Cde Mzu:

Karl Max was one of the most influential figure in modern politics. No 
political thinker has had a profound influence that transcends his, his 
contemporaries and those that followed him, such men as Hegel, Adam Smith,  
Niccolo Machiavelli, Grotius and others. These thinkers  and others have shaped 
both national and international political economy. however, Max's contribution 
to international political economy has had some indelible imprints. Marxism, 
his theory as it is being called. Max worked in factories in England and saw 
the exploitation in factories of the proletariat (working class). According to 
him, the social ills of society can be addressed once capitalism is uprooted. 
He argued, among other things, that the capitalists would over produce the 
commodities, as a result, no markets will absorb them. thus he predicted that 
capitalism will crush. Because of time, I can't discuss his whole theory 
exhaustively.  In a tentative discussion, I conclude that Max was correct in 
his theories. The recent global crush of international financial powers (global 
recession) ,the Asian tigers crisis of 1997 and the oil price crisis of the 
seventies confirm that Max was right. The relevance of maxism in the context of 
Africa is a was a hotly debated issue in the 80's and early 90's. Following the 
collapse of the soviet empire in the late 90's, most African States severed 
themselves from the Soviet orientation. The problem I have with Marxism is that 
it exploited Africa and the rest of the countries in the periphery during the 
cold war. Sobukwe observed in the 60's that the world was divided into 
bipolarity, the West and East, he thus averred that we as Africanist should not 
be swayed way by either force. To your question, you are correct that Max 
ignored the issue of race. Remember at the time that he formulated his theory, 
it was during the epoch  of industrial revolution, the early phase of 
capitalism. Later the industrial revolution's impact culminated in expansionism 
in Africa, South East Asia and Latin America. It was during this era that the 
race issue was in the limelight. Unlike, his successor, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin 
(1870 -1924) who paid attention to imperialism and a concomitant of 
colonialism. A myriad of events after Max were never addressed by himself. 
Lenin for example, addressed the issue of imperialism with was a twin brother 
of colonialism. Max must be credited with his contribution, even though Marxism 
is dead, its realities are real.
From: [] On Behalf Of Mzu 
Sent: Monday, June 27, 2011 11:50 AM
Cc: Thembeka Majali; Zukiswa Nomwa
Subject: [PAYCO] Another Day Another Topic

Good day again noble sons and daughters of the soil,

It is a priviledge being an Afrikan as I can withstand any form of weather 
presented by mother nature to us, from a scotching sun heat to a blistering 
cold winter season. lol.

Can you please clarify for me if Marxism is relevant to Afrika or not?

I am asking this question because if we look at Marx's ideology ,as sexy as it 
is, but he never studied Afrika his analysis then needs critical assessment 
before endorsements from Afrikans.

Problem with Marxism is it denies / ignores race.

Marx speaks of capitalism outside white supremacy, he speaks of capitalism as 
if no human being is implementing it and that it implemented itself.

Thank you
Mzulungile Cabanga

Alternative Information and Development Centre
Fax     0866019876
Tel      021 447 5770
cell     073 073 8789
Skype kleinrich1
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