From:   "Jeff Bishop"   
To:     "GW Micro List"         

Hello Everyone,

The Station Playlist Studio scripts for Window-Eyes are now available and 
downloadable from Script Central.  Here is a list of some of the many extensive 
features found in the scripts:

Direct access to all Station Playlist Studio controls (with very few 
exceptions) to insure 100 percent accuracy of retrieval of information even 
when Studio is minimized. 

Direct access to all of Station Playlist Studio's internal settings files (cart 
files, internal Station Playlist Studio configuration files, etc.) to provide 
greater flexibility in script development.

Completely flexible with user-configurable keyboard hotkey changes made in 
Station Playlist Studio. If you change these values on the Keyboard tab of 
Studio's Options dialog then the scripts will account for these changes the 
next time Studio starts.

Extensive online context sensitive help throughout the scripts, including Key 
Describer mode for all Station Playlist Studio keys.

Complete flexibility in hotkey assignments through the use of the Hotkey 

Script updates are available through the use of the Help and Options area of 
the Script Manager in the Window-Eyes Control Panel as well as through the use 
of a hotkey.

Direct access to all Status Bar values through the use of hotkeys.

Return to Studio from any other application with the press of a key.

Direct keyboard access to all Elapsed and Remaining time events in the Station 
Playlist Studio main window including Voice Intros, Voice Tracks, and standard 
track times. Many of these can also be accessed outside of Studio (globally).

All time values are spoken in more understandable formats than those displayed 
on screen. Each time is spoken in Minutes and Seconds.

The ability to copy selected tracks to the clipboard in an easy-to-read format 
for sending to listeners.

Virtualize track information to a window for easy review.

Speech on many Station Playlist Studio keys to provide feedback if keys do not 
function (their function is disabled) or to hear their current state (mic 
on/off, line in on/off, automation toggle, etc.).

Cart Learn Mode allows you to determine what carts are assigned to what keys 
without opening each cart in its corresponding edit window.

Track Voice count down timers are available to allow you to watch a timer while 
speaking over a track.

Warn when nearing the end of a track. This functionality works in a global 
state (in and outside of Station Playlist Studio). The timing can be configured 
through the use of a rich dialog providing slider controls to set the warning 
values. Either a speech message can be heard or a sound can be played to 
represent the warning event.

Track Ending Warnings and Voice Track Introduction timers can be monitored in 
Braille if desired with continually updating values being displayed to the 
Braille user.

Sound card detection to limit warning sound playback if only one sound card is 

Slider controls in Station Playlist Studio's Options dialog now report 
percentages as well as pitch shift values as you move along the slider.

All scripts are open source and free. This allows others to review the work and 
to submit enhancements to the author for future inclusion in the scripts. 

This is just a high level look at what support for Station Playlist Studio that 
the scripts provide today.  Much more is expected in the coming weeks for the 

Many of the features contained in these scripts would not have been possible 
without the direct support of the Station Playlist Studio developers work in 
making minor changes to the application. A very sincere thanks goes out to Ross 
and others at Station Playlist for contributing the many hours of time in 
consulting and development work to make these scripts possible. Again thank you.

It is critical that you read the installation section of the manual prior to 
loading Station Playlist Studio.  There are some needed prerequisites for the 
scripts to function.  Version 4.30 of Studio is required.  Consult the manual 
on further specifics.

If you would like to read the manual for the scripts then browse to:

Download the scripts at:

If you have any questions please send them to

Thanks everyone,

Jeff Bishop

Regards Steve
MSN Messenger:
Skype:  steve1963
Twitter:  steve9782

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