MAfrika, Good day.

The current political developments in our country at the moment have open a
new opportunity for Pan Africanists to go back to the drawing board and do
some serious introspection. The current voter apathy, poor PAC/PAM
performance  and the politics of coalitions after the recent local
government elections say a lot to any serious-minded political party still
wishing to continue to exist and survive in the current turbulent political
situation in South Africa. We are entering interesting times in the history
of our country. The developments send a clear message to all of us about
the coming National Elections in 2019. We must do something now or forget
about making impact in 2019. We must position ourselves now to be either
the ruling party, or the official opposition, or  a kingmaker in 2019. It
is our chance as a monolithic united party not factions and breakaway
parties. If we are serious enough, we can make it. If not, serious-minded
Pan Africanists should come together and form one voice like the EFF did.
We cannot waste our precious time with nicetime clowns who are paying
lip-service to unity whilst inwardly opposed to it. Let's give them the
last chance up to the end of September 2016 and kiss and say goodbye
to unity talks.Get me right: A united PAC can be an ideal situation. A
united PAC can become the ruling party in 2019. It is possible. It is no
longer a pie in the sky. If PAC unity is not achievable in our lifetime
because of some political turncoats in our midst, it's bad luck. Mafrika,
we must ask ourselves why voters prefer to vote for everyone else (every
Jack and Jill) but not Pan Africanists. They also vote for independents but
not us, WHY? We must answer that question. Other parties are having
sleepless nights positioning themselves strategically for 2019. Pan
Africanists will from now onward be busy fighting each otherin courts of
law  instead of closing ranks and position themselves to occupy the
existing political vacuum in our country. Many of the people who did not
vote do not associate themselves with the current political stream (ANC, DA
and EFF). They have no political home.In the meantime, we are aloof and
divorced from the masses but not PASMA. PASMA is deeply involved is student
politics. The question is: did PASMA vote in the local elections? Which
party they voted for? Remember: I said some PASMA members belong to other
political parties, not necessary to PAC as many people wish us to believe,
unlike PASO we launched in 1989. Comrades, we cannot expect to be voted
into power if we do not lead the masses in their daily struggles where
 they are fighting for their bread and butter issues in their communities
and workplaces through civic movements, trade unions, youth organisations,
etc. We cannot avoid theses questions for too long if we are serious about
wining power. Did NACTU affiliates vote in these elections? Which party
they voted for? Where is Maqhekeni? I only saw him on TV with ANC ministers
Pravin Gordon. Is he still a PAC member like Sdumo of Cosatu is an ANC
member? Something is wrong somewhere? Where is Narius Moloto as NACTU
Secretary General? Is he still a PAC member? Where is NACTU they lead?
Which party NACTU members voted for? These are the difficult questions we
must ask a conference or bosberaad? All these comrades should account if
they are deployed by the Party in NACTU and PASMA. We cannot call them to
account if they are there for themselves. I talk from experience. We were
instructed by Zeph Mothopeng to launch PASO and we accounted to him and to
PAC leadership accordingly for PASO activities, not to ourselves. We were
at one stage instructed to recruit PASO members to join PAC and APLA, and
we did just that. That is why we adopted the slogan, "PASO By Day, APLA By
Night!" What is wrong with PASMA, PAYCO, and NACTU? Where are they
accounting to, to themselves? Hayi khona!!!! Something must be done.
.COSATU, ANCYL, SASCO and SANCO are all accounting to the ANC leadership.
If they cannot acount to our Party, we must disband them and launch new
ones. That is it. We cannot have fellow travelers in politics. .

The truth is: We have all failed the Party in one way or another, even for
not asking ourselves the right questions. .

