they fear that they too like a 
generation following Sobukwe 's, will get old, and old they are becoming, into 
irrelevance, having denied themselves a chance for revolutionary participation. 
How much of a disabler is the PAC in its current form.

I have often argued that the agenda must supersede the vehicle. Yes, it never 
should be a lightly arrived at position to conclude that a vehicle is a wastage 
but it is a consideration we must brave and face.

The stories of hurt and disappointment are many including how we elevate 
mediocrity and shun home talent. 

I and others have made a call for a focus on a program of action. I am having 
to handle my own exploding level of irritation at those pushing for conferences 
and elections of individuals who neither have a program of action nor capacity. 
I am up to here !!! 

For my sanity I will keep to the work on the program of action, and hope it is 
the PAC that will drive some of the ideas we share in the document.

Izwe Lethu !

Matome Mashao

Sent from my BlackBerry®

-Original Message-
From: "Nkrumah Raymond Kgagudi" 
Date: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 08:05:02 
To: 'Michael Muendane'; 'Mbulelo 
Cc: ; ; ; 
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Subject: RE: [PAYCO] FW: attack on party annual conference

Izwe lethu 


Thanks Bra Mike, “Anyone can change. Love yourself, love one another, unite and 
you shall be a strong Party”


Izwe lethu

Nkrumah Raymond Kgagudi

I Choose no-one, however all PAC members as comrades in struggle for the 
African Emancipation!


From: Michael Muendane [] 
Sent: 11 September 2014 10:13 PM
To: 'Mbulelo Raymond'; 'Nkrumah Raymond Kgagudi'

Re: [PAYCO] coup is the only solution for PAC

2014-09-20 Thread matome
Comrade Gift and Others,

I hope you are well and good my friend.

I must commend you for mustering sufficient courage to make the point about the 
sinking ship that we are. You have indeed taken it to a higher level in terms 
of the chosen method of cleansing the party. Whether this method is right or 
not is another matter. Your level of impatience with mediocrity is commendable. 
It is my wish that we all can assume intolerance against incapacity, mediocrity 
and outright counter-revolution. It is the lack of this intolerance which 
threatens the party. If we all assume indignation against the destruction of 
what is left of the PAC, we may be able to save it from total closure.

The complexity lies here though: all these groups accuse each other of deviant 
agendas. So this begs the question: how deep is the damage on the party, and 
what precisely will it take to restore some respectable organisation. The jury 
is out on this one. Some argue that it is totally adulterated right from the 
centre, with divisions and mediocrity impacting on the young and old, 
themselves playing a part in that mediocrity as well. Others, hold a near 
religious view that somehow by some act the party will resuscitate.

Over the years, in view of all of these, the party has developed a self-eating 
culture. The culture of quarels not for revolution but for side-shows. This has 
blinded many of us from even seeing the good in each other.

It also interests me that we often talk of how opportunistic the charterists 
are. But equally how many amongst us share this opportunism with the 
charterists? Is it really true that a majority of us are not opportunistic and 
non-charterist minded ? We must differentiate the lack of exposure to 
opportunism from our ability to withstand it. Is it not true that there are 
many amongst us who given a chance would do just what the charterists are 
doing? So the reality may also just be the fact that our members are 'denied' a 
chance for opportunism; that if it were offered to them they will excel in it 
perhaps even better than the charterists themselves.

These questions have kept me thinking long and hard. It is the same question 
that many here have asked. And rightly they fear that they too like a 
generation following Sobukwe 's, will get old, and old they are becoming, into 
irrelevance, having denied themselves a chance for revolutionary participation. 
How much of a disabler is the PAC in its current form.

I have often argued that the agenda must supersede the vehicle. Yes, it never 
should be a lightly arrived at position to conclude that a vehicle is a wastage 
but it is a consideration we must brave and face.

The stories of hurt and disappointment are many including how we elevate 
mediocrity and shun home talent. 

I and others have made a call for a focus on a program of action. I am having 
to handle my own exploding level of irritation at those pushing for conferences 
and elections of individuals who neither have a program of action nor capacity. 
I am up to here !!! 

For my sanity I will keep to the work on the program of action, and hope it is 
the PAC that will drive some of the ideas we share in the document.

Izwe Lethu !

Matome Mashao

Sent from my BlackBerry®

-Original Message-
Date: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 14:28:31 
Subject: Re: [PAYCO] coup is the only solution for PAC

Comrade Gift

My first input on this discussion was that to rescue PAC from current maximum 
infiltration is to take extraordinary actions unfortunately at a human cost. I 
agree with you totally in your sentiments. PAC has been hijacked from us at gun 
point. We cannot get it back to us without a bitter fight. 

Sent from my Nokia phone

--Original message--
From: 'gift fuzane' via Pan Africanist Youth Congress 
Date: Sunday, September 14, 2014 1:21:17 PM GMT+0100
Subject: [PAYCO] coup is the only solution for PAC

This daily dialogues PAC members are busy with is not working. If my mind serve 
me well, this have been going on since from 80's. PAC is full of agents. Infact 
should I rather say PAC is an agent organization. Every leaders elected turns 
to work against the organization. 

Conference seems to fail in electing leaders cause these agents leaders are 
sponsored. The only solution to this problem we are facing is a coup. We retake 
PAC from people that thinks they own it. Appoint leaders that we think can 
unite the organization. We give them plan of action. Any one that is against 
our actions or takes us to courts will b assassinated. In order for us to fix 
PAC we need to take radical actions, period. 

Let us fix the organization once and for all.

United PAC
Zandisile aka Gift Fuzane 

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