Nationalism, Self-Determination and Socialist Revolution

This article appeared in the journal Forward in the 1980s. Forward was
published by the League of Revolutionary Struggle (M-L).


By Amiri Baraka

In the following article Amiri Baraka addresses the topics of
nationalism, national consciousness and internationalism. This essay
originally appeared in the Fall/Winter 1982 issue of The Black Nation.
Forward is reprinting this because these topics are of continuing
importance for the progressive movement in the US. 

Although the right of Self-Determination is a democratic demand, a
political reform, obviously it must be upheld by people calling
themselves Marxists. Lenin said, social
democrats who refuse to uphold the right of Self-Determination should be
denounced as social imperialists and scoundrels. 

The reason for this is that how can one be fighting for socialism and
not even uphold democracy? But also it is part of the approach of
building all around proletarian unity, upholding democracy for all
nations and nationalities; so that proletarian unity is embodied by the
joining together of workers of all nationalities in order to smash
imperialism and monopoly capitalism, and all the ills these scourges
bring with them such as national oppression, racism, the oppression of
women and the like. This is what we mean by proletarian

Marxists are internationalists. And even if they are Marxists of an
oppressed nationality, they seek to join with workers of other
nationalities in smashing their oppression and all oppression and
exploitation even with workers of the oppressor nation! Ultimately
genuine Marxists know that "no nation can be free if it oppresses
another nation." They also understand that national oppression cannot be
ended until the elimination of class exploitation and that their own
national oppression is just one particular aspect of the outrages of
monopoly capitalism and imperialism. 

Marxist revolutionaries understand that the national oppression of the
African American Nation, for instance, is based economically on the
system of monopoly capitalism (that is its material base), and that the
only beneficiaries of this oppression is that minute percentage of the
U.S. population that makes up the white racist monopoly capitalist
class, plus those relatively small sectors of the working class and
petty bourgeoisie who have been bribed with some of the spoils of
imperialism, particularly the robbery and denial of rights of the
African American masses. 

A Marxist is an internationalist, but also as Mao pointed out the
Marxist of an oppressed nation must also be a patriot. The fight against
that nation's national oppression is "internationalism applied."
Marxists cannot be so involved with theoretically upholding
internationalism that they dismiss their own nation's concrete national
liberation struggle - that would be a caricature of Marxism. This is
precisely why Mao wrote this essay, to counter those people disguised as
Marxists who wanted to "liquidate the national question." Lenin fought
the same battle with Rosa Luxemburg and the Polish and Dutch Social
Democrats, among other Marxists in the early 20th century who wanted to
deny the right of Self-Determination as an exercise in reformism or

But to talk rationally of internationalism, one must understand and
fight for the freedom of all nations! In the U.S., one of the main
deterrents in really multinational communist organizing has been
incorrect political positions on the national question, particularly the
Afro-American National Question. For a long time the liquidationist and
chauvinist positions held sway in the CPUSA, and actually it was Lenin
and Stalin and the weight of the Third International, plus the agitation
and struggle of correct comrades including several Afro-American cadre,
that forced the CPUSA to take the correct position upholding
Self-Determination for the Afro-American Nation in the Black Belt South.

The question of Self-Determination is a question of the extension of all
around democracy to all nations; it is not Marxists winking at
nationalism. Marxists oppose nationalism, a bourgeois ideology which
promotes the privilege, primacy and exclusiveness of the nation.
Nationalism is not the same thing as patriotism which Mao said was
applied internationalism in the case of oppressed nations, and is not
the same as national consciousness which we will talk more of later.
Lenin said that even the bourgeois nationalism of an oppressed nation
has elements of democracy in it, to the extent to which such
nationalists fight against imperialism. So Marxists support "the
nationalists in the sense of a negative support," that is we support
nationalists to the extent to which they fight imperialism, but there is
no support whatsoever for nationalism, per se! 

It would seem obvious to any advanced observer of a society like the
U.S., for instance, that nationalism has been one of the greatest assets
the U.S. ruling class has possessed. The class struggle inside the
oppressor nation that the imperialist U.S. is, in relationship to the
African American or Chicano Nations, is consistently repressed,
diverted, fragmented and held off by the white racist monopoly
capitalist ruling class having infected sectors of the white working
class with the drug of white supremacy. Chauvinism, Lenin called,
opportunism in its most developed and finished state, where the
bourgeoisie could use "its workers" to fight against the workers of
another nation! Such chauvinism has the same economic base as
opportunism, the bribe of a small section of the workers and petty
bourgeoisie with the spoils of imperialism. And in the U.S. those spoils
are literally ripped off the Blacks and other oppressed nationalities.
This is that sector which is paid for collaborating in the
superexploitation of African Americans, Chicanos, Puerto Ricans, Native
Americans, Asians and so forth. 

