(moving to pd-dev...) 

On Wed, Sep 28, 2011 at 01:38:54AM -0400, Mathieu Bouchard wrote:
>> So, if I understand correctly, you are suggesting that these key bindings
>> would only take effect while actively editing the text of an Object, Message,
>> or Comment.  If that's the case, +1 -- I agree.
> Yes, that's it.

Fortunately, Object, Message and Comment all share the same underlying text
entry box implementation, with controls in src/pdtk_text.tcl.

This patch below seems like it ought to at least do something.  The "bind"
call succeeds, because I've checked and the script fires at each <Return>, and
I've looked at other invocations of pdtk_text_editing and these arguments seem

It doesn't work yet, though, and I'm not sure why not -- pdtk_text_editing
runs to completion, but running it doesn't seem to accomplish anything.

I'll try again later.

Marvin Humphrey

--- a/tcl/pdtk_text.tcl
+++ b/tcl/pdtk_text.tcl
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ proc pdtk_text_new {tkcanvas tags x y text font_size color} {
     set mytag [lindex $tags 0]
     $tkcanvas bind $mytag <Home> "$tkcanvas icursor $mytag 0"
     $tkcanvas bind $mytag <End>  "$tkcanvas icursor $mytag end"
+    $tkcanvas bind $mytag <Return> "pdtk_text_editing [winfo toplevel 
$tkcanvas] $mytag 0"
     # select all
     $tkcanvas bind $mytag <Triple-ButtonRelease-1>  \
         "pdtk_text_selectall $tkcanvas $mytag"

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