Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-02-01 Thread Lucas Cordiviola
> I can browse local files like any browser, but I cant browse online, it just 
> crash the window whenever I request other page than which I loaded via:


> on a new patch of course.

The problem here was "_self","";)

Works like a charm.


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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-02-01 Thread Lucas Cordiviola
Ok, I want to explore this:

>There's no need to save html to Pd files.  An html file can instead specify 
>the patch to be opened, in a variety of ways: ( tag as you

mentioned, javascript API, etc.)

>That is one of the reasons to keep a strict separation.  Just thinking about 
>it a little, one might have something like this in their




>So the user would open fancy_view.html which renders a fancy web app that 
>loads (and possibly displays) guts.pd.  But you'd

still be able to open guts.pd in Pd Vanilla, no problem.

Just an html front end to a patch,  fancy_view.html controls the patch which at 
first, is not displayed. One way communication only, fancy.html sends to 

This could be cool, to open remote stuff.


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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-02-01 Thread Jonathan Wilkes via Pd-list
> Some stuff to continue something that I think is rather closed:

>>> But why I got it to work?
>>Do you have a screenshot of this?  AFAICT nw.js quite literally doesn't ship 
>>the code to do tab-based browsing.

> The tab is just a new window, place an:"; 
> target="_blank"> ljhglajsdhgfa 
to your pd_canvas.html.

>>> I think there's something strange with locality, I also couldn`t save 
>>> things with devtools.

>> Currently I save everything through the Pd interface.

> Any tips, why I cant?
I'm not sure what exactly you are trying to save, or how you are trying to do 

>>> Can html also be injected via a magic “document.get&transform” javascript 
>>> command?

>> I don't understand what you mean here.

>Since the patch is a DOM we can place/display content via a Javascript, but 
>I`m a total newbie on this.
That's right.  There is a javascript interface "pdgui.js" that does exactly 

>>> Pd patches are not re-sizable so why should the  or html should. 

>> I don't understand this, either.  Pd patches are absolutely resizable.

> Yes but no, [objects] dont change-position/adapt to changes on the window 
> size, and that is fine.
Right.  But adding hooks to allow the easy loading of html files is a lot of 
work.  If the requirement 
is that the content loaded must be absolutely positioned on top of a Pd patch 
then I'm not sure 
there are enough benefits to outweigh the work involved.

> Some stuff that get trapped by my own censorship yesterday:

> Apparently there are some restrictions to an  inside a DOM.
> We cant load another html. Normal href to another html dont work within that 
> ,
> But
> Internal links to the same html (  ) work. And this can be 
> useful for giving lots of text or remote content in a scrollable small area 
> of a patch. Also working inside iframe are , it 
> opens on a new window.
> But, yes, [pddp] already gave links in a browser.
Right.  I think there are already enough externals for fairly simple 
links/graphics that it can 
probably fulfill a lot of what users need.

> Salutti,> Lucarda.
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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-02-01 Thread Jonathan Wilkes via Pd-list
Sorry, I missed this one.

> 1)

> try adding this lines to “pd_canvas.html” overwriting the :"; 
width="600" height="400">
> As the  is below and fixed position, mouse coordinates remain there and 
> [objects] are above. But the iframe is not going down. There might be 
> different cases, but surely no one will want a scrollable iframe with objects 
> above it.
Sorry, I don't think I was clear here.  I meant HTML that flows 
above/below/around the patch SVG.  Putting HTML directly on top of 
or behind the SVG creates a complex relationship where it's difficult to 
predict the relationship among all the various event handlers.  
It is also difficult to get pixel-accurate rendering across OSes.  You may be 
able to get that with a lot of work/care, but pixel-accurate 
rendering certainly isn't the strongsuit of HTML.

> z-index on  is the ready-made [htmlcanvas]
> I don't know if links are operational in z-index:-1, nor what would happen if 
> the SVG thing is done on grater z-index.
I don't, either.  And that's the kind of complexity I'd like to avoid in 
Anyway, there is already [pddplink] which can open links (albeit in an external 

2 & 3)> default pd_canvas.html is OK, there must be an arbitrary html Open 
dialog. BUT/AND here is the future? Mixing html&pd? That will be cool?
There's no need to save html to Pd files.  An html file can instead specify the 
patch to be opened, in a variety of ways: ( tag as you 
mentioned, javascript API, etc.)

> Of course this breaks vanilla comp. But anyone can still copy the .pd & save 
> it to a new patch in standard .pd format.
That is one of the reasons to keep a strict separation.  Just thinking about it 
a little, one might have something like this in their 

So the user would open fancy_view.html which renders a fancy web app that loads 
(and possibly displays) guts.pd.  But you'd 
still be able to open guts.pd in Pd Vanilla, no problem.
4)> Why refactor? That is OK, I`m missing something?
Mouse event handling, for one.  And probably many other things I haven't 
considered for a usable, maintainable interface 
for something like this.

More:> I can browse local files like any browser, but I cant browse online, it 
just crash the window whenever I request other page than which I loaded via:
> on a new patch of course.

>>Try using devtools and the existing interface

> devtools seems impossible for me, crashes when saving. 
Did you remove the chromium args line in package.json?

> Salutti,> Lucarda
Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

From: Jonathan Wilkes 
Sent: Monday, January 30, 2017 10:53 PM
To: Lucas Cordiviola; Alexandre Torres Porres;
Subject: Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4 > Or describe what has to be done.

> May be someone reading may want to participate.
One related area is Ivica's K12 module in Pd-l2ork.  That is something 
I haven't ported yet.
It could probably be implemented using data structures, but I'd bet it would
be a lot easier to just use an HTML template to display a column with a menu
next to the patch.
So a solution to that probably looks a lot like the solution to your feature
request:1) How to add HTML above/below the Pd canvas SVG in a Pd patch.  This
probably requires changing some code in the mouse event handlers which
currently deal with pageX and pageY coordinates.  If arbitrary HTML is 
the SVG then we'll have to use a different way to figure out the mouse coords
relative to the SVG instead of the document.2) How to use that template instead 
of the default pd_canvas.html template in
pd/nw.3) How to create and open an arbitrary html template using the Open 
dialog4) How to refactor anything that currently depends on the Pd canvas SVG 
the only visible element inside a patch window.

That's probably a good start.


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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-02-01 Thread Lucas Cordiviola
Some stuff to continue something that I think is rather closed:

>> But why I got it to work?

>Do you have a screenshot of this?  AFAICT nw.js quite literally doesn't ship 
>the code to do tab-based browsing.

The tab is just a new window, place an:"; target="_blank"> ljhglajsdhgfa 
to your pd_canvas.html.

>> I think there's something strange with locality, I also couldn`t save things 
>> with devtools.

>Currently I save everything through the Pd interface.

Any tips, why I cant?


>> Can html also be injected via a magic "document.get&transform" javascript 
>> command?

> I don't understand what you mean here.

Since the patch is a DOM we can place/display content via a Javascript, but I`m 
a total newbie on this.

>> Pd patches are not re-sizable so why should the  or html should.

> I don't understand this, either.  Pd patches are absolutely resizable.

Yes but no, [objects] dont change-position/adapt to changes on the window size, 
and that is fine.


Some stuff that get trapped by my own censorship yesterday:

Apparently there are some restrictions to an  inside a DOM.

We cant load another html. Normal href to another html dont work within that 


Internal links to the same html (  ) work. And this can be 
useful for giving lots of text or remote content in a scrollable small area of 
a patch. Also working inside iframe are , it opens 
on a new window.

But, yes, [pddp] already gave links in a browser.


Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

From: Jonathan Wilkes 
Sent: Wednesday, February 1, 2017 3:50 PM
To: Lucas Cordiviola; Alexandre Torres Porres;
Subject: Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

> I`m starting to forget about doing html inside a patch.

> [pddp] already gave remote content on a browser.

Sounds good.

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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-02-01 Thread Jonathan Wilkes via Pd-list
> I`m starting to forget about doing html inside a patch.

> [pddp] already gave remote content on a browser.
Sounds good.
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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-02-01 Thread Jonathan Wilkes via Pd-list
>> display a DOM window inside a graphical window..

> Do you mean that everything could be "injected" via a javascript?
nw.js is basically a wrapper around a DOM window.  A DOM window is 
the API that displays a web page.
The wrapper is for doing things that the DOM window cannot-- resizing 
the window, creating window menus, etc.

> Why?
> Why not?
> Is it more “Straight forward”?
> If Purr-data try to open blah.js for any blah.pd it can instead open 
> blah.html.
> Or better:
> Can html also be injected via a magic “document.get&transform” javascript 
> command?
I don't understand what you mean here.

> Pd patches are not re-sizable so why should the  or html should. 
I don't understand this, either.  Pd patches are absolutely resizable.

Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-02-01 Thread Jonathan Wilkes via Pd-list
>> Because nw.js uses Chromium's "content shell" to display a DOM window inside 
>> inside a graphical window. Other stuff like tabs/extensions/etc. aren't part 
>> of this toolkit.

> But why I got it to work?
Do you have a screenshot of this?  AFAICT nw.js quite literally doesn't ship 
the code to do tab-based browsing.

> I think there's something strange with locality, I also couldn`t save things 
> with devtools.
Currently I save everything through the Pd interface.

> Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

From: Jonathan Wilkes 
Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2017 5:22 AM
To: Lucas Cordiviola; Alexandre Torres Porres;
Subject: Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4 > I dont know if this is related with what was 
happening in the messages below this one. 

> It does.
>  becomes fully operational if:
> 1- load iframe in new “pd_canvas.html ”,
> 2- load a local html in that window with:
> 3- Then back to “pd_canvas.html ” with:
> Not only is working correctly, also if a link has to go to a new tab, it 
> opens a new window.
> What do you suspect is that trouble?
Because nw.js uses Chromium's "content shell" to display a DOM window inside
inside a graphical window.  Other stuff like tabs/extensions/etc. aren't part of
this toolkit.


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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-02-01 Thread Lucas Cordiviola
I`m starting to forget about doing html inside a patch.

[pddp] already gave remote content on a browser.

Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

From: Pd-list  on behalf of Lucas Cordiviola 

Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2017 7:36 AM
To: Alexandre Torres Porres;; Jonathan Wilkes
Subject: Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

> display a DOM window inside a graphical window..

Do you mean that everything could be "injected" via a javascript?


Why not?

Is it more "Straight forward"?

If Purr-data try to open blah.js for any blah.pd it can instead open blah.html.

Or better:

Can html also be injected via a magic "document.get&transform" javascript 

Pd patches are not re-sizable so why should the  or html should.

Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-01-30 Thread Lucas Cordiviola
> display a DOM window inside a graphical window..

Do you mean that everything could be "injected" via a javascript?


Why not?

Is it more "Straight forward"?

If Purr-data try to open blah.js for any blah.pd it can instead open blah.html.

Or better:

Can html also be injected via a magic "document.get&transform" javascript 

Pd patches are not re-sizable so why should the  or html should.

Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-01-30 Thread Lucas Cordiviola
I think the trouble is cuz its being unnamed "untitled-N"

Attached "pd_canvas.html"

try the diff of placing it where it should, or opening it via:"yourpath/bin/pd_canvas.html");

this way it works but you cant put objects.

On the other hand you can put objects but the  crash the window if you 
request a link.

Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

From: Pd-list  on behalf of Lucas Cordiviola 

Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2017 5:41 AM
To: Alexandre Torres Porres;; Jonathan Wilkes
Subject: Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

>Because nw.js uses Chromium's "content shell" to display a DOM window inside 
>inside a graphical window. Other stuff like tabs/extensions/etc. aren't part 
>of this toolkit.

But why I got it to work?

I think there's something strange with locality, I also couldn`t save things 
with devtools.

Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

From: Jonathan Wilkes 
Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2017 5:22 AM
To: Lucas Cordiviola; Alexandre Torres Porres;
Subject: Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

> I dont know if this is related with what was happening in the messages below 
> this one.

> It does.

>  becomes fully operational if:

> 1- load iframe in new "pd_canvas.html ",

> 2- load a local html in that window with:


> 3- Then back to "pd_canvas.html " with:


> Not only is working correctly, also if a link has to go to a new tab, it 
> opens a new window.

> What do you suspect is that trouble?

Because nw.js uses Chromium's "content shell" to display a DOM window inside
inside a graphical window.  Other stuff like tabs/extensions/etc. aren't part of
this toolkit.















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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-01-30 Thread Lucas Cordiviola
>Because nw.js uses Chromium's "content shell" to display a DOM window inside 
>inside a graphical window. Other stuff like tabs/extensions/etc. aren't part 
>of this toolkit.

But why I got it to work?

