Hi, Dhruv:


I would like to ask one time slot to present the major changes to draft 

The presentation information are the followings below:


- the draft(s) you want to discuss:  
- the expected presenter name: Aijun Wang/China Telecom
- will you be attending in-person or remote: In-Person
- the requested duration, including question time as part of the slot: 15 
- the reason why you want to be on the agenda; What do you want to achieve? Why 
is a presentation necessary to achieve it?

To get the feedbacks and make consensus on some significant updates.



Best Regards


Aijun Wang

China Telecom


发件人: forwardingalgori...@ietf.org [mailto:forwardingalgori...@ietf.org] 代表 
Dhruv Dhody
发送时间: 2023年10月22日 15:06
收件人: pce@ietf.org
抄送: pce-chairs <pce-cha...@ietf.org>
主题: Re: [Pce] Call for slot in the PCE WG at IETF 118




Gentle reminder to make your slot requests by tomorrow! 



PCE Chairs & Secretary



On Sat, Oct 7, 2023 at 4:16 PM Dhruv Dhody <d...@dhruvdhody.com 
<mailto:d...@dhruvdhody.com> > wrote:


The PCE WG would be meeting during the IETF 118 [1] week. If you need agenda 
time to progress some work, please send a slot request directly to the 
chairs/secretary <pce-cha...@ietf.org <mailto:pce-cha...@ietf.org> > by Monday, 
Oct 23rd by including:

- the draft(s) you want to discuss,
- the expected presenter name,
- will you be attending in-person or remote
- the requested duration, including question time as part of the slot,
- the reason why you want to be on the agenda; What do you want to achieve? Why 
is a presentation necessary to achieve it?

Please note - Asking for a slot does not mean you will get one. We will be 
prioritizing moving WG work first as well as drafts that were discussed on the 
mailing list. Please make sure to introduce your new draft or summarize an 
update on the mailing list. The last date to submit drafts is also Monday, Oct 
23rd [2]. Also, let us know if you have requested agenda time in a different WG 
session for the same topic.

PCE Chairs & Secretary

[1] https://datatracker.ietf.org/meeting/118/agenda.html
[2] https://datatracker.ietf.org/meeting/important-dates/

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