It is nationalism that can divide the workers so that the workers of one
nationality are struggling against the workers of another nationality
for a few illusory crumbs the rulers throw out exactly for that purpose!
It is nationalism that can pit groups of workers against each other with
the most hideous rage, while their mutual oppressors skip off with both
their purses for a little sun and fun. 

Nationalism is a bourgeois ideology which developed with the emergence
of nations and the rise and development of capitalism. Nationalism
serves the bourgeoisie in the sense that they are seeking a market for
their goods, and their national market is always primary as capitalism
develops. And nationalism serves to help that bourgeoisie secure its
national market. Joseph Stalin writes, "The market is the first school
in which the bourgeoisie learns its nationalism." (page 31, Marxism and
the National Question) 

Black national oppression, based as it is on the slave trade and the
enslaving of African Americans, has created an obvious and even
"justifiable" ground for Black nationalism. The fact that white
supremacy has been the most easily defined instrument in that national
oppression creates a situation where Black nationalism can flourish. But
even so, the majority of African Americans are not nationalists. In
fact, part of the struggle to strengthen the BLM must be in creating a
stronger national consciousness among the African American people, i.e.,
an awareness of the Afro-American Nation and of the political
necessities of Black survival and development. 

The BLM, the national liberation struggle of Black people in the U.S.,
must include the heightening of national consciousness, identity and
self-respect. But these are not the same as nationalism, an ideology a
world outlook, promoted by the bourgeoisie and petty bourgeoisie that
advocates the primacy; exclusiveness and privilege of "their" nation. 

The masses of the oppressed peoples want national equality, democratic
rights for their nationality equal with all other nations. This is why
in essence the Black struggle, the struggle of the African American
Nation for Self-Determination is a national democratic struggle, the
struggle as an oppressed nation for liberation. 

Nationalism, though, means exclusivism and isolation. Any nationalism
finally implies that those people are better than all others. The Black
struggle is for equality, in essence, not "superiority." We are the
victims of a nationalism that preaches superiority and inferiority. We
have seen its obscene terror and oppression. We are not fighting so that
we can put these on somebody else. 

And further. Bourgeois nationalism ultimately does not serve the real
interests of the masses of that nationality. As ironic as this sounds,
nationalism does not ultimately serve the nation. This is true and has
been proven correct time and again. Bourgeois nationalism after a
certain point isolates the oppressed masses from their mass allies and
delivers them into the hands of the exploiters and reactionaries of
their own nationality. In today's world, imperialism must be destroyed
to destroy national oppression and certainly this couldn't be more true
than here in the heartland of the U.S. superpower. 

Zionism should teach us at this moment more forcibly than anything else,
how even the most "justifiable" nationalism, taken to its logical
conclusion, can end up justifying the slaughter of almost anybody else
outside the nation. Certainly, the slaughter of six million Jews by Nazi
fascism (rule by the most nationalistic sector of finance capital) made
Zionism seem attractive and reasonable to many people who had never
taken it seriously before. Now we see the Israelis, themselves turned
into fascists, slaughtering the Lebanese and Palestinian peoples,
justifying it with Israeli nationalism. 

Within the BLM, the nationalist sector is small, but admittedly very
vocal and active. There has also emerged from out of that sector some of
the fiercest fighters against Black national oppression. (The fact of
white supremacy and chauvinism even on the Left, made multinational
organizing difficult and kept Black fighters in organizations isolated,
contributes to this fact.) However, in the mid-70s a great many of the
younger generation of erstwhile Black nationalists and Pan-Africanists
took up Marxism-Leninism in a stunning development created perhaps by
more exposure of their generation to an atmosphere of international
struggle against imperialism made more familiar by modern communications
media and the fact that some of the leading African revolutionaries like
Kwame Nkrumah, Amilcar Cabral, Samora Machel, Mangaliso Sobukwe,
Augostino Neto Nelson Mandela and liberation organizations like the
PAIGC, MPLA, PAC, ANC, ZANU, SWAPO did not take bourgeois nationalist
lines and were often heavily influenced by Marxism. 

Plus struggles in Black communities had in quite a few cases risen to a
level where some aspect of partial political democracy was won and the
electing or appointing of Black politicians to office quickly revealed
that nationality is not the same as political correctness. This was made
clear in places like Newark, Detroit, Los Angeles and Atlanta, where
Black activists had to go up against Black political infrastructures
with many of the same characteristics of neo-colonialism in the third

Unfortunately, since that incendiary crossover of many of the most
active and informed members of the BLM into the M-L movement, that
movement generally has bogged down and been victimized by a general move
to the right of U.S. society. The anti-revisionist M-L movement is a
young movement, but it has had to survive the shallow, often idealistic
enthusiasm of the mid-70s and its virulent "left" and right opportunism,
just as it has to survive the wave of disillusion and right opportunism
that now beset it. The large number of petty bourgeois cadres in the
U.S. Marxist- Leninist movement help account for some part of these
extremes and political vacillation. 