I think there's something strange with locality, I also couldn`t save things 
with devtools.

Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

From: Jonathan Wilkes 
Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2017 5:22 AM
To: Lucas Cordiviola; Alexandre Torres Porres;
Subject: Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

> I dont know if this is related with what was happening in the messages below 
> this one.

> It does.

>  becomes fully operational if:

> 1- load iframe in new "pd_canvas.html ",

> 2- load a local html in that window with:


> 3- Then back to "pd_canvas.html " with:


> Not only is working correctly, also if a link has to go to a new tab, it 
> opens a new window.

> What do you suspect is that trouble?

Because nw.js uses Chromium's "content shell" to display a DOM window inside
inside a graphical window.  Other stuff like tabs/extensions/etc. aren't part of
this toolkit.


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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-01-30 Thread Jonathan Wilkes via Pd-list
> I dont know if this is related with what was happening in the messages below 
> this one. 

> It does.
>  becomes fully operational if:
> 1- load iframe in new “pd_canvas.html ”,
> 2- load a local html in that window with:
> 3- Then back to “pd_canvas.html ” with:
> Not only is working correctly, also if a link has to go to a new tab, it 
> opens a new window.
> What do you suspect is that trouble?
Because nw.js uses Chromium's "content shell" to display a DOM window inside 
inside a graphical window.  Other stuff like tabs/extensions/etc. aren't part 
this toolkit.

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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-01-30 Thread Lucas Cordiviola
> I dont know if this is related with what was happening in the messages below 
> this one.

It does.

 becomes fully operational if:

1- load iframe in new "pd_canvas.html ",

2- load a local html in that window with:"D:/purr-data-clean/win32_inno/build/doc/1.manual/x3.htm","_self")

3- Then back to "pd_canvas.html " with:"D:/purr-data-clean/win32_inno/build/bin/pd_canvas.html","_self");

Not only is working correctly, also if a link has to go to a new tab, it opens 
a new window.

What do you suspect is that trouble?

Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

From: Pd-list  on behalf of Lucas Cordiviola 

Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2017 4:18 AM
To: Alexandre Torres Porres;; Jonathan Wilkes
Subject: Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

There are problems with the :

window crashes if other document is required inside of it or if reloading with 
F5 @ the devtools console.

But links inside same document work.

I dont know if this is related with what was happening in the messages below 
this one.

Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

From: Pd-list  on behalf of Lucas Cordiviola 

Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2017 2:52 AM
To: Alexandre Torres Porres;; Jonathan Wilkes
Subject: Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

I can browse online if :

1- load a local:"D:/purr-data clean/win32_inno/build/doc/1.manual/x3.htm","_self")

2- load a remote:"","_self";)

Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

From: Pd-list  on behalf of Lucas Cordiviola 

Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2017 2:15 AM
To: Alexandre Torres Porres;; Jonathan Wilkes
Subject: Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4


I can browse local files like any browser, but I cant browse online, it just 
crash the window whenever I request other page than which I loaded via:"","_self";)

This is incosistent, I could but I can`t again.

Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-01-30 Thread Lucas Cordiviola
There are problems with the :

window crashes if other document is required inside of it or if reloading with 
F5 @ the devtools console.

But links inside same document work.

I dont know if this is related with what was happening in the messages below 
this one.

Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

From: Pd-list  on behalf of Lucas Cordiviola 

Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2017 2:52 AM
To: Alexandre Torres Porres;; Jonathan Wilkes
Subject: Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

I can browse online if :

1- load a local:"D:/purr-data clean/win32_inno/build/doc/1.manual/x3.htm","_self")

2- load a remote:"","_self";)

Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

From: Pd-list  on behalf of Lucas Cordiviola 

Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2017 2:15 AM
To: Alexandre Torres Porres;; Jonathan Wilkes
Subject: Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4


I can browse local files like any browser, but I cant browse online, it just 
crash the window whenever I request other page than which I loaded via:"","_self";)

This is incosistent, I could but I can`t again.

Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-01-30 Thread Lucas Cordiviola
I can browse online if :

1- load a local:"D:/purr-data clean/win32_inno/build/doc/1.manual/x3.htm","_self")

2- load a remote:"","_self";)

Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

From: Pd-list  on behalf of Lucas Cordiviola 

Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2017 2:15 AM
To: Alexandre Torres Porres;; Jonathan Wilkes
Subject: Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4


I can browse local files like any browser, but I cant browse online, it just 
crash the window whenever I request other page than which I loaded via:"","_self";)

This is incosistent, I could but I can`t again.

Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-01-30 Thread Lucas Cordiviola

I can browse local files like any browser, but I cant browse online, it just 
crash the window whenever I request other page than which I loaded via:"","_self";)

This is incosistent, I could but I can`t again.

Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-01-30 Thread Lucas Cordiviola
try adding this lines to "pd_canvas.html" overwriting the :"; 
width="600" height="400">

As the  is below and fixed position, mouse coordinates remain there and 
[objects] are above. But the iframe is not going down. There might be different 
cases, but surely no one will want a scrollable iframe with objects above it.

z-index on  is the ready-made [htmlcanvas]

I don't know if links are operational in z-index:-1, nor what would happen if 
the SVG thing is done on grater z-index.

2 & 3)
default pd_canvas.html is OK, there must be an arbitrary html Open dialog. 
BUT/AND here is the future? Mixing html&pd? That will be cool?

Of course this breaks vanilla comp. But anyone can still copy the .pd & save it 
to a new patch in standard .pd format.

Why refactor? That is OK, I`m missing something?

I can browse local files like any browser, but I cant browse online, it just 
crash the window whenever I request other page than which I loaded via:"","_self";)

on a new patch of course.

>Try using devtools and the existing interface

devtools seems impossible for me, crashes when saving.



Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

From: Jonathan Wilkes 
Sent: Monday, January 30, 2017 10:53 PM
To: Lucas Cordiviola; Alexandre Torres Porres;
Subject: Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

> Or describe what has to be done.

> May be someone reading may want to participate.

One related area is Ivica's K12 module in Pd-l2ork.  That is something
I haven't ported yet.

It could probably be implemented using data structures, but I'd bet it would
be a lot easier to just use an HTML template to display a column with a menu
next to the patch.

So a solution to that probably looks a lot like the solution to your feature
1) How to add HTML above/below the Pd canvas SVG in a Pd patch.  This
probably requires changing some code in the mouse event handlers which
currently deal with pageX and pageY coordinates.  If arbitrary HTML is 
the SVG then we'll have to use a different way to figure out the mouse coords
relative to the SVG instead of the document.
2) How to use that template instead of the default pd_canvas.html template in
3) How to create and open an arbitrary html template using the Open dialog
4) How to refactor anything that currently depends on the Pd canvas SVG being
the only visible element inside a patch window.

That's probably a good start.

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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-01-30 Thread Jonathan Wilkes via Pd-list
> Or describe what has to be done.

> May be someone reading may want to participate.
One related area is Ivica's K12 module in Pd-l2ork.  That is something 
I haven't ported yet.
It could probably be implemented using data structures, but I'd bet it would 
be a lot easier to just use an HTML template to display a column with a menu 
next to the patch.
So a solution to that probably looks a lot like the solution to your feature 
request:1) How to add HTML above/below the Pd canvas SVG in a Pd patch.  This 
probably requires changing some code in the mouse event handlers which 
currently deal with pageX and pageY coordinates.  If arbitrary HTML is 
the SVG then we'll have to use a different way to figure out the mouse coords 
relative to the SVG instead of the document.2) How to use that template instead 
of the default pd_canvas.html template in 
pd/nw.3) How to create and open an arbitrary html template using the Open 
dialog4) How to refactor anything that currently depends on the Pd canvas SVG 
the only visible element inside a patch window.

That's probably a good start.

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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-01-30 Thread Jonathan Wilkes via Pd-list
>> 3) …. I will when the new HTML stuff is ready to test.

>>Just to be clear-- I probably won't be able to address that for awhile.  
>>There's a lot of work with documenting and streamlining the build system and 
>>getting consistent behavior across platforms that takes priority.  But I'm 
>>happy to mentor anyone who wants to work on it in the meantime.

> Well let me know if I can, I handle normal html+css, not C.
Sure.  I'd suggest just doing this incrementally.  Try using devtools and the 
existing interface to get html that looks the way you want it to.  Then we can 
can talk about what might need to be added to improve/streamline that 
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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-01-30 Thread Lucas Cordiviola
Or describe what has to be done.

May be someone reading may want to participate.


Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

From: Pd-list  on behalf of Lucas Cordiviola 

Sent: Monday, January 30, 2017 6:54 PM
To: Alexandre Torres Porres;; Jonathan Wilkes
Subject: Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

>> 3)  I will when the new HTML stuff is ready to test.

>Just to be clear-- I probably won't be able to address that for awhile.  
>There's a lot of work with documenting and streamlining the

build system and getting consistent behavior across platforms that takes 
priority.  But I'm happy to mentor anyone who wants to work on it in the 

Well let me know if I can, I handle normal html+css, not C.

Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-01-30 Thread Lucas Cordiviola
>> 3)  I will when the new HTML stuff is ready to test.

>Just to be clear-- I probably won't be able to address that for awhile.  
>There's a lot of work with documenting and streamlining the

build system and getting consistent behavior across platforms that takes 
priority.  But I'm happy to mentor anyone who wants to work on it in the 

Well let me know if I can, I handle normal html+css, not C.

Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-01-30 Thread Jonathan Wilkes via Pd-list
> 1) Give an example, [canvasinfo] gives me “” , using -verbose 
> -stderr, or “(pointer)” using the Purr Data console.

FYI I never used pointers on Pd.
Unfortunately this one will have to wait.  I thought I could get fields from a 
scalar without having to specifying the template name.  Looks 
like I still can't do that.

> 2) Lets skip that.> 3) Lets skip, I have to do a new build to test that and 
> it will take around 50min, I will when the new HTML stuff is ready to test.
Just to be clear-- I probably won't be able to address that for awhile.  
There's a lot of work with documenting and streamlining the 
build system and getting consistent behavior across platforms that takes 
priority.  But I'm happy to mentor anyone who wants to 
work on it in the meantime.
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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-01-29 Thread Lucas Cordiviola
1) Give an example, [canvasinfo] gives me "" , using -verbose -stderr, 
or "(pointer)" using the Purr Data console.
FYI I never used pointers on Pd.
2) Lets skip that.
3) Lets skip, I have to do a new build to test that and it will take around 
50min, I will when the new HTML stuff is ready to test.

Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

From: Jonathan Wilkes 
Sent: Monday, January 30, 2017 1:31 AM
To: Lucas Cordiviola; Alexandre Torres Porres;
Subject: Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

>>> "ds-slider.pd" is cool, also it can easly be shaped to a circle instead of 
>>> square, and so on, the new [draw] is cool, but:

>>> how do you send values to [ds-slider]?

>>Where are the values coming from?

> Some saved presets in a list, [text], [coll] ...,  eventually if not possible 
> is ok anyway for other purpose.

There are three ways to do this:
1) Screwing around with pointers.  I have a [canvasinfo] object that can be used
to abstract away the ugliness.  That way the user can just type a send-symbol.  
can give you an example if you want.
2) Using indices in a ds-array.  Fairly ugly, and not very usable for building 
graphical interfaces.
3) Using the "canvas" field and putting the [text], [coll], [adc~], etc. 
*inside* the
scalar.  The is pretty nifty, except for the fact that I just fixed a crasher 
with it.

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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-01-29 Thread Jonathan Wilkes via Pd-list

>>> “ds-slider.pd” is cool, also it can easly be shaped to a circle instead of 
>>> square, and so on, the new [draw] is cool, but:

>>> how do you send values to [ds-slider]?

>>Where are the values coming from?

> Some saved presets in a list, [text], [coll] …,  eventually if not possible 
> is ok anyway for other purpose.
There are three ways to do this:1) Screwing around with pointers.  I have a 
[canvasinfo] object that can be used 
to abstract away the ugliness.  That way the user can just type a send-symbol.  
can give you an example if you want.2) Using indices in a ds-array.  Fairly 
ugly, and not very usable for building simple 
graphical interfaces.3) Using the "canvas" field and putting the [text], 
[coll], [adc~], etc. *inside* the 
scalar.  The is pretty nifty, except for the fact that I just fixed a crasher 
with it.

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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-01-28 Thread Lucas Cordiviola
>>It will ease tests.

>You can open up access to the network in nw.js by removing the following line 
>from nw/package.json:

"chromium-args": "--proxy-server=";,

Right, got it working, it will be fun when the mixed file spec can be tested.

As of "developer tools" being the "natural html editor" I think this needs 
closer look, I have unexpected robot false repairs of good html. Probably is 
better not to do it with the editor.

Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-01-28 Thread Jonathan Wilkes via Pd-list
>>Yes, as of “refactoring” I propose starting with the simpler straigth forward 
>>option that you can devise.

>As of “careful consideration” I think first there must be a starting point.

>Is it too soon for opening the internet socket?
>For evaluating potential?
>It will ease tests.
You can open up access to the network in nw.js by removing the following line 
from nw/package.json:"chromium-args": "--proxy-server=";,

If you remove that line then the GUI will make some network requests to Google 
for various 
reasons.  Some of the requests are security-related, and I'm unwilling to set 
various flags in any 
attempt to keep the GUI from talking to Google while leaving net access open.
It's either:a) default Purr Data behavior of no net access in or out for the 
GUI frontendb) remove that line and talk to Google at startup (and possibly at 
other times)
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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-01-27 Thread Lucas Cordiviola
I think abstractions can be encoded on a single file via:



Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

From: Pd-list  on behalf of Lucas Cordiviola 

Sent: Saturday, January 28, 2017 5:54 AM
To: Alexandre Torres Porres;; Jonathan Wilkes
Subject: Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

>Yes, as of "refactoring" I propose starting with the simpler straigth forward 
>option that you can devise.

As of "careful consideration" I think first there must be a starting point.

Is it too soon for opening the internet socket?

For evaluating potential?

It will ease tests.

Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-01-27 Thread Lucas Cordiviola
>Yes, as of "refactoring" I propose starting with the simpler straigth forward 
>option that you can devise.

As of "careful consideration" I think first there must be a starting point.

Is it too soon for opening the internet socket?

For evaluating potential?

It will ease tests.

Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-01-27 Thread Lucas Cordiviola
>> "ds-slider.pd" is cool, also it can easly be shaped to a circle instead of 
>> square, and so on, the new [draw] is cool, but:

>> how do you send values to [ds-slider]?

>Where are the values coming from?

Some saved presets in a list, [text], [coll] ...,  eventually if not possible 
is ok anyway for other purpose.

>> I never been into "pointers" & "data structures".

>> Don't forget that we are trying to connect web-things to Pd, cuz Purr-Data 
>> uses

>> NW.js

>> Let me know your thoughts on some [htmlcanvas] or those  that I 
>> mentioned.

>It's certainly possible to add a web page using an iframe. It could be added 
>as html-- either about or below the svg that holds all of the patch.  It could 
>also be added as a "foreignObject" inside the svg itself, in which case it 
>could (theoretically) have a z-order among the inner svg elements that 
>represent the patch objects.

Good, an option.

> However, I don't think there is browser consensus on how the latter should 
> actually behave.  I've tried to steer clear of behavior that isn't
well-documented and broadly implemented by all the important browser vendors 
(as in the latter case).

Yes, this could change. We all share the same vendor in Purr-Data right?

>Personally, I think it'd be more useful to have a patch contained/displayed
within an html file.  That's actually how patches are rendered in Purr Data
anyway.  (There just doesn't happen to be much content in the html other than 
the svg itself.)  So adding the ability to specify a different html "template" 
than the generic one I'm using would be a way to do that.

This has a lot of benefits. Can you elaborate the specification for doing such 

>Still, keep in mind I didn't design the GUI to be able to do any of this.  
>It's been an incremental port using the tcl/tk code as a stand-in for a spec.  
>So even adding the ability to display arbitrary html content in a patch window 
>would probably require some careful consideration and refactoring.

Yes, as of "refactoring" I propose starting with the simpler straigth forward 
option that you can devise.
As of "careful consideration" I think first there must be a starting point.

>Also-- to the extent possible I'd like to keep the "Pd-land" syntax distinct 
>from "Web-land".  For example, I use a small subset of the svg specification 
>to extend data structure drawing in Purr Data.  But I do it with simple Pd 
>atoms/messages, not with XML.

Probably your right, I`ve read Iohannes saying something like "XML is rather 
difficult not only to Pd" iirc.



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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-01-27 Thread Jonathan Wilkes via Pd-list
> Ok,
> “ds-slider.pd” is cool, also it can easly be shaped to a circle instead of 
> square, and so on, the new [draw] is cool, but:
> how do you send values to [ds-slider]?
Where are the values coming from?

> I never been into “pointers” & “data structures”.
> Don't forget that we are trying to connect web-things to Pd, cuz Purr-Data 
> uses 
> NW.js
> Let me know your thoughts on some [htmlcanvas] or those  that I 
> mentioned.
It's certainly possible to add a web page using an iframe. It could be added 
as html-- either about or below the svg that holds all of the patch.  It could 
be added as a "foreignObject" inside the svg itself, in which case it could 
(theoretically) have a z-order among the inner svg elements that represent the 
patch objects.  However, I don't think there is browser consensus on how the 
latter should actually behave.  I've tried to steer clear of behavior that 
well-documented and broadly implemented by all the important browser vendors 
(as in the latter case).
Personally, I think it'd be more useful to have a patch contained/displayed 
within an html file.  That's actually how patches are rendered in Purr Data 
anyway.  (There just doesn't happen to be much content in the html other than 
the svg itself.)  So adding the ability to specify a different html "template" 
the generic one I'm using would be a way to do that.
Still, keep in mind I didn't design the GUI to be able to do any of this.  It's 
an incremental port using the tcl/tk code as a stand-in for a spec.  So even 
the ability to display arbitrary html content in a patch window would probably 
require some careful consideration and refactoring.
Also-- to the extent possible I'd like to keep the "Pd-land" syntax distinct 
"Web-land".  For example, I use a small subset of the svg specification to 
data structure drawing in Purr Data.  But I do it with simple Pd 
not with XML.

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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-01-27 Thread Lucas Cordiviola

"ds-slider.pd" is cool, also it can easly be shaped to a circle instead of 
square, and so on, the new [draw] is cool, but:

how do you send values to [ds-slider]?

I never been into "pointers" & "data structures".

Don't forget that we are trying to connect web-things to Pd, cuz Purr-Data uses 

Let me know your thoughts on some [htmlcanvas] or those  that I 

Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

From: Jonathan Wilkes 
Sent: Saturday, January 28, 2017 1:29 AM
To: Lucas Cordiviola; Alexandre Torres Porres;
Subject: Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

Oops. (attached)

From: Lucas Cordiviola 
To: Alexandre Torres Porres ; "" 
; Jonathan Wilkes 
Sent: Friday, January 27, 2017 7:00 PM
Subject: Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

You forgot the attach.

Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

From: Jonathan Wilkes 
Sent: Friday, January 27, 2017 11:56 PM
To: Lucas Cordiviola; Alexandre Torres Porres;
Subject: Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

>> Here's a prototype using the new data structure [draw] commands
I mentioned.  (Attached)

> Slider.pd & the new [draw] are super.

> I also can say "very advanced", for me is just as complex as the Javascript. 
> But is just me.

Here's a (possibly) more straightforward version.

You can right click on each ds-slider to see properties.  You can also enter
[s2] in an object box to create one.


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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-01-27 Thread Jonathan Wilkes via Pd-list
Oops. (attached)

  From: Lucas Cordiviola 
 To: Alexandre Torres Porres ; "" 
; Jonathan Wilkes  
 Sent: Friday, January 27, 2017 7:00 PM
 Subject: Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4
#yiv5105006428 #yiv5105006428 -- P 
{margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;}#yiv5105006428 You forgot the attach.
Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

From: Jonathan Wilkes 
Sent: Friday, January 27, 2017 11:56 PM
To: Lucas Cordiviola; Alexandre Torres Porres;
Subject: Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4 >> Here's a prototype using the new data 
structure [draw] commands 
I mentioned.  (Attached) 

> Slider.pd & the new [draw] are super.
> I also can say “very advanced”, for me is just as complex as the Javascript. 
> But is just me.
Here's a (possibly) more straightforward version.
You can right click on each ds-slider to see properties.  You can also enter
[s2] in an object box to create one.


Description: application/puredata
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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-01-27 Thread Lucas Cordiviola
[ds-slider] ?

[s2] ?

Which lib?

Not shown on any search on ms-windows.

Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

From: Pd-list  on behalf of Lucas Cordiviola 

Sent: Saturday, January 28, 2017 12:00 AM
To: Alexandre Torres Porres;; Jonathan Wilkes
Subject: Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

You forgot the attach.

Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

From: Jonathan Wilkes 
Sent: Friday, January 27, 2017 11:56 PM
To: Lucas Cordiviola; Alexandre Torres Porres;
Subject: Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

>> Here's a prototype using the new data structure [draw] commands
I mentioned.  (Attached)

> Slider.pd & the new [draw] are super.

> I also can say "very advanced", for me is just as complex as the Javascript. 
> But is just me.

Here's a (possibly) more straightforward version.

You can right click on each ds-slider to see properties.  You can also enter
[s2] in an object box to create one.


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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-01-27 Thread Lucas Cordiviola
You forgot the attach.

Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

From: Jonathan Wilkes 
Sent: Friday, January 27, 2017 11:56 PM
To: Lucas Cordiviola; Alexandre Torres Porres;
Subject: Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

>> Here's a prototype using the new data structure [draw] commands
I mentioned.  (Attached)

> Slider.pd & the new [draw] are super.

> I also can say "very advanced", for me is just as complex as the Javascript. 
> But is just me.

Here's a (possibly) more straightforward version.

You can right click on each ds-slider to see properties.  You can also enter
[s2] in an object box to create one.


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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-01-27 Thread Jonathan Wilkes via Pd-list
>> Here's a prototype using the new data structure [draw] commands 
I mentioned.  (Attached)

> Slider.pd & the new [draw] are super.
> I also can say “very advanced”, for me is just as complex as the Javascript. 
> But is just me.
Here's a (possibly) more straightforward version.
You can right click on each ds-slider to see properties.  You can also enter 
[s2] in an object box to create one.


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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-01-27 Thread Lucas Cordiviola
>Here's a prototype using the new data structure [draw] commands

I mentioned.  (Attached)

Slider.pd & the new [draw] are super.

I also can say "very advanced", for me is just as complex as the Javascript. 
But is just me.

Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-01-27 Thread Lucas Cordiviola
>Here's a prototype using the new data structure [draw] commands

I mentioned.

I`ll try, I was writing the following:

For clarity I prefer to go backwards as sliders are already there: [V/Hslider].

Lets go to a more basic & useful html+Pd.

Some useful things:

+ The html tag  which displays html on a given area of another html.
This could simplify the [htmlcanvas] object that I was asking.
Careful with the "try it yourself", the src=*.html is incomplete/missing.

+ The CSS "z-index: -1;" which provide layers.

Also here some interesting combination of href= and javascript:

Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

From: Jonathan Wilkes 
Sent: Friday, January 27, 2017 8:52 PM
To: Lucas Cordiviola; Alexandre Torres Porres;
Subject: Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

> It comes from here:

Here's a prototype using the new data structure [draw] commands
I mentioned.  (Attached)

* If I was going to turn this into a real GUI widget, I'd add a field
to the [struct] to store the slider value.  Then I could create lots
of sliders with different values.  It's also possible to add fields to
control the scaling, rotation, colors, etc.
* Changing the glow color when dragging is a bit tricky compared to CSS.
I probably need some extra event types to specify the beginning and end
of the drag event
* Obviously adding text is trickier. CSS basically exists to gracefully
handle text-flow
* You can right-click the scalar and choose "Properties" to change the

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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-01-27 Thread Jonathan Wilkes via Pd-list
> It comes from here:

Here's a prototype using the new data structure [draw] commands 
I mentioned.  (Attached)
* If I was going to turn this into a real GUI widget, I'd add a field 
to the [struct] to store the slider value.  Then I could create lots 
of sliders with different values.  It's also possible to add fields to 
control the scaling, rotation, colors, etc.
* Changing the glow color when dragging is a bit tricky compared to CSS. 
I probably need some extra event types to specify the beginning and end 
of the drag event* Obviously adding text is trickier. CSS basically exists to 
handle text-flow* You can right-click the scalar and choose "Properties" to 
change the 

