Fellow PCWorkers,

This has been annoying for some years. Using Netscape (4.76 now), what might happen 
sporadically is that the browser stops function (stops "finding" pages). I
then close the browser, go to the Close Program window (Ctrl>Alt>Del) and there it is, 
still operating.

It takes three "End Task" clicks to finally remove it from the window, and then upon 
opening the browser, all works fine. Now there is no way of telling
exactly what it is that makes the browser stop functioning but the question is: Why is 
it still operating in the Open Program window (I know there's another
name for that window but it escapes me now).

Of course, if I can keep the browser working without a glitch, that would be fine. But 
computerdom doesn't have such certainty at this time. But then, what

Harold B. in Brighton Beach, Brooklyn, NY.
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