Hi all,

I'm just starting to play around with PDP and I'm having a moment of extreme

I'd like to simply open and display an image from a file on disk
(png/jpeg/tif whatever).  From what I can tell this can be done by using
pdp_reg and sending a load_png message along with the path.  When I try
this, nothing happens (no window is created nor console output).  I know
that it's finding the file since the console will output and error if I send
it a bogus path.  It's possible I'm missing a library (I installed libpng3
but no dice) or some supremely obvious step.

The other method that I tried was using the pdp_rawin object and sending it
a open message.  What's not clear to me is how to set the type message
properly (bitmap/rgb/1920x1080 doesn't do much on a jpeg or png) or
potentially output the raw image in a pipe.

I'm running pd-extended on Ubuntu Karmic.

Any help is greatly appreciated.
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