Mafrika, bourgeois mentality of relying on campaigns just few weeks before
elections does not work. I did not work for the past 22 years. When are we
going to learn it? Are we so dumb to learn from our past mistakes? Let's
wake up from the political stupor. other parties are wide awake except
us..PAC grew overnight after the Status and Positive Action Camapains. It
also grew in strength after the launch of AZANYU and PASO. It did not grow
because of posters, TV shows, etc. Mass action is what counts, not mass
demonstration. The chaos caused by EFF in parliament and land grabs is
paying dividends now. It has opted to play opposition role in the coalition
politics so as to continue creating chaos and havoc in those municipalities
to get attention. As a Party we cannot adopt their adventurist approach
they copied from right wing politics in Europe. But, mass action is still
the necessity in politics. Ours should be a disciplined struggle. I don't
mean armchair politicians who suffer from intellectual wavering and only
analyse events instead of making those events (waging the revolution).
Let's follow in the footsteps of Robert Mangaliso Sobukwe who adopted mass
action, not bourgeois campaigns and mass demostrations.

What is your opinion on my contribution? Let's be objective. Let's not
shoot the messenger. The people have, indeed, spoken in the recent

Izwe Lethu!. .

On 17 August 2016 at 20:45, Nkrumah Raymond Kgagudi <>

> Izwe lethu
> There is no existence of Mpethi's adventure political party in
> Johannesburg Region, and positive gains is PAC members lost to APC and PAM
> are now returning back. We speak principled unity to re-build PAC as mas
> based revolutionary party for the seizure of state political power to
> establish an Afrikanist Socialist Democracy,it's not easy but we are making
> meaningful progress.
> Shango lashu
> Nkrumah
> On 17 August 2016 at 11:55, Mphiri Masoga <> wrote:
>> Good Morning MoAfrika Mashilo
>> PASMA I am referring to Newly formed organisation by those who wanted
>> UNITY with the intention to deceive PAC and its Loyal Members
>> Please ensure that you engage with people who have Integrity and can be
>> trusted when you continue with your programme as "Johannesburg Region"
>> Regards,
>> *electronically send no signed - authentic *
>> Mphiri Masoga
>> T (012) 320 6472 - 5
>> F (012) 320 2179
>> F2email: 086 225 4254
>> Email:
>> C 073 182 2656
>> On Tue, Aug 16, 2016 at 1:30 PM, Nkrumah Raymond Kgagudi <
>>> wrote:
>>> PASMA as a PAC Component structure continues to lead students mass
>>> agitation in regard to fees must fall.
>>> Nkrumah
>>> On 15 August 2016 at 12:55, Mphiri Masoga <> wrote:
>>>> Good Morning MaAfrika
>>>> What happened to PASMA AND ARM?
>>>> Regards,
>>>> *electronically send no signed - authentic *
>>>> Mphiri Masoga
>>>> SACWU
>>>> T (012) 320 6472 - 5
>>>> F (012) 320 2179
>>>> F2email: 086 225 4254
>>>> Email:
>>>> C 073 182 2656
>>>> On Mon, Aug 15, 2016 at 12:19 PM, Nkrumah Raymond Kgagudi <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> On 10 February 2012 at 11:26, Chargein Mabaso <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Comrades
>>>>>> Letlapa lost the court appeal. We have been proved right on the
>>>>>> violation of the PAC. But, who will bell the cat within the PAC, and
>>>>>> how? Let's wait and see. Power struggles and smear campaigns that
>>>>>> always divide the Pan Africanist camp will now show its ugly face
>>>>>> instead of focusing at the mammoth task at hand. Some snubbing has
>>>>>> already started.
>>>>>> Good luck, noble sons and daughters of Soil. You are now facing a big
>>>>>> test. Only men and women of vision can shoulder this huge
>>>>>> responsibility successfully. We are watching you keenly. Kazi ukuba
>>>>>> izozala nkomoni?
>>>>>> Izwe Lethu!
>>>>>> Charge-in Mabaso
>>>>>> Ex- PASO Veteran
>>>>>> 0710203554
>>>>>> On 2/6/12, <> wrote:
>>>>>> > The outcome of the Court proceedings in the matter pertaining to the
>>>>>> > legality of the Alice Congress was as interesting as has been the
>>>>>> many other