   #N struct slider float x float y;
#N canvas 219 156 713 508 10;
#X obj 26 20 struct slider float x float y;
#X scalar slider 42 69 \;;
#N canvas 483 144 450 346 (subpatch) 0;
#X obj 249 131 draw rect 400 15;
#X obj 14 110 route drag;
#X obj 83 159 +;
#X msg 60 57 x \$1;
#X obj 83 181 max 0;
#X obj 83 203 min 375;
#X obj 14 7 loadbang;
#X msg 83 271 x \$1;
#X obj 83 249 - 3;
#X msg 123 309 rx 6 \, ry 6 \, fill blue \, opacity 0.3;
#X msg 14 30 rx 6 \, ry 6 \, stroke-width 1 \, stroke black \, fill
white \, drag 1;
#X obj 83 226 trigger anything anything anything;
#X obj 123 286 loadbang;
#X obj 249 67 loadbang;
#X text 147 88 <- button;
#X text 261 334 <- glow;
#X text 355 129 <- background;
#X obj 249 153 print;
#X msg 249 94 rx 6 \, ry 6 \, fill white \, stroke-width 1 \, stroke
black \, mousedown 1;
#X obj 123 334 draw rect 31 31 0 -8;
#X obj 14 88 draw rect 25 25 3 -5;
#X obj 14 132 unpack p 0 0 0 0;
#X connect 0 0 17 0;
#X connect 1 0 21 0;
#X connect 2 0 4 0;
#X connect 3 0 20 0;
#X connect 4 0 5 0;
#X connect 5 0 11 0;
#X connect 6 0 10 0;
#X connect 7 0 19 0;
#X connect 8 0 7 0;
#X connect 9 0 19 0;
#X connect 10 0 20 0;
#X connect 11 0 8 0;
#X connect 11 1 2 1;
#X connect 11 2 3 0;
#X connect 12 0 9 0;
#X connect 13 0 18 0;
#X connect 18 0 0 0;
#X connect 20 0 1 0;
#X connect 21 3 2 0;
#X restore 135 343 draw g;
#X obj 135 121 vradio 15 0 0 3 empty empty empty 0 -8 0 10 -262144
-1 -1 0;
#X obj 135 171 * 0.25;
#X msg 135 193 1 \$1;
#X obj 135 215 -;
#X msg 135 318 transform scale \$1 rotate \$2;
#X obj 135 295 pack;
#X floatatom 281 223 5 0 0 0 - - -, f 5;
#X obj 251 244 t b a;
#X obj 251 121 vradio 15 0 0 2 empty empty empty 0 -8 0 10 -262144
-1 -1 0;
#X msg 251 178 \$1 250;
#X obj 251 200 line;
#X obj 251 156 * 90;
#X text 155 118 big;
#X text 155 150 small;
#X text 155 135 medium;
#X text 273 134 vertical;
#X text 273 119 horizontal;
#X text 180 344 <- shapes and events in here;
#X text 278 445 2017 Jonathan Wilkes;
#X msg 135 237 \$1 250;
#X obj 135 259 line 1;
#X connect 3 0 4 0;
#X connect 4 0 5 0;
#X connect 5 0 6 0;
#X connect 6 0 22 0;
#X connect 7 0 2 0;
#X connect 8 0 7 0;
#X connect 9 0 10 0;
#X connect 10 0 8 0;
#X connect 10 1 8 1;
#X connect 11 0 14 0;
#X connect 12 0 13 0;
#X connect 13 0 10 0;
#X connect 14 0 12 0;
#X connect 22 0 23 0;
#X connect 23 0 8 0;
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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-01-27 Thread Jonathan Wilkes via Pd-list

> Suppose I have this html on my local machine.

> How do I move the slider with [line]?
There isn't a way to do that yet.
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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-01-26 Thread Lucas Cordiviola
It comes from here:

Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

From: Pd-list  on behalf of Lucas Cordiviola 

Sent: Friday, January 27, 2017 5:58 AM
To: Alexandre Torres Porres;; Jonathan Wilkes
Subject: Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

Suppose I have this html on my local machine.

How do I move the slider with [line]?

Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

From: Pd-list  on behalf of Lucas Cordiviola 

Sent: Friday, January 27, 2017 5:52 AM
To: Alexandre Torres Porres;; Jonathan Wilkes
Subject: Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

Well, you got it Victor!!!

So we are almost there.


Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

From: Jonathan Wilkes 
Sent: Friday, January 27, 2017 5:36 AM
To: Lucas Cordiviola; Alexandre Torres Porres;
Subject: Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

> I`m forgetting something:

> How does Pd speaks to the GUI/Javascript?

Over a TCP socket connection.

In C there's a generic interface for sending ints, floats, strings,
and arrays containing them.

In s_inter.c I scoop all that up into something resembling a list
of comma-separated arguments to a function.

In pdgui.js there's about 20 lines for a parser that formats all
that into function calls and evaluates them.

> OSC?

There's no need for OSC in this case.

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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-01-26 Thread Lucas Cordiviola
Suppose I have this html on my local machine.

How do I move the slider with [line]?

Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

From: Pd-list  on behalf of Lucas Cordiviola 

Sent: Friday, January 27, 2017 5:52 AM
To: Alexandre Torres Porres;; Jonathan Wilkes
Subject: Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

Well, you got it Victor!!!

So we are almost there.


Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

From: Jonathan Wilkes 
Sent: Friday, January 27, 2017 5:36 AM
To: Lucas Cordiviola; Alexandre Torres Porres;
Subject: Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

> I`m forgetting something:

> How does Pd speaks to the GUI/Javascript?

Over a TCP socket connection.

In C there's a generic interface for sending ints, floats, strings,
and arrays containing them.

In s_inter.c I scoop all that up into something resembling a list
of comma-separated arguments to a function.

In pdgui.js there's about 20 lines for a parser that formats all
that into function calls and evaluates them.

> OSC?

There's no need for OSC in this case.

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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-01-26 Thread Lucas Cordiviola
Well, you got it Victor!!!

So we are almost there.


Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

From: Jonathan Wilkes 
Sent: Friday, January 27, 2017 5:36 AM
To: Lucas Cordiviola; Alexandre Torres Porres;
Subject: Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

> I`m forgetting something:

> How does Pd speaks to the GUI/Javascript?

Over a TCP socket connection.

In C there's a generic interface for sending ints, floats, strings,
and arrays containing them.

In s_inter.c I scoop all that up into something resembling a list
of comma-separated arguments to a function.

In pdgui.js there's about 20 lines for a parser that formats all
that into function calls and evaluates them.

> OSC?

There's no need for OSC in this case.

___ mailing list
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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-01-26 Thread Jonathan Wilkes via Pd-list
> I`m forgetting something:

> How does Pd speaks to the GUI/Javascript?
Over a TCP socket connection.

In C there's a generic interface for sending ints, floats, strings, 
and arrays containing them.
In s_inter.c I scoop all that up into something resembling a list 
of comma-separated arguments to a function.
In pdgui.js there's about 20 lines for a parser that formats all 
that into function calls and evaluates them.
> OSC?
There's no need for OSC in this case.

   ___ mailing list
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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-01-26 Thread Lucas Cordiviola
I`m forgetting something:

How does Pd speaks to the GUI/Javascript?


Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

From: Pd-list  on behalf of Lucas Cordiviola 

Sent: Friday, January 27, 2017 4:30 AM
To: Alexandre Torres Porres;; Jonathan Wilkes
Subject: Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

>You should get "42" in the nbx.

Thats right, this was the type of thing I was guessing when I mentioned the 
html/javascript thing.

I`m not shy to say that my knowledge on javascript in almost null, but I handle 
normal html+css.

We should think what is best:

A .pd file that contains all the ,

An .html file that contains the .pd inside a ,

or leaving them separated and having some sort of [htmlcanvas].

I think the "developer tools" is the natural Editor for any of the above.


Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

From: Jonathan Wilkes 
Sent: Friday, January 27, 2017 3:48 AM
To: Lucas Cordiviola; Alexandre Torres Porres;
Subject: Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

>>Try this:

> Works, but i don't have "file edit view put media ..." in that window. On my 
> previous example i added "_self" to

Right, these are just parts of the GUI toolkit's interface.  You are directly 
it here without Pd even knowing you've created it.  Currently the only way you
can reliably interact with Pd from there is send messages to global receivers as
I outline below with the pdsend method.

For example, if you got the "pd dsp 1" example working, try creating a new
patch and put [receive the_answer]---[nbx] in it.  Now type
pdgui.pdsend("the_answer 42");

You should get "42" in the nbx.
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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-01-26 Thread Lucas Cordiviola

>You should get "42" in the nbx.

Thats right, this was the type of thing I was guessing when I mentioned the 
html/javascript thing.

I`m not shy to say that my knowledge on javascript in almost null, but I handle 
normal html+css.

We should think what is best:

A .pd file that contains all the ,

An .html file that contains the .pd inside a ,

or leaving them separated and having some sort of [htmlcanvas].

I think the "developer tools" is the natural Editor for any of the above.


Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

From: Jonathan Wilkes 
Sent: Friday, January 27, 2017 3:48 AM
To: Lucas Cordiviola; Alexandre Torres Porres;
Subject: Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

>>Try this:

> Works, but i don't have "file edit view put media ..." in that window. On my 
> previous example i added "_self" to

Right, these are just parts of the GUI toolkit's interface.  You are directly 
it here without Pd even knowing you've created it.  Currently the only way you
can reliably interact with Pd from there is send messages to global receivers as
I outline below with the pdsend method.

For example, if you got the "pd dsp 1" example working, try creating a new
patch and put [receive the_answer]---[nbx] in it.  Now type
pdgui.pdsend("the_answer 42");

You should get "42" in the nbx.
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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-01-26 Thread Jonathan Wilkes via Pd-list
>>Try this:

> Works, but i don't have “file edit view put media ...” in that window. On my 
> previous example i added "_self" to
Right, these are just parts of the GUI toolkit's interface.  You are directly 
it here without Pd even knowing you've created it.  Currently the only way you 
can reliably interact with Pd from there is send messages to global receivers 
I outline below with the pdsend method.
For example, if you got the "pd dsp 1" example working, try creating a new 
patch and put [receive the_answer]---[nbx] in it.  Now 
typepdgui.pdsend("the_answer 42");
You should get "42" in the nbx.
   ___ mailing list
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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-01-26 Thread Lucas Cordiviola
>Try this:


Works, but i don't have "file edit view put media ..." in that window. On my 
previous example i added "_self" to

>Hopefully the page will still load.  But even if it's broken, right-click on 
>the window and open devtools.

>Now try:

>var pdgui = nw.require("./pdgui.js");

>If that works you should be able to do this:

>pdgui.pdsend("pd dsp 1");

Works, dsp turns on.

>> It displays there on the patch but I cant put [objects] over it.

>There's no way to do anything like that yet.

>> This is not the best example as x3.htm has almost none CSS, but you get the 
>> idea of how cool the patch could be.

>I understand what you're getting at.  There are definitely a lot of 
>possibilities here.

Yes indeed.



Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

From: Jonathan Wilkes 
Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2017 1:23 AM
To: Lucas Cordiviola; Alexandre Torres Porres;
Subject: Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

> To continue on the html+css thing:

> I can load html into a new patch with:


> Relative path don't work.

Unfortunately I'm having trouble loading local files on my Chromebook.

Try this:"D:/purr-data-clean/win32_inno/build/doc/1.manual/x3.htm");

Hopefully the page will still load.  But even if it's broken, right-click on 
the window and open devtools.

Now try:
var pdgui = nw.require("./pdgui.js");

If that works you should be able to do this:

pdgui.pdsend("pd dsp 1");

> It displays there on the patch but I cant put [objects] over it.

There's no way to do anything like that yet.

> This is not the best example as x3.htm has almost none CSS, but you get the 
> idea of how cool the patch could be.

I understand what you're getting at.  There are definitely a lot of 
possibilities here.


> Attached screenshot.

> Salutti,
> Lucarda.

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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-01-25 Thread Jonathan Wilkes via Pd-list
> To continue on the html+css thing:

> I can load html into a new patch with:
> Relative path don't work.
Unfortunately I'm having trouble loading local files on my Chromebook.
Hopefully the page will still load.  But even if it's broken, right-click on 
the window and open devtools.
Now try:var pdgui = nw.require("./pdgui.js");
If that works you should be able to do this:
pdgui.pdsend("pd dsp 1");
> It displays there on the patch but I cant put [objects] over it.
There's no way to do anything like that yet.
> This is not the best example as x3.htm has almost none CSS, but you get the 
> idea of how cool the patch could be.
I understand what you're getting at.  There are definitely a lot of 
possibilities here.
> Attached screenshot.
> Salutti,> Lucarda.

Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

From: Pd-list  on behalf of Lucas Cordiviola 

Sent: Monday, January 23, 2017 5:14 PM
To: Alexandre Torres Porres;; Jonathan Wilkes
Subject: Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4 

>> I`ll try, but never did "data structures" in Pd yet.

>You can create them just like regular objects in Purr Data, and you can change 
>the visual attributes with simple Pd messages.  That makes them much easier to 

I`ll try.

.>>> this one could be edited through “devtools”? Perhaps?

>>> Yes, that's certainly possible.

>> So you liked the [htmlcanvas]?

