
I posted a link to this yesterday and my post has subsubsequently generated a lot of questions about the SDR unit which is used on the page for the various locations and receivers listed.

The Kiwi-SDR is the name of the SDR used.

The Kiwi-SDR is powered by another computer such as a Raspberry Pi, Beagle etc so for this eMail document I'll assume that the user of such a device is using a Beagle computer to both power and to programme the Kiwi-SDR unit.

Back to the SDR unit, its a simple box with an Internet Jack, antenna block connections and a 5V dc input so all one really needs to do - once Computer and software are in place - is to get into the Kiwi-SDR via your web browser and programme it from the web interface - define frequency coverage, administrative password and so on, find a suitable place for the antenna and then enjoy the radio from anywhere.

The most asked question is where can the radio be purchased? Well i don't know about people in the US but I can tell you that the Kiwi-SDR must be available given the few US SDR sites listed on the page.

If you're in Australia then head to https://core-electronics.com.au/kiwisdr-kit-seeed-studio.html?utm_source=google_shopping&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI0MTUneTO1wIVhQ4rCh1AQglEEAYYAiABEgKE5_D_BwE for further information

In Australia the Kiwi-SDR is sold with a Beagle computer, SD card with software, antenna and connecting leads so all the user has to do is to connect up and programme.

I'm going to get one of these Kiwi-SDR kits myself next year as I'd very much like to have a SDR radio as part of my web page, I've not done anything serious to my web page for 12 years but now I have the insentive to at last do something, the Blind Cool Tech - renamed Blind Fools Wreck - will also be going up onto the site along with the Fosseltech museum but one thing at a time <smile>.

The complete Kiwi-SDR along with the various bits and pieces costs around $500 Australian but I think that if you're into radio it will be money very well spent.

I spent hours yesterday and today tuning into all sorts of signals received by these SDR'S, evaluating signal strengths, comparing notes, looking up regions on maps etc.

I should also tell you that the majority of Kiwi-SDR owners have done a superb job with their equipment. Audio quality is good in the main and most have orientated their antenna systems well to avoid noise and interference.


"For the gardener nothing is more handier than bulbs, I mean the one's you put in 
the ground and not the electric light one's."

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