But what is obvious is that the M-L movement has not given leadership to
the mass movement in the U.S. as it must if a genuine M-L communist
party is to be built. Certainly this is true in the BLM. Too often, not
only is the M-L movement not giving the overall guidance and leadership
that the mass movement needs, it is tailing the various sectors of the
mass movement whether it is the Black Democrat sector or the Black
nationalist sector or the Black Christian sector. 

In the same way that the old RU (Revolutionary Union, now RCP) tailed
the most reactionary sectors of the white working class movement,
screaming "smash busing" along with the racists, we also have would-be
M-Ls tailing cultural nationalists or Christian nationalists, or elected
officials or union leaders or "community leaders" or "reverends" and
legitimizing it by saying that this is their mass work. The role of
communists is to represent the working class and to ensure working class
leadership in the mass movements. A communist organization must lead by
its stance, viewpoint and action. 

One example of what I would call "a militant tail" is when the so-called
M-Ls like the RCP and CWP (Communist Workers Party, now called the New
Democratic Movement -ed) showed up at an NBUF (National Black United
Front) rally in Brooklyn called to protest the murder of Luis Baez by
police. These two "super" revolutionary groups then staged separate
little demonstrations off the side of the main body of people, because
they said the leadership of the NBUF was reformist. So the NBUF calls
the rally, organizes the people, and then the RCP and CWP show up being
super revolutionary off to the side with their small coteries of
cultists denouncing the mass movement - not the police, but the mass
movement. The Black nationalists had a field day denouncing "white
folks" obstructing a Black rally and the masses thought both these
groups were some kind of hippies. 

But this tailing from the right or "left" is one of the reasons that the
mass movement is often led by nationalists or social democrats or
revisionists. Another reason is the failure to mount consistent and
principled struggle with the various non-Marxist organizations and
leaders. Certainly, in the BLM there has been no consistent criticism of
the various Black organizations by M-L organizations. They have usually
treated these organizations, certainly the nationalist ones, as if they
didn't exist, only to tail them in real life. Going to their rallies,
programs, conventions, and not taking the lead in organizing these
events themselves. 

Too many so-called M-Ls even think the mass movement is the nationalist
sector of the BLM. Certainly RWH revealed this in their recent pamphlet
on the Afro-American national question. But go to any large program or
event given by nationalists and so forth and you'll find all kinds of
M-Ls there, but where are the forums and the rallies and the marches and
the mass movement organized and led by the M-Ls? 

Tailing the mass movement, "everything through a united front" as Mao
put it, falling to struggle principledly with various trends within the
BLM only supports the less advanced sectors of the movement, such as
nationalism. These are clear right deviations and instead of "winning
the advanced to communism" too often the M-L movement, through its own
present right errors and some "left" errors as well, leave the
leadership of the mass movement to the nationalists and make them
stronger than they would be if we waged consistent and principled
ideological struggle against them. The relationship of Marxists to the
mass movement is unity and struggle, not just unity! 

The BLM for democracy and Self- Determination exists in the U.S. not
only alongside other National Liberation struggles, e.g., the Chicano
and Native American movements for Self- Determination, there are other
oppressed nationalities (not necessarily nations in the U.S.) fighting
for equality and against racism, such as the Puerto Ricans and Asian
Americans. Yet, at the same time the masses of African Americans and
these other oppressed nationalities are also, along with white workers,
members of the multinational U.S. working class. 

The working class recognizes and supports all the various struggles
against National Oppression, but the struggle that unifies that class
completely must be the struggle to smash monopoly capitalism forever.
Therefore the class-conscious African American workers must fight
consciously not only for Self-Determination for the Afro-American Nation
but for the victory of the whole working class. Such a class-conscious
worker must support all the just struggles of the various oppressed
nationalities, but also see a primary the collective struggle of the
multinational working class. 

Actually, the Afro-American struggle for Self- Determination is fought
against the same enemy that the multinational working class fights
against, that is, the white racist monopoly capitalist class which rules
the U.S. and is the chief beneficiary of U.S. imperialism. So that a
well-organized and fighting multinational workers movement must attack
the same chief enemy of the Black Nation - the white racist monopoly
capitalist class - the U.S. imperialist class. 

This is why the strategic alliance between the multinational working
class and oppressed nationalities is so critical. It is the creation of
a conscious fighting unity, a revolutionary unity, that monopoly
capitalism cannot withstand. This is also why nationalism is so divisive
and destructive and ultimately only serves the bourgeoisie. 