>I may have misunderstood.  I was talking about an object to hold an html5 
>canvas, which is a 2d drawing surface.

I think that an [htmlcanvas] that renders html is great.

>I don't see the value in putting a web page inside an object box.

There is, and also not in an [object] box but with the natural rendering of 
html that Purr-Data already have. I mean the hole window of the patch.

>For example-- suppose someone opens one of your patches where you have 
>ggee/image centered on the canvas.  If the user has a tiny screen (like an rpi 
>touchscreen) they may try to decrease the width of the window in order to make 
>it fit the screen.  But in that case your ggee/image is no longer centered-- 
>the user would have to make an additional adjustment in edit mode to move the 
>ggee/image to the left and manually center it again.

Why would i use ggee/image in Purr-data? I can use  and I can use other 
file formats other than just .gif.Also in this example that you give my patch 
could break cuz beneath that ggee/image are bangs that provide funcionality 
(alla hidden buttons).

>One could poll the window width and use an external to automatically 
>reposition the ggee/image.  But that's really hard, esp. compared to css which 
>for all its faults handles this issue with elegance and ease.

Css elegance and ease is what Purr-Data should go for, or more precisely, is 
already there. 
Also there are a lot of things that an html/javascript could be used to talk to 
[receives], I guess. Which could attract “graphic designers”, how were always 
away from Pd and its people. This makes it more social. More urban.
>> I do.
>> I also liked he opening of html files, but probably we go back there later.
>I do, too.

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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-01-23 Thread Lucas Cordiviola
>> I`ll try, but never did "data structures" in Pd yet.

>You can create them just like regular objects in Purr Data, and you can change 
>the visual attributes with simple Pd messages.  That makes them much easier to 

I`ll try.

.>>> this one could be edited through "devtools"? Perhaps?

>>> Yes, that's certainly possible.

>> So you liked the [htmlcanvas]?

>I may have misunderstood.  I was talking about an object to hold an html5 
>canvas, which is a 2d drawing surface.

I think that an [htmlcanvas] that renders html is great.

>I don't see the value in putting a web page inside an object box.

There is, and also not in an [object] box but with the natural rendering of 
html that Purr-Data already have. I mean the hole window of the patch.

>For example-- suppose someone opens one of your patches where you have 
>ggee/image centered on the canvas.  If the user has a tiny screen (like an rpi 
>touchscreen) they may try to decrease the width of the window in order to make 
>it fit the screen.  But in that case your ggee/image is no longer centered-- 
>the user would have to make an additional adjustment in edit mode to move the 
>ggee/image to the left and manually center it again.

Why would i use ggee/image in Purr-data? I can use  and I can use other 
file formats other than just .gif.
Also in this example that you give my patch could break cuz beneath that 
ggee/image are bangs that provide funcionality (alla hidden buttons).

>One could poll the window width and use an external to automatically 
>reposition the ggee/image.  But that's really hard, esp. compared to css which 
>for all its faults handles this issue with elegance and ease.

Css elegance and ease is what Purr-Data should go for, or more precisely, is 
already there.

Also there are a lot of things that an html/javascript could be used to talk to 
[receives], I guess. Which could attract "graphic designers", how were always 
away from Pd and its people. This makes it more social. More urban.

>> I do.

>> I also liked he opening of html files, but probably we go back there later.

>I do, too.




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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-01-23 Thread Jonathan Wilkes via Pd-list
> I`ll try, but never did "data structures" in Pd yet.
You can create them just like regular objects in Purr Data, and you can change 
the visual 
attributes with simple Pd messages.  That makes them much easier to learn.
>>> this one could be edited through “devtools”? Perhaps?
>> Yes, that's certainly possible.
> So you liked the [htmlcanvas]?
I may have misunderstood.  I was talking about an object to hold an html5 
canvas, which 
is a 2d drawing surface.
I don't see the value in putting a web page inside an object box.
For example-- suppose someone opens one of your patches where you have 
ggee/image centered on the canvas.  If the user has a tiny screen (like an rpi 
touchscreen) they may try to decrease the width of the window in order to 
make it fit the screen.  But in that case your ggee/image is no longer 
the user would have to make an additional adjustment in edit mode to move the 
ggee/image to the left and manually center it again.
One could poll the window width and use an external to automatically reposition 
the ggee/image.  But that's really hard, esp. compared to css which for all its 
handles this issue with elegance and ease.

> I do.
> I also liked he opening of html files, but probably we go back there later.
I do, too.

> Salutti, > Lucarda
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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-01-22 Thread Lucas Cordiviola
> 1) access the htmlcanvas by sending Pd messages to the inlet.  This seemed 
> really limiting, especially when you consider how deeply web programmers 
> leverage javascript and javascript frameworks when doing html5 canvas 
> drawing/animation.  If you do similar such work in Pd to retain/manage state 
> and render then you're getting in the way of audio computation.  If you 
> leverage a higher-level framework to do it on the GUI side then you're tied 
> to it as a hard

dependency for all time.

We all know that we can saturate computing even with -nogui. I`m talking about 
a rich-canvas with basic html+css, probably some little javascript, these will 
allow cool GUI, less limited than Vanilla, although not necessary for patching 
but more for "tutorials", helps, and main patch or face patch.

> Instead I just extended data structure drawings with the [draw] object to 
> leverage the SVG spec and do declarative vector drawing.  If you look at

"Pd-L2Ork Data Structures" in the help browser you can see some examples.

I`ll try, but never did "data structures" in Pd yet.

>> this one could be edited through "devtools"? Perhaps?

>Yes, that's certainly possible.

So you liked the [htmlcanvas]?

I do.

I also liked he opening of html files, but probably we go back there later.



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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-01-22 Thread Jonathan Wilkes via Pd-list
> Cool,

> other option also nice.
> Put [canvas]
> &
> Put [htmlcanvas]
I thought about doing an object like that.  There are two possible approaches, 
both of which I didn't like:1) access the htmlcanvas by sending Pd messages to 
the inlet.  This seemed 
really limiting, especially when you consider how deeply web programmers 
leverage javascript and javascript frameworks when doing html5 canvas 
drawing/animation.  If you do similar such work in Pd to retain/manage state 
and render then you're getting in the way of audio computation.  If you 
a higher-level framework to do it on the GUI side then you're tied to it as a 
dependency for all time.2) Have a simple interface for just defining 
height/width/vis, and give a hook for 
the user to specify and use their own js script to do the drawing.  But this 
an entire language to the UX which IMO is too great a burden, esp. for doing 
Instead I just extended data structure drawings with the [draw] object to 
the SVG spec and do declarative vector drawing.  If you look at 
"Pd-L2Ork Data Structures" in the help browser you can see some examples.

> this one could be edited through “devtools”? Perhaps?
Yes, that's certainly possible.

> Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

From: Jonathan Wilkes 
Sent: Sunday, January 22, 2017 11:07 PM
To: Lucas Cordiviola; Alexandre Torres Porres;
Subject: Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4 

>>That's a possibility.  But currently you can't open an html file from the 
>>menu.  You'd have to open devtools and do it manually.

> Like drag`n`drop an html?> Exactly where in the devtools?
In the devtools console.  For example, you can do `'about:blank');`


> I meant we, in the furure, can open a remote html file that has the .pd part 
> inside a  tag. And the canvas is rich-html and the objects and cables 
> are above that.
Oh, I see.  There are two potential features you are describing.  One is a 
interface for opening an html file in Purr Data.  The other is a friendly 
for making a network request for a remote file and then displaying/running it.
For the first we can just play around with devtools and incrementally build the
feature from there.  Maybe adding ".html" as a legal file type to open, making
the pdgui.js module more generally usable, etc.

Fetching remote content is a bit more difficult.  Currently I don't let the GUI
toolkit make any network connections aside from the local socket connection
to the Pd process.

> I`m just brain-storming about the fact that Purr-data is based on HTML5.

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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-01-22 Thread Lucas Cordiviola
>In the devtools console.  For example, you can do `'about:blank');`

Super, this works perect.

Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

From: Pd-list  on behalf of Lucas Cordiviola 

Sent: Sunday, January 22, 2017 11:18 PM
To: Alexandre Torres Porres;; Jonathan Wilkes
Subject: Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4


other option also nice.

Put [canvas]


Put [htmlcanvas]

this one could be edited through "devtools"? Perhaps?

Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

From: Jonathan Wilkes 
Sent: Sunday, January 22, 2017 11:07 PM
To: Lucas Cordiviola; Alexandre Torres Porres;
Subject: Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

>>That's a possibility.  But currently you can't open an html file from the 
>>menu.  You'd have to open devtools and do it manually.

> Like drag`n`drop an html?
> Exactly where in the devtools?

In the devtools console.  For example, you can do `'about:blank');`


> I meant we, in the furure, can open a remote html file that has the .pd part 
> inside a  tag. And the canvas is rich-html and the objects and cables 
> are above that.

Oh, I see.  There are two potential features you are describing.  One is a 
interface for opening an html file in Purr Data.  The other is a friendly 
for making a network request for a remote file and then displaying/running it.

For the first we can just play around with devtools and incrementally build the
feature from there.  Maybe adding ".html" as a legal file type to open, making
the pdgui.js module more generally usable, etc.

Fetching remote content is a bit more difficult.  Currently I don't let the GUI
toolkit make any network connections aside from the local socket connection
to the Pd process.


> I`m just brain-storming about the fact that Purr-data is based on HTML5.


Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-01-22 Thread Lucas Cordiviola

other option also nice.

Put [canvas]


Put [htmlcanvas]

this one could be edited through "devtools"? Perhaps?

Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

From: Jonathan Wilkes 
Sent: Sunday, January 22, 2017 11:07 PM
To: Lucas Cordiviola; Alexandre Torres Porres;
Subject: Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

>>That's a possibility.  But currently you can't open an html file from the 
>>menu.  You'd have to open devtools and do it manually.

> Like drag`n`drop an html?
> Exactly where in the devtools?

In the devtools console.  For example, you can do `'about:blank');`


> I meant we, in the furure, can open a remote html file that has the .pd part 
> inside a  tag. And the canvas is rich-html and the objects and cables 
> are above that.

Oh, I see.  There are two potential features you are describing.  One is a 
interface for opening an html file in Purr Data.  The other is a friendly 
for making a network request for a remote file and then displaying/running it.

For the first we can just play around with devtools and incrementally build the
feature from there.  Maybe adding ".html" as a legal file type to open, making
the pdgui.js module more generally usable, etc.

Fetching remote content is a bit more difficult.  Currently I don't let the GUI
toolkit make any network connections aside from the local socket connection
to the Pd process.


> I`m just brain-storming about the fact that Purr-data is based on HTML5.


Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-01-22 Thread Jonathan Wilkes via Pd-list

#yiv1741738721 #yiv1741738721 -- P 
>>That's a possibility.  But currently you can't open an html file from the 
>>menu.  You'd have to open devtools and do it manually.

> Like drag`n`drop an html?> Exactly where in the devtools?
In the devtools console.  For example, you can do `'about:blank');`


> I meant we, in the furure, can open a remote html file that has the .pd part 
> inside a  tag. And the canvas is rich-html and the objects and cables 
> are above that.
Oh, I see.  There are two potential features you are describing.  One is a 
interface for opening an html file in Purr Data.  The other is a friendly 
for making a network request for a remote file and then displaying/running it. 
For the first we can just play around with devtools and incrementally build the 
feature from there.  Maybe adding ".html" as a legal file type to open, making 
the pdgui.js module more generally usable, etc.

Fetching remote content is a bit more difficult.  Currently I don't let the GUI 
toolkit make any network connections aside from the local socket connection 
to the Pd process.

> I`m just brain-storming about the fact that Purr-data is based on HTML5.

Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

From: Jonathan Wilkes 
Sent: Sunday, January 22, 2017 9:11 PM
To: Lucas Cordiviola; Alexandre Torres Porres;
Subject: Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4 

>> I'm fairly certain I don't want an online dependency for help patch content. 

> Yes your right, I was just about to say “sorry for the noise”, is rather 
> unpractical & very time consuming to port all *-help.pds. Also is rather 
> irrelevant to make them “nicer”.
They can definitely be nicer, both in terms of readability and the ease of 
and editing them.  It's just difficult to figure out an interface that makes it 
to do both.
>>> Also it could be an html file with the .pd part inside an  .

>>That could be interesting.

>>From the user standpoint, it would make the most sense to be able to position 
>>a Pd patch (which is just an svg) inside the flow of a web page.  So one 
>>could have a blog entry, webapp, etc., and the Pd patch would be like an 
>>interactive image in it.

>>But that would require some significant development time to implement.