>>>>>> > legal fracas the PAC has had to endure over the years.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Whilst this is continued evidence of the Party leadership s
>>>>>> inability to
>>>>>> > find the key driving anchors, there is another dimension I find
>>>>>> attractive
>>>>>> > for analysis. The dimension of leadership, and a point has to be
>>>>>> made here
>>>>>> > that whilst leadership is the single most important glue for
>>>>>> organisational
>>>>>> > viability, there are many other variables that hold sway to a party
>>>>>> s
>>>>>> > direction and success.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > And whilst I welcome the Court decision and it must be said well
>>>>>> done to the
>>>>>> > engineers of it, I must admit that I was not an inch surprised of
>>>>>> this
>>>>>> > ruling. My preoccupation is on something else I will share later
>>>>>> on, herein.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > In less than six months of office it became evident that President
>>>>>> Letlapa
>>>>>> > (perhaps as he then was) had embarked on a no return path to self
>>>>>> > destruction and organisational paralysis. Contrary to what many
>>>>>> people
>>>>>> > PERCEIVE it increasingly became clear that there was real
>>>>>> incapacity to take
>>>>>> > decisions including on matters about which we had given a clear
>>>>>> mandate, for
>>>>>> > his benefit some of them. A telling example was his failure to
>>>>>> secure proper
>>>>>> > accomodation for himself when we had, some of us millitantly at the
>>>>>> time,
>>>>>> > resolved that he should sign as signatory and secure himself decent
>>>>>> place.
>>>>>> > He was our President and had our undivided support and loyalty. The
>>>>>> list of
>>>>>> > indecision instances is sizeable.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Perhaps the indecision was a result of leadership inexperience and
>>>>>> would be
>>>>>> > cured with time, so we wanted to convince ourselves.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > But then other things happened. In post apartheid SA he presided and
>>>>>> > engineered the break up of the PAC into small insignificant pieces.
>>>>>> This was
>>>>>> > very painful and it still is. Two splinter movements sprang out of
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> > party, including his attempt at killing PAYCO by introducing some
>>>>>> league
>>>>>> > concept. I personally have little regard for the two individuals
>>>>>> who led
>>>>>> > these splinter groups as they are just as much opportunists. The
>>>>>> issue is
>>>>>> > that the desire for people to break up Parties is always there but
>>>>>> > leadership prevails. In cases where the split is not avoidable,
>>>>>> > organisational performance must absolve you as some form of
>>>>>> 'mitigation'. In
>>>>>> > this instance the party is on a desperate downslide appealing to
>>>>>> mainly the
>>>>>> > few councillor segments most of whom are driven by survivalist
>>>>>> interests.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > So having seen all of these, the outcome was always on the cards.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > My real issue is what then, and I think we must tread slowly,
>>>>>> carefully and
>>>>>> > robustly drawing from our past experiences.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > There is no doubt as there never was, that the Alice concoction was
>>>>>> ill
>>>>>> > advised and fatal for the Party. Whatever we do on the leadership
>>>>>> question,
>>>>>> > we must place cadres in charge only once we know fully well what
>>>>>> they stand
>>>>>> > for and what their character make is. It is this aspect we should
>>>>>> engage
>>>>>> > each other accross.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Izwe Lethu iAfrika !
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Matome Mashao
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Sent from my BlackBerry®
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > -----Original Message-----
>>>>>> > From: Tommy ka-Ntando <>
>>>>>> > Sender:
>>>>>> > Date: Mon, 6 Feb 2012 12:44:41
>>>>>> > To:<>
>>>>>> > Reply-To:
