Hi PD list,

Yet another invitation to a weekend of PD hacking at www.realityjockey.com


= RJ Sprint, August 2008, Barcelona =

RJ sprint2

The second sprint takes place in Barcelona, Spain on August 8,9,10. Again,
this date comes with very little notice time but we hope you can make it.
We are providing traveling costs and accommodation for 10 People. Send us
an email to michael at realityjockey.com if you are up for it. For those
of you who are totally new here, please read the posting of our last 
sprint [1].
We will make it as convenient as possible to join us online for everyone
who is on the other side of the planet.

The focus of this sprint is still on content creation using PD. We had a lot
of progress in our first sprint and some really exiting moments listening to
the results. Roman and Guenter are currently preparing a bundle of PD 
documentation and best practice during the days left to the Barcelona 
With the progress we have in the RJ player we are expecting some exiting new
concepts and content in Barcelona. Content is king.

It is still early days in the RJ world and we are discovering new ways of
creating and consuming music with every bit of technical progress in the
project. We would love to tell you about this all and encourage your
creativity doing RJ tracks. Right now we can offer to you not more and not
less than being among the first RJs. Your RJ tracks will be the first tracks
download able on the RJ player. If we manage to turn RJ into a success
story, your name and your tracks will be part of this success.

The topics of the sprint are very much depending on the participants but in
general we will tackle the following problems:

    * RJ composition framework, what is the best way doing the job?
    * Create new RJ tracks, go for it, test it, do it!
    * Sensory input, what do we need and how to improve accuracy.

Again, your feedback will have direct impact on the development of the RJ
format, player and composition tools. Sprint Camp or Boot Camp?

We will work from Pauls terrace which is in cuitat vella, in the middle of
the old town of Barcelona. Marquees will protect from too much sun. Since
Pauls terrace is astonishing big we will also provide tents to make this
sprint more like a Sprint Camp. Barbeques and plenty of drinks will provide
the adequate environment.

RJ tracks are mainly consumed with headphones. Think of it as the next
generation of walkman or mp3 player. The consumer experience of RJ is 
to the effects of drugs. Drugs affect our sensory perception, so does RJ. RJ
is a mind twisting hearing sensation.

Date: 8,9,10 August 2008;
Location: cuitat vella, Barcelona, Spain
Hotel: Tents

If you want to join us, please contact michael at realityjockey.com

    Michael Breidenbruecker, Günter Geiger, Paul Brossier, Amaury Hazan.

[1] http://www.realityjockey.com/?page_id=5

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