>From: Chipmunks [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>some of you may be familiar with the mp3clip utility, an older beta
>of which was available from the programs section on
>It is a utility to split - and in the full version to join mp3 files.
>IMO the nicest feature is that it will import the split times between
>tracks from winamp. The program is accessible without any
>screenreader configuration files and all controls are easily tabbable.
>the full version offers more features and is more stable than the
>abovementioned beta.
>it is a handy utility for digitizing analog recordings for those
>who, like me, might be a bit intimidated by a full fledged sound editor. <g>
>The full version of mp3clip is now freeware and can be downloaded from

Regards Steve
Skype:  steve1963

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