Comrade Xundu
Sometime, a few years ago, I had occasion to meet you with another
Africanist the late Mandla Konkie in Uitenhage on matters relating to
the situation confronting the party, something that bears strong
resemblance to what happens in the PAC today. You left the area with an
undertaking to engage with us further on those matters, however that
never happened. I believe, should u have kept to that undertaking, you
would have known me better. In your claims of my apparent ignorance of
the party including the developments you cite as having led to the
formation of PAM, it's quite perplexing that you would dare want to
discuss the party's most sensitive issues with the person you in your
view has caused more harm that good to the PAC. Since you club me with
and pursue unabashingly a kind of a bashing spree against even those
closest to me in Azanyu leadership at the time, I intend, instead not to
make this something about me as an individual, but to give you our
analysis of the situation in that period which heralded the erroneous
path taken by some in the party. As u know perfectly this plunged the
party into its current morass. We were not demonised because of the
allegations you make but because of the analysis we had made which made
some elements then extermely uncomfortable. We also are very much alive
to the reality that there has been a solemn pledge made at some quarters
to never allow any of us a place within the ranks of the party even at
branch levels. That programme is still being pursued up to this day. It
does not disturb in any profound way. I do this generously, for I detect
so much subjectivism, bigotry and obvious lack of analysis which we as
the group you lampoon as "watchdogs" hope to respond to but without an
intention of merely satisfying our egos but precisely for the sustenance
of this debate to an even higher altitude. Rest assured, there'll be no
name-calling or brandishments of valourity like you do with me here. We
will as comradely with you as possible.


From: [] On Behalf
Of tembelani xundu
Sent: 20 November 2009 03:01 PM

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