Skype version Beta is now available and one place where you 
can download it from is at  Here 
are the changes in this version:

feature: Video Snapshot: Edit video snapshot should use system's PNG editor
feature: Added fields in Options to allow Auto Redial on/off and 
delay between redials
feature: Video Snapshot: right click on snapshot should provide a menu
feature: Public API: Silent Skype confirmation dialogue, when SET GUI 
OFF command.
change: U3: Chinese Simplified/Singapore removed from manifest file 
(LCID 4100 not
supported anymore)
change: all lang files updated
change: IE Plugin ver
change: Alerts and Messages: "Learn more" link was broken
change: U3: skype.ico updated to 32x32
change: U3: Updated min size requirement in manifest file
change: U3:U3Action.exe updated to version
change: Feedback form should open automatically for SO calls
change: Vista Logo: active call should be put on hold in fast user switching
change: Non-Pro user attempting to transfer a SkypeIn call
change: Error when applying/saving language file
change: Safety and Privacy improvements: re-enable "Show that I have video"
bugfix: Skype is not able to import contacts from Windows Mail
bugfix: Options|Privacy: Link at bottom is only half visible
bugfix: Win98: Runtime error 216 on Startup
bugfix: Conference call hangs with infinite loop
bugfix: Video sub options do not care about main options
bugfix: Autoredial was turned off in options, but autoredial is 
offered with redial
every 0 minutes.
bugfix: Transfer of an outgoing call should not be possible
bugfix: Dial tab: entering phone number with mouse doesn't work 
properly when scrollbar
is visible
bugfix: Crash when using find in empty chat
bugfix: U3: Soft eject while Skype is running gives errors
bugfix: Video Snapshot: Image view screen should show hang-up button
bugfix: Fixed AV when Windows session was locked
bugfix: Saving mood message didn't work, when hitting enter or clicking away
bugfix: Linebreaks in mood message were removed, when editing message
bugfix: When sending a File to a contact, I got sent the file
bugfix: Some multichat problem
bugfix: Redial is not is put on temporarily hold when the user is in 
another call
bugfix: "Send Money" menu item opens browser
bugfix: Myself Capture: buttons are partly hidden in myself capture window
bugfix: Skype crashed while opening Options tab
bugfix: Setting video to fullscreen render desktop useless
bugfix: Ringing continued after busy tone received, via some PSTN providers
bugfix: Crash in What's New wizard
bugfix: Mouseover on name in chat underlined too much
bugfix: Wallpaper border around Chat window was incorrect, when Chat 
window first
bugfix: There was no animation during sign in process
bugfix: AC: List index out of bounds error when searching for users
bugfix: Public API: fixed saving plugin ACL settings for plugins 
whose file name
contained characters with ascii code >127 (note that user has to 
reauthorize all
such plugins)

Regards Steve
Skype:  steve1963

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