> I`m not sure if I get this, as I see it as a potencial “tutorial” which are 
> already covered in the “help browser”.
That's a possibility.  But currently you can't open an html file from the menu. 
have to open devtools and do it manually.

> I mean the patch inside the  is totally working except that you cant 
> save it, right?
Currently there is no functionality that does that.

> We are opening a remote patch inside a nice html?
I'm not sure what you mean here.

> Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-01-22 Thread Lucas Cordiviola
>That's a possibility.  But currently you can't open an html file from the 
>menu.  You'd have to open devtools and do it manually.

Like drag`n`drop an html?
Exactly where in the devtools?

>> I mean the patch inside the  is totally working except that you cant 
>> save it, right?

>Currently there is no functionality that does that.

>> We are opening a remote patch inside a nice html?

>I'm not sure what you mean here.

I meant we, in the furure, can open a remote html file that has the .pd part 
inside a  tag. And the canvas is rich-html and the objects and cables 
are above that.

I`m just brain-storming about the fact that Purr-data is based on HTML5.


Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

From: Jonathan Wilkes 
Sent: Sunday, January 22, 2017 9:11 PM
To: Lucas Cordiviola; Alexandre Torres Porres;
Subject: Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

>> I'm fairly certain I don't want an online dependency for help patch content.

> Yes your right, I was just about to say "sorry for the noise", is rather 
> unpractical & very time consuming to port all *-help.pds. Also is rather 
> irrelevant to make them "nicer".

They can definitely be nicer, both in terms of readability and the ease of 
and editing them.  It's just difficult to figure out an interface that makes it 
to do both.

>>> Also it could be an html file with the .pd part inside an  .

>>That could be interesting.

>>From the user standpoint, it would make the most sense to be able to position 
>>a Pd patch (which is just an svg) inside the flow of a web page.  So one 
>>could have a blog entry, webapp, etc., and the Pd patch would be like an 
>>interactive image in it.

>>But that would require some significant development time to implement.

> I`m not sure if I get this, as I see it as a potencial "tutorial" which are 
> already covered in the "help browser".

That's a possibility.  But currently you can't open an html file from the menu. 
have to open devtools and do it manually.

> I mean the patch inside the  is totally working except that you cant 
> save it, right?

Currently there is no functionality that does that.

> We are opening a remote patch inside a nice html?

I'm not sure what you mean here.


> Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.
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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-01-22 Thread Jonathan Wilkes via Pd-list

>> I'm fairly certain I don't want an online dependency for help patch content. 

> Yes your right, I was just about to say “sorry for the noise”, is rather 
> unpractical & very time consuming to port all *-help.pds. Also is rather 
> irrelevant to make them “nicer”.
They can definitely be nicer, both in terms of readability and the ease of 
and editing them.  It's just difficult to figure out an interface that makes it 
to do both.
>>> Also it could be an html file with the .pd part inside an  .

>>That could be interesting.

>>From the user standpoint, it would make the most sense to be able to position 
>>a Pd patch (which is just an svg) inside the flow of a web page.  So one 
>>could have a blog entry, webapp, etc., and the Pd patch would be like an 
>>interactive image in it.

>>But that would require some significant development time to implement.

> I`m not sure if I get this, as I see it as a potencial “tutorial” which are 
> already covered in the “help browser”.
That's a possibility.  But currently you can't open an html file from the menu. 
have to open devtools and do it manually.

> I mean the patch inside the  is totally working except that you cant 
> save it, right?
Currently there is no functionality that does that.

> We are opening a remote patch inside a nice html?
I'm not sure what you mean here.

> Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.   ___ mailing list
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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-01-21 Thread Lucas Cordiviola

[open $1(

Is not working on Windows.

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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-01-21 Thread Lucas Cordiviola
> I'm fairly certain I don't want an online dependency for help patch content.

Yes your right, I was just about to say "sorry for the noise", is rather 
unpractical & very time consuming to port all *-help.pds. Also is rather 
irrelevant to make them "nicer".

>> Also it could be an html file with the .pd part inside an  .

>That could be interesting.

>From the user standpoint, it would make the most sense to be able to position 
>a Pd patch (which is just an svg) inside the flow of a web page.  So one could 
>have a blog entry, webapp, etc., and the Pd patch would be like an interactive 
>image in it.

>But that would require some significant development time to implement.

I`m not sure if I get this, as I see it as a potencial "tutorial" which are 
already covered in the "help browser".

I mean the patch inside the  is totally working except that you cant 
save it, right?

We are opening a remote patch inside a nice html?

Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

From: Jonathan Wilkes 
Sent: Sunday, January 22, 2017 5:02 AM
To: Lucas Cordiviola; Alexandre Torres Porres;
Subject: Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

>> Can html+css, which is "text-only", be saved in the .pd?

> Also it could be an html file with the .pd part inside an  .

That could be interesting.

>From the user standpoint, it would make the most sense to be able to position
a Pd patch (which is just an svg) inside the flow of a web page.  So one could
have a blog entry, webapp, etc., and the Pd patch would be like an interactive
image in it.

But that would require some significant development time to implement.


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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-01-21 Thread Jonathan Wilkes via Pd-list
>> Can html+css, which is “text-only”, be saved in the .pd? 

> Also it could be an html file with the .pd part inside an  .
That could be interesting.

>From the user standpoint, it would make the most sense to be able to position 
a Pd patch (which is just an svg) inside the flow of a web page.  So one could 
have a blog entry, webapp, etc., and the Pd patch would be like an interactive 
image in it.
But that would require some significant development time to implement.


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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-01-21 Thread Jonathan Wilkes via Pd-list
>>I don't think that would help because html isn't pixel exact. 

 > ? - Almost all CSS things can be controlled using pixels units:

> Pixel sizing for text doesn't result in pixel-exact text appearance.

>>It is, and Purr Data patches themselves are just html files with an svg on 

> So we are almost there.
>>It's probably easier to allow opening arbitrary html files and having a nice 
>>interface for talking to Pd through them.  That would be more flexible and 
>>easier to implement/maintain. 

> This is what I had in mind.
> Inside help patches, replacing all [canvas] & [comments] with an html+css for 
> that. Other [objects] & [sub patches] & [pddp] remain there.
> The conflict here is:
> Can html+css, which is “text-only”, be saved in the .pd?
It depends on whether you want to save the actual markup, or just 
save pd messages which render html+css.

> Or> There will be an external that loads the html & displays it at the 
> background.
That's also a possibility.

> I think a killer external that can load on-line content will definitively 
> make 
> Purr-Data translations easy and possible.
I'm fairly certain I don't want an online dependency for help patch content.


>>It shouldn't be hard to create an external that displays HTML5 content ... 

> Very hard for me I guess.
> Salutti,> Lucarda.

Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

From: Jonathan Wilkes 
Sent: Saturday, January 21, 2017 4:48 PM
To: Lucas Cordiviola; Alexandre Torres Porres;
Subject: Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4 

> I think that having the ability to load an html at the background will ease a 
> lot of things. Probably making translations or helps easier & nicer & 
> cross-platform & on-line.
I don't think that would help because html isn't pixel exact.  The relationship 
between background html and foreground Pd canvas objects (which in Purr Data are
just svg elements) is difficult and unintuitive to control.

> I`m not saying that Purr-Data should be used for generating or editing html.
> I`m thinking of it as a “Canvas” but not just as a color and a font, but with 
> all the flexibility of an html (markup language).
I have added some drawing instructions and event handlers to data structures 
with the [draw] object.  That allows grouping
and arbitrary path drawings.  (But I don't have an interface to draw text yet.)

> Since you are working with HTML5, I think this type of thing should be 
> natural.
It is, and Purr Data patches themselves are just html files with an svg on them.

> Currently I`m using [ggee/image] as a “rich-canvas”, some screen-shots:
> Of course these are not done with a “markup language”, but are cross-platform.
It's probably easier to allow opening arbitrary html files and having a nice 
interface for
talking to Pd through them.  That would be more flexible and easier to 

But feel free to experiment with putting html content inside an external.  It 
shouldn't be
hard to create an external that displays HTML5 content in a rectangle on a Pd 
canvas.  Throw
some webgl in there, or a video player.  The hard part only comes if you want 
to add xlets and
somehow interface with the displayed state through Pd messages.


Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

From: Jonathan Wilkes 
Sent: Saturday, January 21, 2017 4:01 AM
To: Lucas Cordiviola; Alexandre Torres Porres;
Subject: Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4 > Cool,

> Btw: How far we are from displaying a normal html+css inside a Purr-Data
What did you have in mind?

> Or to make an html+css as background to a patch?
It's possible to do that atm, either by changing one of the css files
or through devtools.  But I don't have an interface that lets you set
this by sending a Pd message within a patch.

> Is there an object that loads and display html?
There isn't.  You could load an html page and send messages to
Pd from it.  But again, I don't have an interface built to do anything
like that yet.


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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-01-21 Thread Lucas Cordiviola
> Can html+css, which is "text-only", be saved in the .pd?

Also it could be an html file with the .pd part inside an  .

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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-01-21 Thread Lucas Cordiviola
>I don't think that would help because html isn't pixel exact.

? - Almost all CSS things can be controlled using pixels units:

>It is, and Purr Data patches themselves are just html files with an svg on 

So we are almost there.

>It's probably easier to allow opening arbitrary html files and having a nice 
>interface for talking to Pd through them.  That would be more flexible and 
>easier to implement/maintain.

This is what I had in mind.

Inside help patches, replacing all [canvas] & [comments] with an html+css for 
that. Other [objects] & [sub patches] & [pddp] remain there.

The conflict here is:

Can html+css, which is “text-only”, be saved in the .pd?
There will be an external that loads the html & displays it at the background.

I think a killer external that can load on-line content will definitively make 
Purr-Data translations easy and possible.

>It shouldn't be hard to create an external that displays HTML5 content ...

Very hard for me I guess.


Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

From: Jonathan Wilkes 
Sent: Saturday, January 21, 2017 4:48 PM
To: Lucas Cordiviola; Alexandre Torres Porres;
Subject: Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

> I think that having the ability to load an html at the background will ease a 
> lot of things. Probably making translations or helps easier & nicer & 
> cross-platform & on-line.

I don't think that would help because html isn't pixel exact.  The relationship 
between background html and foreground Pd canvas objects (which in Purr Data are
just svg elements) is difficult and unintuitive to control.

> I`m not saying that Purr-Data should be used for generating or editing html.

> I`m thinking of it as a “Canvas” but not just as a color and a font, but with 
> all the flexibility of an html (markup language).

I have added some drawing instructions and event handlers to data structures 
with the [draw] object.  That allows grouping
and arbitrary path drawings.  (But I don't have an interface to draw text yet.)

> Since you are working with HTML5, I think this type of thing should be 
> natural.

It is, and Purr Data patches themselves are just html files with an svg on them.


> Currently I`m using [ggee/image] as a “rich-canvas”, some screen-shots:

> Of course these are not done with a “markup language”, but are cross-platform.

It's probably easier to allow opening arbitrary html files and having a nice 
interface for
talking to Pd through them.  That would be more flexible and easier to 

But feel free to experiment with putting html content inside an external.  It 
shouldn't be
hard to create an external that displays HTML5 content in a rectangle on a Pd 
canvas.  Throw
some webgl in there, or a video player.  The hard part only comes if you want 
to add xlets and
somehow interface with the displayed state through Pd messages.


Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

From: Jonathan Wilkes 
Sent: Saturday, January 21, 2017 4:01 AM
To: Lucas Cordiviola; Alexandre Torres Porres;
Subject: Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

> Cool,

> Btw: How far we are from displaying a normal html+css inside a Purr-Data

What did you have in mind?

> Or to make an html+css as background to a patch?

It's possible to do that atm, either by changing one of the css files
or through devtools.  But I don't have an interface that lets you set
this by sending a Pd message within a patch.

> Is there an object that loads and display html?

There isn't.  You could load an html page and send messages to
Pd from it.  But again, I don't have an interface built to do anything
like that yet.



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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-01-21 Thread Jonathan Wilkes via Pd-list

#yiv7710537834 #yiv7710537834 -- P 
{margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;}#yiv7710537834 > I think that having the ability 
to load an html at the background will ease a lot of things. Probably making 
translations or helps easier & nicer & cross-platform & on-line.
I don't think that would help because html isn't pixel exact.  The relationship 
between background html and foreground Pd canvas objects (which in Purr Data 
just svg elements) is difficult and unintuitive to control.

> I`m not saying that Purr-Data should be used for generating or editing html.
> I`m thinking of it as a “Canvas” but not just as a color and a font, but with 
> all the flexibility of an html (markup language).
I have added some drawing instructions and event handlers to data structures 
with the [draw] object.  That allows grouping 
and arbitrary path drawings.  (But I don't have an interface to draw text yet.)

