A while ago a MIDI interface problem came up here that nobody seemed to
really know about:

All the sudden huge delays in the range of one or more seconds started to
happen and then the interface sometimes possibly started playing notes, etc.
on its own.
I had experienced this quite a few times with Pd on Windows and Linux and
already way back (about 25 years ago) with my Akai MPC60 drum sequencer.

I finally found out what causes it.
When starting the computer the interface gets powered up as well before the
system is ready to receive any information coming from the interface.
Therefor the interface keeps every input on the MIDI side in a buffer until
it can transmit it to the USB port.

>From time to time the buffer gets completely overloaded during startup when
receiving too much MIDI what in return makes the interface go nuts! The only
way to reset it is to disconnect it from power.

Now here is my question:

Does anybody know how I can power off a USB port (probably using [shell]) to
do a reset (USB power off - USB power on) while or after loading the patch?

I'm on Ubuntu Natty.


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