I too thought your review was terrific, and right now I'm trying the demo 
till I really get comfortable with this program and what exactly it can do. 
I know I'm limited right now with the demo but I wanted to see if I could 
use u.r.l. finder and I have a couple questions.  First, can you put any 
station into this?  For instance one station I'd like to have would be the 
ACB radio interactive stream if Replay AV supports this.  If this can be 
done with any internet station and I want to go ahead and add, how exactly 
do I do this?  Jonathan, when you were at your list box all you had to do, I 
think, was hit your internet explorer key and you got Google and could 
search right there.  When I tried going to internet explorer while on the 
combo box (using Jaws 7 I should also add) I got no search fields at all. 
Hoping someone can explain how to do the search and then add the proper 
u.r.l.  But it definitely looks like a great program and there's something 
for everybody in that extensive station guide.  Also love the way it 
schedules the shows for you when the guide is used and you don't even have 
to bother with setting a timed recording. 

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