> Since you are working with HTML5, I think this type of thing should be 
> natural.
It is, and Purr Data patches themselves are just html files with an svg on them.

> Currently I`m using [ggee/image] as a “rich-canvas”, some screen-shots:
> Of course these are not done with a “markup language”, but are cross-platform.
It's probably easier to allow opening arbitrary html files and having a nice 
interface for 
talking to Pd through them.  That would be more flexible and easier to 

But feel free to experiment with putting html content inside an external.  It 
shouldn't be 
hard to create an external that displays HTML5 content in a rectangle on a Pd 
canvas.  Throw 
some webgl in there, or a video player.  The hard part only comes if you want 
to add xlets and 
somehow interface with the displayed state through Pd messages.


Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

From: Jonathan Wilkes 
Sent: Saturday, January 21, 2017 4:01 AM
To: Lucas Cordiviola; Alexandre Torres Porres;
Subject: Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4 > Cool,

> Btw: How far we are from displaying a normal html+css inside a Purr-Data
What did you have in mind?

> Or to make an html+css as background to a patch?
It's possible to do that atm, either by changing one of the css files
or through devtools.  But I don't have an interface that lets you set
this by sending a Pd message within a patch.

> Is there an object that loads and display html?
There isn't.  You could load an html page and send messages to
Pd from it.  But again, I don't have an interface built to do anything
like that yet.


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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-01-21 Thread Martin Peach
[mrpeach/httpget] can be used with [tcpclient] to load html as a list of
bytes, which I then usually process using a [pdlua] script.


On Sat, Jan 21, 2017 at 12:41 AM, Lucas Cordiviola 

> I think that having the ability to load an html at the background will
> ease a lot of things. Probably making translations or helps easier & nicer
> & cross-platform & on-line.
> I`m not saying that Purr-Data should be used for generating or editing
> html.
> I`m thinking of it as a “Canvas” but not just as a color and a font, but
> with all the flexibility of an html (markup language).
> Since you are working with HTML5, I think this type of thing should be
> natural.
> ---
> Currently I`m using [ggee/image] as a “rich-canvas”, some screen-shots:
> Of course these are not done with a “markup language”, but are
> cross-platform.
> Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.
> --
> *From:* Jonathan Wilkes 
> *Sent:* Saturday, January 21, 2017 4:01 AM
> *To:* Lucas Cordiviola; Alexandre Torres Porres;
> *Subject:* Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4
> > Cool,
> > Btw: How far we are from displaying a normal html+css inside a Purr-Data
> patch?
> What did you have in mind?
> > Or to make an html+css as background to a patch?
> It's possible to do that atm, either by changing one of the css files
> or through devtools.  But I don't have an interface that lets you set
> this by sending a Pd message within a patch.
> > Is there an object that loads and display html?
> There isn't.  You could load an html page and send messages to
> Pd from it.  But again, I don't have an interface built to do anything
> like that yet.
> -Jonathan
> Salutti,
> Lucarda.
> Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.
> ___
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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-01-20 Thread Lucas Cordiviola
I think that having the ability to load an html at the background will ease a 
lot of things. Probably making translations or helps easier & nicer & 
cross-platform & on-line.

I`m not saying that Purr-Data should be used for generating or editing html.

I`m thinking of it as a "Canvas" but not just as a color and a font, but with 
all the flexibility of an html (markup language).

Since you are working with HTML5, I think this type of thing should be natural.


Currently I`m using [ggee/image] as a "rich-canvas", some screen-shots:

Of course these are not done with a "markup language", but are cross-platform.

Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

From: Jonathan Wilkes 
Sent: Saturday, January 21, 2017 4:01 AM
To: Lucas Cordiviola; Alexandre Torres Porres;
Subject: Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

> Cool,

> Btw: How far we are from displaying a normal html+css inside a Purr-Data

What did you have in mind?

> Or to make an html+css as background to a patch?

It's possible to do that atm, either by changing one of the css files
or through devtools.  But I don't have an interface that lets you set
this by sending a Pd message within a patch.

> Is there an object that loads and display html?

There isn't.  You could load an html page and send messages to
Pd from it.  But again, I don't have an interface built to do anything
like that yet.



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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-01-20 Thread Jonathan Wilkes via Pd-list
> Cool,

> Btw: How far we are from displaying a normal html+css inside a Purr-Data 
What did you have in mind?

> Or to make an html+css as background to a patch?
It's possible to do that atm, either by changing one of the css files 
or through devtools.  But I don't have an interface that lets you set 
this by sending a Pd message within a patch.

> Is there an object that loads and display html?
There isn't.  You could load an html page and send messages to 
Pd from it.  But again, I don't have an interface built to do anything 
like that yet.


Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

From: Jonathan Wilkes 
Sent: Saturday, January 21, 2017 1:42 AM
To: Lucas Cordiviola; Alexandre Torres Porres;
Subject: Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4 Ah, I see-- this is an oversight on my part.  
Purr Data will sneak into your Pd
"extra" path and search there on both OSX and Windows.  I'll fix this.

> Ok,

> I`m loading @ the wrong [ggee/envgen] by default.
> tried D:\purr-data-clean\win32_inno\build\ggee\envgen.m_i386 and failed> 
> tried C:\Users\Lucarda\AppData\Roaming\Pd\ggee\envgen.m_i386 and failed> 
> tried C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Pd\ggee\envgen.m_i386 and failed> 
> tried D:\purr-data-clean\win32_inno\build\extra\ggee\envgen.m_i386 and 
> failed> tried D:\purr-data-clean\win32_inno\build\ggee\envgen.dll and failed> 
> tried C:\Users\Lucarda\AppData\Roaming\Pd\ggee\envgen.dll and succeeded
> It succeed in an non-ported “ggee”
> It works Ok using: [../extra/ggee/envgen]
> Salutti,> Lucarda

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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-01-20 Thread Lucas Cordiviola

Btw: How far we are from displaying a normal html+css inside a Purr-Data patch?

Or to make an html+css as background to a patch?

Is there an object that loads and display html?


Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

From: Jonathan Wilkes 
Sent: Saturday, January 21, 2017 1:42 AM
To: Lucas Cordiviola; Alexandre Torres Porres;
Subject: Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

Ah, I see-- this is an oversight on my part.  Purr Data will sneak into your Pd
"extra" path and search there on both OSX and Windows.  I'll fix this.


> Ok,

> I`m loading @ the wrong [ggee/envgen] by default.

> tried D:\purr-data-clean\win32_inno\build\ggee\envgen.m_i386 and failed
> tried C:\Users\Lucarda\AppData\Roaming\Pd\ggee\envgen.m_i386 and failed
> tried C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Pd\ggee\envgen.m_i386 and failed
> tried D:\purr-data-clean\win32_inno\build\extra\ggee\envgen.m_i386 and failed
> tried D:\purr-data-clean\win32_inno\build\ggee\envgen.dll and failed
> tried C:\Users\Lucarda\AppData\Roaming\Pd\ggee\envgen.dll and succeeded

> It succeed in an non-ported "ggee"

> It works Ok using: [../extra/ggee/envgen]

> Salutti,
> Lucarda

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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-01-20 Thread Jonathan Wilkes via Pd-list
Ah, I see-- this is an oversight on my part.  Purr Data will sneak into your Pd 
"extra" path and search there on both OSX and Windows.  I'll fix this.

> Ok,

> I`m loading @ the wrong [ggee/envgen] by default.
> tried D:\purr-data-clean\win32_inno\build\ggee\envgen.m_i386 and failed> 
> tried C:\Users\Lucarda\AppData\Roaming\Pd\ggee\envgen.m_i386 and failed> 
> tried C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Pd\ggee\envgen.m_i386 and failed> 
> tried D:\purr-data-clean\win32_inno\build\extra\ggee\envgen.m_i386 and 
> failed> tried D:\purr-data-clean\win32_inno\build\ggee\envgen.dll and failed> 
> tried C:\Users\Lucarda\AppData\Roaming\Pd\ggee\envgen.dll and succeeded
> It succeed in an non-ported “ggee”
> It works Ok using: [../extra/ggee/envgen]
> Salutti,> Lucarda

Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

From: Pd-list  on behalf of Lucas Cordiviola 

Sent: Friday, January 20, 2017 9:21 PM
To: Alexandre Torres Porres;; Jonathan Wilkes
Subject: Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4 Are you on Ms-Windows?
Could this be related to the fact that I didn't use the installer?
Remember I did a build for testing.

Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

From: Jonathan Wilkes 
Sent: Friday, January 20, 2017 9:01 PM
To: Jonathan Wilkes; Lucas Cordiviola; Alexandre Torres Porres;
Subject: Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4 Also works on rc4.

> I tried:> 1. Open Purr Data.> 2. Create new patch.> 3. create a [ggee/image] 
> object> 4. create a [ggee/engen] object.
> Both work in the latest build from the head of the git repository.  I'll try 
> the last rc binary later.
> -Jonathan

   ___ mailing list
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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-01-20 Thread Lucas Cordiviola

I`m loading @ the wrong [ggee/envgen] by default.

tried D:\purr-data-clean\win32_inno\build\ggee\envgen.m_i386 and failed
tried C:\Users\Lucarda\AppData\Roaming\Pd\ggee\envgen.m_i386 and failed
tried C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Pd\ggee\envgen.m_i386 and failed
tried D:\purr-data-clean\win32_inno\build\extra\ggee\envgen.m_i386 and failed
tried D:\purr-data-clean\win32_inno\build\ggee\envgen.dll and failed
tried C:\Users\Lucarda\AppData\Roaming\Pd\ggee\envgen.dll and succeeded

It succeed in an non-ported "ggee"

It works Ok using: [../extra/ggee/envgen]


Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

From: Pd-list  on behalf of Lucas Cordiviola 

Sent: Friday, January 20, 2017 9:21 PM
To: Alexandre Torres Porres;; Jonathan Wilkes
Subject: Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

Are you on Ms-Windows?

Could this be related to the fact that I didn't use the installer?

Remember I did a build for testing.

Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

From: Jonathan Wilkes 
Sent: Friday, January 20, 2017 9:01 PM
To: Jonathan Wilkes; Lucas Cordiviola; Alexandre Torres Porres;
Subject: Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

Also works on rc4.


> I tried:
> 1. Open Purr Data.
> 2. Create new patch.
> 3. create a [ggee/image] object
> 4. create a [ggee/engen] object.

> Both work in the latest build from the head of the git repository.  I'll try 
> the last rc binary later.

> -Jonathan
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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-01-20 Thread Lucas Cordiviola
Are you on Ms-Windows?

Could this be related to the fact that I didn't use the installer?

Remember I did a build for testing.

Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

From: Jonathan Wilkes 
Sent: Friday, January 20, 2017 9:01 PM
To: Jonathan Wilkes; Lucas Cordiviola; Alexandre Torres Porres;
Subject: Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

Also works on rc4.


> I tried:
> 1. Open Purr Data.
> 2. Create new patch.
> 3. create a [ggee/image] object
> 4. create a [ggee/engen] object.

> Both work in the latest build from the head of the git repository.  I'll try 
> the last rc binary later.

> -Jonathan
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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-01-20 Thread Jonathan Wilkes via Pd-list
Also works on rc4.

> I tried:> 1. Open Purr Data.> 2. Create new patch.> 3. create a [ggee/image] 
> object> 4. create a [ggee/engen] object.
> Both work in the latest build from the head of the git repository.  I'll try 
> the last rc binary later.
> -Jonathan
   ___ mailing list
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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-01-20 Thread Jonathan Wilkes via Pd-list
I tried:1. Open Purr Data.2. Create new patch.3. create a [ggee/image] object4. 
create a [ggee/engen] object.
Both work in the latest build from the head of the git repository.  I'll try 
the last rc binary later.

  From: Lucas Cordiviola 
 To: Alexandre Torres Porres ; "" 
; Jonathan Wilkes  
 Sent: Friday, January 20, 2017 2:12 AM
 Subject: Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4
#yiv6693150679 #yiv6693150679 -- P 
>Even [ggee/envgen] and [ggee/image]?  I ported those two. 

Nope,they don`t show up, and when closing the window where they have been 
created it refuses to that & the console prints:
[2] error: x1e93470: no such object 
one more close &:
[4] error: x1e93470: no such object
then I have to quit for closing everything.

Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

From: Jonathan Wilkes 
Sent: Friday, January 20, 2017 5:57 AM
To: Lucas Cordiviola; Alexandre Torres Porres;
Subject: Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4 > I`ve created and account on GIT for reporting 
and issue but I can`t.