>>>>>> > Subject: [PAYCO] Re: [PAC] Gauteng meeting
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Cde Jabu!
>>>>>> > I want to thank
>>>>>> > you for the initiative you took on an endeavour to coordinate PAC
>>>>>> in your
>>>>>> > region. Your affords and action are courageous Noble Son and this
>>>>>> party
>>>>>> > needs
>>>>>> > people like you.
>>>>>> > However allow
>>>>>> > me to invite all the Regions of Gauteng (Westrand, Joburg, Tshwane,
>>>>>> > Ekhurhuleni
>>>>>> > and Sedibeng Region) to participate in this important deliberation,
>>>>>> dialogue
>>>>>> > and
>>>>>> > engagement which will seek to pave a wayward for us. This will also
>>>>>> give us
>>>>>> > time to reflect on the outcomes of the December 2011 Pretoria
>>>>>> meeting of
>>>>>> > former
>>>>>> > PAYCO, PASMA, AZANYO, PASO and SRC Leaders.
>>>>>> > We also note
>>>>>> > the tremendous work that Dr Pheko and his team have made in
>>>>>> ensuring victory
>>>>>> > in
>>>>>> > this regard. Hence we believe that this situation and challenges
>>>>>> that the
>>>>>> > party
>>>>>> > is faced with needs a conceited afford from us and ensure that this
>>>>>> matter
>>>>>> > is laid
>>>>>> > to rest and total removal of the current PAC Regime. It is true
>>>>>> that for the
>>>>>> > total rectification of the current political disorder that prevails
>>>>>> in the
>>>>>> > party, we also need a political approach and for us to do this
>>>>>> correctly we
>>>>>> > need to have masses behind us. Hence the invitation is now
>>>>>> targeting all
>>>>>> > regions of Gauteng.
>>>>>> > Logistics of
>>>>>> > the meeting:
>>>>>> > DATE: 25 FEBRUARY 2012
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > VENUE: SANKOPANO 's boardroom, ALEXANDRA township, Cnr 12th and
>>>>>> Selborne
>>>>>> > street.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > TIME: 12H30 to 15H30
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > For further
>>>>>> > clarification and one-one engagements please liaise with the
>>>>>> following: Jabu
>>>>>> > @079
>>>>>> > 229 4820, Tommy @ 082 930 8735, Lekgema @ 082 443 5706, Vaughan
>>>>>> 076 982
>>>>>> > 4260 or Kubayi @ 082 077 7410.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > ________________________________
>>>>>> >  From: Jabu Makhanya <>
>>>>>> > To: "" <>
>>>>>> > Sent: Monday, 6 February 2012, 8:31
>>>>>> > Subject: [PAYCO] meeting
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Revolutionary greetings!
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Attention:  PAC members and sympathisers
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >                  Re:Letlapa's legal status
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Some will recall that Letlapa and his backers have always been
>>>>>> arguing that
>>>>>> > PAC matters could not be dictated by the country's judiciary
>>>>>> institutions
>>>>>> > but in contrary, Letlapa had applied for an appeal in Cape High
>>>>>> Court in a
>>>>>> > bid to overturn the ruling of his nullification as the PAC head.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > On the 23rd January 2012, the Cape court rejected his appeal after
>>>>>> observing
>>>>>> > amongst other things: that Letlapa organised the so called Alice
>>>>>> Congress
>>>>>> > under decree, he unilaterally amended the constitution under decree,
>>>>>> > thus side-lining other genuine members from the PAC, the PAC
>>>>>> contested
>>>>>> > previous local and national elections under decree. Letlapa was
>>>>>> advised by
>>>>>> > the court that he is no longer the PAC president but remain as an
>>>>>> ordinary
>>>>>> > member and his appeal was rejected with costs.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > DATE:         25 FEBRUARY 2012
>>>>>> > VENUE:      SANKOPANO 's boardroom, ALEXANDRA township, Cnr 12th and
>>>>>> > Selborne street.
>>>>>> > TIME:         12H30 to 15H30
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >  For further information contact: Jabu @  079 229 4820
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > --
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