Mike McGonagle hat gesagt: // Mike McGonagle wrote:

> Well, from what I can see, the lua.pd_darwin and pd.lua are both in the
> 'src' folder. The install/compile notes didn't say anything about copying
> these things to the 'extra' folder. 

Yes, it's probably a bug somewhere.

> Thanks, I will most definite check these things out over the weekend. And
> now that it can access PD [value]s, I think it will simplify my GUI
> interface in PD A LOT!!!

Congrats! ;) Though value-access may not have been necessary for this:
[value] is practically equivalent to a [list] decorated inside an
abstraction with [r $1] to its right inlet and [s $1] to its outlet,
and in pdlua you would have accessed the sends and receives. 

Another hint: Replace your [value]'s with [sssad] and you also get
state saving.

 Frank Barknecht                                     _ ______footils.org__

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