Hi, Ines:

Thanks for your review. I have updated the draft according to your suggestions.
The detail replies are inline below:

Best Regards

Aijun Wang
China Telecom

发件人: Ines Robles via Datatracker [mailto:nore...@ietf.org] 
发送时间: 2023年7月22日 0:47
收件人: rtg-...@ietf.org
抄送: draft-ietf-pce-pcep-extension-native-ip....@ietf.org; pce@ietf.org
主题: Rtgdir early review of draft-ietf-pce-pcep-extension-native-ip-23

Reviewer: Ines Robles
Review result: Has Issues

Review: draft-ietf-pce-pcep-extension-native-ip-23
Reviewer: Ines Robles


The document defines the Path Computation Element Communication Protocol (PCEP) 
extension for Central Control Dynamic Routing (CCDR) based application in 
Native IP network.

No major issues found.

Minor issues found as follows:

Section 3: Terminology:

* "The following terms are defined in this document" --> The following 
terminology is used in this document? Since the mentioned terms are not defined 
in the document, for example, the case of CCDR
[WAJ] Update to the sentence as you suggested "The following terminology is 
used in this document"

* Also, The document claims that it defines QoS, but it is not mentioned in the 
[WAJ] Delete it.

Section 4.1: TBD1: Path is a Native IP path --> TBD1: Path is a Native IP TE 
path ? (To be aligned with IANA section description)
[WAJ] Update

Section 6: Error-value=TBD18, BPI/PPR --> Error-value=TBD18, BPI/PPA ?
[WAJ] Update to BPI/PPA

Section 6.1: "... Peer IP address)" closed parenthesis, but it is not open.
[WAJ] Delete the parenthesis, also add some contents to the mentioned sentence.

Figure 1: the arrow from PCE to R3 is bidirectional, the arrow from PCE to R1 
and R7 are unidirectional, is this correct?
[WAJ] They should be all bidirectional, updated.

Section 6.2: "... explicit routes operate similar to static routes..." --> in 
which aspects is similar? in which aspects are dissimilar?
[WAJ]Change the sentence to "Such explicit routes operate the same as static 
routes installed by network management protocol(NETCONF/YANG)"

"...network management protocols..." --> it would be nice to add some examples 
of network management protocols between brackets.
[WAJ] Added. One example, NETCONF/YANG

Figure 2: The same as Fig. 1. The arrow from PCE to R1 is unidirectional, R2,
R4 are bidirectional, is this correct?
[WAJ] Bidirectional, Updated. Together with Figure 3&4

Section 9: "..cares only..." --> ...focuses only on...?
[WAJ] Updated.

Section 10: "...light weight BGP session setup..": It would be nice to add a 
reference to it.
[WAJ] Delete the "light weight", because it is not one formal terminology.

Section 12: Should the security considerations mention RFC9050?
[WAJ] Added.

Section 13.4: errors:: --> errors:
[WAJ] Updated.

Question: Should this document add a section for Manageability Considerations, 
like in RFC9050?
[WAJ]Because there is no special consideration for the manageability 
considerations, I add one sentence at the section 10 "Deployment 
Considerations", as "Manageability considerations that described in RFC9050 
should be followed"

Thanks for this document,

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