Here is (another) multislider made with data structures.
It was tricky for me as I only learnt DS a few days ago... so there may be
weird things in this patch.
I was looking for a multislider that respond to clicks outside sliders and
to horizontal dragging.
I was obliged to use [ivnt] from iemgui in order to get mouse coordinates
and move DS, but as DS always respond to mouse clicks, if one clicks near
the "mouse area" of DS, horizontal dragging stops working and the expected
list (id/value) does not come out...
Hope it makes sense...
Another thing, changing multislider size is done via scripting, and this
outputs lots of errors in PD windows (due to scripting in structures (??)).
It also crashes PD on my Mac (PD-vanilla 0.41.4) but kind of works on linux
(PD-extended 0.40.3RC3).
I also tried to name arrays with $0 in order to use multiple instances of
this patch but I couldn't. This didn't work and I had many errors
(especially with [element] object...).
Here is the patch + help.
If anyone is willing to have a look and give me advices, it would be much



Attachment: yv.multislider.tar.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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