The current Skype beta cycle for version 3.6 has ended and Skype version is now available.  One place where you can download it from is at  Here are the changes in this version:

feature: Calling support for MySpace with Skype users
improvement: Relayed file transfer speed improved to up to 70 kbytes/sec
improvement: More stable video calls between fast and slow internet
connection users
change: Computers with Dual Core CPU's will send 640x480 by default on video
with High Quality Video certified cameras
change: Extras Manager updated to version
change: Skype Internet Explorer plugin updated to
bugfix: Fixed some crash bugs related to video and audio calls
bugfix: Skype crashed when extensively changing video options
bugfix: Audio settings change during call in Sound Settings Widget was not
bugfix: List index out of bounds error on sound settings
bugfix: Wrong dialog displayed when sending file through chat window
bugfix: Error Invalid argument to date encode displayed on some rare cases
bugfix: Connection Wizard started in English, even if it was localized
bugfix: Call Forwarding "Saving New Settings" animation layout was
bugfix: Wrong error message displayed when sending file to Skype Out contact
bugfix: Video Mood message displayed wrongly if message included emoticons
bugfix: Handling Skype URI's returned error during logging in.
bugfix: Chat button on taskbar stopped flashing when contact online status
bugfix: Chat message copy-paste lost line breaks
bugfix: When adding numbers to mood message during call then tones were
bugfix: Pressing space on Take Video Snapshot window took empty snapshot
bugfix: Some advanced options not accessible via tab browsing
bugfix: It was unable to copy Skype Out contact number from profile
bugfix: "Take Video Snapshot" window was not browsable with tab
bugfix: Skype crashed when adding unknown PSTN number to conference call
bugfix: Wrong video error message was displayed when no webcam were
bugfix API: Skype4com did not reset correctly AudioIn and AudioOut
All language files updated

Regards Steve
Windows Live Messenger:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Skype:  steve1963

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