I have an undergraduate students who is taking a Museum Methods class and
is interested in collector bias in specimens in pinned insect collections
for her project.  She has a two question survey that she would like
collectors take. It would be great if you are a collector, and most of you
are, if you can take a minute to fill it out for her. The survey will be
available only until 1159 Friday 5 Dec. If the embedded form below doesn't
work, there is a link:

If you have trouble viewing or submitting this form, you can fill it out

When do you collect specimens?
ESPM C105 Museum Survey Final Project on peek collection times within the
Essig Museum

    What is the most important factor in deciding when you go on a
   collection event to collect specimens?
    - Weather constraints
      - When the specimen will be active
      - When I have time
      - Other:
     What month do you go on the most collecting events?
    - January
      - February
      - March
      - April
      - May
      - June
      - July
      - August
      - September
      - October
      - November
      - December
      - Other:
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Contact info:

Kipling W. Will
Associate Professor/Insect Systematist
Director, Essig Museum of Entomology

send specimens to:
Essig Museum of Entomology
1101 Valley Life Sciences Building, #4780
University of California, Berkeley
Berkeley, CA 94720-4780

letter mail to:
130 Mulford Hall
ESPM Dept.- Organisms & Environment Div.
University of California
Berkeley, California 94720

fax 510-643-5438

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