Hello eveyone,
It seems like there are people interested in using Purity, so I have
created a mailing list to discuss its further developments. I am ready
to put some time and efforts in Purity, and even to explain basic of
the Twisted library, if there are people who help me to make design
decisions and to test it. You can find out how to subscribe to the
mailing list by visiting the official wiki portal of Purity at

Right now, my main issue is about dealing with the Pure Data processes
on GNU/Linux. It seems like it is difficult to properly kill the pd
process, since it is actually composed of 3 process, the launcher, the
watchdog (?) and the GUI. Any help about how to cleanly kill the pd
processes would be much appreciated. I also need testers on other OS
than GNU/Linux.

About Purity

Purity is a Python library for Pure Data dynamic patching. The idea is
to be able to harness the power of Pure Data for audio programming
without having to use its graphical interface, and without the need to
create external objects in C. Python's clear and intuitive syntax can
be used with profit in order to create intricate patches with advanced
string handling, graphical user interfaces and asynchronous network
operations. Purity uses Twisted, an event-driven Python framework.

Alexandre Quessy

Pd-list@iem.at mailing list
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