Gee! There are some amazing people on this list and thanks to you for
writing to me and pointing out some features of Easy CD DA Extractor that I
had no idea existed, I refer to my message where I talked about selecting
all the cue files from Windows Explorer, selecting Easy CD DA Extractor from
the Context menu and then selecting convert etc. Well a far easier procedure
has been pointed out to me, just go into the audio converter of Easy CD DA
Extractor and make your settings where appropriate, select add files or add
folder from the Edit Menu, select the type of file you wish to work with
(for example cue files), press enter and press the convert files button,
what could be easier, you can even set the software so that each converted
cue-FLAC pair shows up in its own directory according to the cue sheets

Again thanks, this software is definitely worth the $49.00 I spent to buy
it. I still say that when it comes to ripping from CD that EAC still has the
edge but Easy cD DA Extractor is not far behind so there you have it, in my
opinion the 2 best rippers around.


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