The successful national liberation movement, unless it is led by the
working class, only defeats foreign domination, it does not eliminate
class exploitation within that nation. We've seen liberation movements
defeat foreign domination only to become neo-colonial states governed by
a domestic bourgeoisie who are absolutely in collaboration with the
ex-rulers (see M. Babu, African Socialism or Socialist Africa, Zed

A national liberation movement led by the working class not only will
take the revolution through to the end, it then continues without pause
into the phase of eliminating class exploitation and building socialism.

The struggle for Black Self-Determination, objectively, is a struggle
against the U.S. imperialist class - its monopoly capitalist state has
always been based on Black slavery; It would be a caricature of Black
concerns to say, "All right, the multinational working class is fighting
the monopoly capitalist class for a socialist society but we Black
people are fighting for a Black capitalist society." The Black
bourgeoisie and the less advanced sectors of the petty bourgeoisie might
co-sign such a statement, but Black workers would not willingly remain
the doormats for yet another exploitive regime. Our struggle is to end
exploitation - ours as well as everyone else's. 

Even such a fantasy Black capitalist state would see civil war as item
number one on the workers' agenda (or have you read the news from Kenya,
Zaire, etc., recently?) Black people are not fighting white imperialism
so they can find themselves under the brutish rule of domestic Arap
Moi's, Mobutu's and Amin's, and believe me, brothers and sisters, we
have quite a few of them telling us how bad white folks are - but ask
them do they want to smash class society and capitalism forever? Some of
these nationalists already exist in organizations whose narrow,
oppressive structures and ideologies are chilling projections of what
they have in store for all of us. 

The BLM is not directly a struggle for socialism, it is a struggle for
democracy; But it's just these struggles for democracy, in all areas of
U.S. life that will bring the masses of all nationalities to
revolutionary positions. In the '20s, Lenin pointed out that after the
Soviet socialist revolution the national liberation struggles should no
longer be termed "bourgeois democratic" struggles but "national
democratic" or "national revolutionary." As these struggles aided the
proletariat's struggle against imperialism and led by the working class,
these struggles did not have to create a capitalist state controlled by
a domestic bourgeoisie but could move uninterruptedly to socialism. The
first socialist revolution had pointed the way past capitalism! The
victory of the People's Republic of China proved this thesis

In a multinational state, such as the U.S., to isolate the African
American people or their liberation movement is to do the imperialist
bourgeoisie's work for them. Segregation has, in the main, been the way
that the rulers have kept people outside the mainstream of democratic
struggles in this country; Segregation has enabled us fewer allies,
fewer links with the collective workers movement and other oppressed
nationalities. To push nationalism in the 1980s is to narrow our
struggle rather than to broaden it. Genuine revolutionaries need allies,
and they must have allies to strengthen their fight. The Israeli
fascists prefer to fight the Palestinians with as few allies as possible
- keep the struggle narrow with all information hard to come by - with
only the modern U.S-supplied Israeli war machine in state power versus
the less well-armed and stateless Palestinians. The fact that the
Palestinians are fighting a national liberation struggle is
unquestionable, to suggest that they become narrow nationalists pushing
some metaphysical and exclusivist Palestinian "superiority" would not
only be bizarre, but Israeli foreign policy. The Israelis would love it.
So too, any movement to give the BLM fewer ties with other advanced and
fighting forces would be made in Ronnie Reagan's heaven. 

The movement for Black Self-Determination must be supported by
class-conscious workers of every nationality. That must be the strategic
line in the BLM. Nationalism is opposed to this. The BLM is part of an
unbreakable fabric of anti-imperialist struggle. Black liberation can
only genuinely exist with the destruction of monopoly capitalism. The
destroyer of monopoly capitalism is the collective workers struggle, the
victory of the multinational working class in alliance with the
oppressed peoples and socialism! 

The principal task for advanced forces, revolutionaries and class
conscious workers in the U.S. is the creation of a multinational
revolutionary M-L communist party. A party that can tie the various
national, democratic and workers movements together and give them
collective leadership. In many cases, nationalist movements among the
various nationalities will oppose the creation of such a party.
Communists working in the various mass movements must fight for such a
party and they cannot do this without consistent criticism of and
struggle against nationalist forces within the mass movement. Not only
struggle against nationalism but against every deviation from
revolutionary theory and practice - not in the spirit of Pharisees,
critical but abstract, but with the spirit of living
Marxism-Leninism-Mao Tse-Tung Thought, criticism and struggle for the
sake of creating a higher level, of unity. It is just this kind of class
struggle that makes the movement go forward! 


Amiri Baraka is the well-known revolutionary playwright, poet and
cultural worker. He is the editor of The Black Nation Magazine and a
member of the Central Committee of the League of Revolutionary Struggle


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