Hi all.  I have for a little while now been trying to find an accessible
and simple to use download manager.   There is one web site that I use a lot
purchase music downloads from.  They have their own download manager but for
some reason I am unable to download a complete copy of it and in any case,
someone who uses another screen reader (super Nova) said that the programme
interfered with his screen reader.  I would imagine if I could get a proper
copy I would have similar problems so their DLM is of no use.  I told them
this and they suggested Flashget but that was totally unfriendly and
to use.  I did a search and tried"Free Download Manager."  The blurb spoke
of how simple it was to use and how straightforward the interface was. 
I downloaded it and installed it and it didn't seem to conflict with my JAWS
10.  However, it was impossible to understand how to use it.  They explained
but it still didn't make any sense.  Even my sighted P.A. couldn't work out
how to use the thing.  Therefore, If anyone knows of a good DLM that is
reader friendly and easy to use then would you please let me know.  Failing
any success in finding one, I'll just have to continue downloading track by
track which is very soul destroying.  With thanks.  Walter.

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