Hi Nicolas,

I'm neither an expert of win compilation 
(and do not have a direct answer to your question). Anyway
I found that the following commands in the
makefile usually works fine for building almost every 
.dll on windows:


pd_win: $(NAME).dll


WINCFLAGS = -DPD -DNT -W3 -WX -Werror -Wno-unused
        -Wno-parentheses -Wno-switch -O6 -funroll-loops

WININCLUDE =  -I../include

        gcc $(WINCFLAGS) $(WININCLUDE) -c -o $*.o $*.c
        gcc $(LDFLAGS) -o $*.dll $*.o $(PDPATH)/bin/pd.dll      
        strip --strip-unneeded $*.dll
        rm -f $*.o ../$*.dll
        cp $*.dll $(DEST)


of course change the path to your locations. 
1) the linker step is replaced by another call 
to gcc.
2) everything is handled by MinGW gcc

hope that this can help...


Alberto Zin


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