> I post it here:
> None of the GUI externals from “ggee” are working on Windows.
Even [ggee/envgen] and [ggee/image]?  I ported those two.  But I haven't ported
any of the other GUI externals in ggee.

> Salutti,> Lucarda.

Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-01-19 Thread Lucas Cordiviola
>Even [ggee/envgen] and [ggee/image]?  I ported those two.

they don`t show up, and when closing the window where they have been created it 
refuses to that & the console prints:

[2] error: x1e93470: no such object

one more close &:

[4] error: x1e93470: no such object

then I have to quit for closing everything.

Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

From: Jonathan Wilkes 
Sent: Friday, January 20, 2017 5:57 AM
To: Lucas Cordiviola; Alexandre Torres Porres;
Subject: Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

> I`ve created and account on GIT for reporting and issue but I can`t.

> I post it here:

> None of the GUI externals from "ggee" are working on Windows.

Even [ggee/envgen] and [ggee/image]?  I ported those two.  But I haven't ported
any of the other GUI externals in ggee.


> Salutti,
> Lucarda.

Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-01-19 Thread Jonathan Wilkes via Pd-list
> I`ve created and account on GIT for reporting and issue but I can`t.

> I post it here:
> None of the GUI externals from “ggee” are working on Windows.
Even [ggee/envgen] and [ggee/image]?  I ported those two.  But I haven't ported 
any of the other GUI externals in ggee.

> Salutti,> Lucarda.

Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

From: Jonathan Wilkes 
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2017 8:55 PM
To: Lucas Cordiviola; Alexandre Torres Porres;
Subject: Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4 Btw-- thanks for the report.  I updated the 
build instructions to include hard drive
space requirements.

> Cool,
> FYI I could successfully build, attached screenshot, but i`m gonna unninstall 
> msys2 and delete purr-data(1) cuz both things are about 2.5GB and normally I 
> use small C:\ drives for fast recovery if the system becomes 
> unstable/non-operational.
> Also the registry thing is necessary for externals to load so I think the 
> thing is not really “unzip and run”. Though I could load zexy/z~, but I'm not 
> sure which was, I mean I have different zexys installed on my system.
> Also some abs that have specific [declares] were unable to open, literally no 
> window and no errors printed on the console. I suspect those [declares] were 
> pointing to an ggee/image that is not compatible with RC4.
> Probably the next thing will be to use the installer, but I have other 
> priorities.
> Let me know if you wanna test something.
> BTW, excellent work!!!
(1) I keep a copy for some time on another HD but is way big, cuz all the .o?


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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-01-19 Thread Lucas Cordiviola
I`ve created and account on GIT for reporting and issue but I can`t.

I post it here:

None of the GUI externals from "ggee" are working on Windows.


Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

From: Jonathan Wilkes 
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2017 8:55 PM
To: Lucas Cordiviola; Alexandre Torres Porres;
Subject: Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

Btw-- thanks for the report.  I updated the build instructions to include hard 
space requirements.


> Cool,

> FYI I could successfully build, attached screenshot, but i`m gonna unninstall 
> msys2 and delete purr-data(1) cuz both things are about 2.5GB and normally I 
> use small C:\ drives for fast recovery if the system becomes 
> unstable/non-operational.

> Also the registry thing is necessary for externals to load so I think the 
> thing is not really "unzip and run". Though I could load zexy/z~, but I'm not 
> sure which was, I mean I have different zexys installed on my system.

> Also some abs that have specific [declares] were unable to open, literally no 
> window and no errors printed on the console. I suspect those [declares] were 
> pointing to an ggee/image that is not compatible with RC4.

> Probably the next thing will be to use the installer, but I have other 
> priorities.

> Let me know if you wanna test something.

> BTW, excellent work!!!

(1) I keep a copy for some time on another HD but is way big, cuz all the .o?


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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-01-19 Thread Jonathan Wilkes via Pd-list
Btw-- thanks for the report.  I updated the build instructions to include hard 
space requirements.

#yiv9376551211 #yiv9376551211 -- P 
{margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;}#yiv9376551211 > Cool,
> FYI I could successfully build, attached screenshot, but i`m gonna unninstall 
> msys2 and delete purr-data(1) cuz both things are about 2.5GB and normally I 
> use small C:\ drives for fast recovery if the system becomes 
> unstable/non-operational.
> Also the registry thing is necessary for externals to load so I think the 
> thing is not really “unzip and run”. Though I could load zexy/z~, but I'm not 
> sure which was, I mean I have different zexys installed on my system.
> Also some abs that have specific [declares] were unable to open, literally no 
> window and no errors printed on the console. I suspect those [declares] were 
> pointing to an ggee/image that is not compatible with RC4.
> Probably the next thing will be to use the installer, but I have other 
> priorities.
> Let me know if you wanna test something.
> BTW, excellent work!!!
(1) I keep a copy for some time on another HD but is way big, cuz all the .o?


Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

From: Jonathan Wilkes 
Sent: Friday, January 13, 2017 3:17 AM
To: Lucas Cordiviola; Alexandre Torres Porres;
Subject: Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4 > I think I will spend some time trying to 
build it for myself and learn what I can along the way.

It shouldn't take that long to start the build-- somewhere between 10-20 minutes
depending on your internet connection.  Once you start the build process the
rest is automatic.  If anything weird happens you can just uninstall msys2-- no
state should be left on your machine at that point.

> Also I might ask for a couple of questions.
> But this is not my top priority at the moment.
> Salutti,> Lucarda.

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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-01-12 Thread Jonathan Wilkes via Pd-list
> Miller had mention a file for preferences for 0.48 on Windows & Mac, this 
> will leave the Windows Registry out of the way for loading externals and make 
> a lot easier the “Unzip & Run”.
That would be great.

> I know your aim is to cover the Pd-Extended hole, and also to supply new GUI 
> so you can leave my “vanilla” solution apart.
> Salutti,> Lucarda.

Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

From: Jonathan Wilkes 
Sent: Friday, January 13, 2017 4:38 AM
To: Lucas Cordiviola; Alexandre Torres Porres;
Subject: Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4 

>Try this:[zexy/z~]
[externdir(|[classinfo z~]|[print externdir]

What does it print out?

> Right, this gives the “/purr-data/packages/win32_inno/build/extra/zexy”
Ok, that's good news.

>What are the arguments to those [declare] objects? 

> [declare -path data/externals/bin] --> this is relative to the patch and 
> works on Vanilla for all OS cuz there I put what is needed for that.
Ah, I see.  GUI externals need to be ported.  There's a ported version of
ggee/image in Purr Data.

>Are you talking about the build environment you just created, or the 

> Build-env & installer = 2.68 GB
Right, that's everything in C:\msys64

> installer = “C:\msys64\home\Lucarda\purr-data” = 1.07 GB
If you're measuring after building, that is:full git repository for Purr Data
all git submodulesall binaries compiled in placeall binaries copied to 
build/nw.js binarynw.js binary copied to build/(if you installed inno setup, 
all build/ copied to the installer file)


Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

From: Jonathan Wilkes 
Sent: Friday, January 13, 2017 3:56 AM
To: Lucas Cordiviola; Alexandre Torres Porres;
Subject: Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4 > Cool,

> FYI I could successfully build, attached screenshot, but i`m gonna unninstall 
> msys2 and delete purr-data(1) cuz both things are about 2.5GB and normally I 
> use small C:\ drives for fast recovery if the system becomes 
> unstable/non-operational.
That's mostly the msys2 build environment and dependencies.
The build directory is all that's needed to run Purr Data.  If you go in
C:\msys\home\purr-data\ you can move the build directory somewhere else
before you uninstall.

> Also the registry thing is necessary for externals to load so I think the 
> thing is not really “unzip and run”. Though I could load zexy/z~, but I'm not 
> sure which was, I mean I have different zexys installed on my system.
Try this:[zexy/z~]
[externdir(|[classinfo z~]|[print externdir]

What does it print out?

> Also some abs that have specific [declares] were unable to open, literally no 
> window and no errors printed on the console. I suspect those [declares] were 
> pointing to an ggee/image that is not compatible with RC4.
What are the arguments to those [declare] objects?

> Probably the next thing will be to use the installer, but I have other 
> priorities.
> Let me know if you wanna test something.
> BTW, excellent work!!!
> (1) I keep a copy for some time on another HD but is way big, cuz all the .o?
Are you talking about the build environment you just created, or the installer?


Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.


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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-01-12 Thread Lucas Cordiviola
Miller had mention a file for preferences for 0.48 on Windows & Mac, this will 
leave the Windows Registry out of the way for loading externals and make a lot 
easier the "Unzip & Run".

I know your aim is to cover the Pd-Extended hole, and also to supply new GUI so 
you can leave my "vanilla" solution apart.



Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

From: Jonathan Wilkes 
Sent: Friday, January 13, 2017 4:38 AM
To: Lucas Cordiviola; Alexandre Torres Porres;
Subject: Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

>Try this:

[classinfo z~]
[print externdir]

What does it print out?

> Right, this gives the "/purr-data/packages/win32_inno/build/extra/zexy"

Ok, that's good news.

>What are the arguments to those [declare] objects?

> [declare -path data/externals/bin] --> this is relative to the patch and 
> works on Vanilla for all OS cuz there I put what is needed for that.

Ah, I see.  GUI externals need to be ported.  There's a ported version of
ggee/image in Purr Data.

>Are you talking about the build environment you just created, or the installer?

> Build-env & installer = 2.68 GB

Right, that's everything in C:\msys64

> installer = "C:\msys64\home\Lucarda\purr-data" = 1.07 GB

If you're measuring after building, that is:
full git repository for Purr Data
all git submodules
all binaries compiled in place
all binaries copied to build/
nw.js binary
nw.js binary copied to build/
(if you installed inno setup, all build/ copied to the installer file)


Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

From: Jonathan Wilkes 
Sent: Friday, January 13, 2017 3:56 AM
To: Lucas Cordiviola; Alexandre Torres Porres;
Subject: Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

> Cool,

> FYI I could successfully build, attached screenshot, but i`m gonna unninstall 
> msys2 and delete purr-data(1) cuz both things are about 2.5GB and normally I 
> use small C:\ drives for fast recovery if the system becomes 
> unstable/non-operational.

That's mostly the msys2 build environment and dependencies
The build directory is all that's needed to run Purr Data.  If you go in
C:\msys\home\purr-data\ you can move the build directory somewhere else
before you uninstall.

> Also the registry thing is necessary for externals to load so I think the 
> thing is not really "unzip and run". Though I could load zexy/z~, but I'm not 
> sure which was, I mean I have different zexys installed on my system.

Try this:

[classinfo z~]
[print externdir]

What does it print out?

> Also some abs that have specific [declares] were unable to open, literally no 
> window and no errors printed on the console. I suspect those [declares] were 
> pointing to an ggee/image that is not compatible with RC4.

What are the arguments to those [declare] objects?

> Probably the next thing will be to use the installer, but I have other 
> priorities.

> Let me know if you wanna test something.

> BTW, excellent work!!!

> (1) I keep a copy for some time on another HD but is way big, cuz all the .o?

Are you talking about the build environment you just created, or the installer?



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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-01-12 Thread Jonathan Wilkes via Pd-list

#yiv1296562198 #yiv1296562198 -- P 
>Try this:[zexy/z~]
[externdir(|[classinfo z~]|[print externdir]

What does it print out?

> Right, this gives the “/purr-data/packages/win32_inno/build/extra/zexy”
Ok, that's good news.

>What are the arguments to those [declare] objects? 

> [declare -path data/externals/bin] --> this is relative to the patch and 
> works on Vanilla for all OS cuz there I put what is needed for that.
Ah, I see.  GUI externals need to be ported.  There's a ported version of 
ggee/image in Purr Data.

>Are you talking about the build environment you just created, or the 

> Build-env & installer = 2.68 GB
Right, that's everything in C:\msys64

> installer = “C:\msys64\home\Lucarda\purr-data” = 1.07 GB
If you're measuring after building, that is:full git repository for Purr Data
all git submodulesall binaries compiled in placeall binaries copied to 
build/nw.js binarynw.js binary copied to build/(if you installed inno setup, 
all build/ copied to the installer file)


Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

From: Jonathan Wilkes 
Sent: Friday, January 13, 2017 3:56 AM
To: Lucas Cordiviola; Alexandre Torres Porres;
Subject: Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4 > Cool,

> FYI I could successfully build, attached screenshot, but i`m gonna unninstall 
> msys2 and delete purr-data(1) cuz both things are about 2.5GB and normally I 
> use small C:\ drives for fast recovery if the system becomes 
> unstable/non-operational.
That's mostly the msys2 build environment and dependencies.
The build directory is all that's needed to run Purr Data.  If you go in
C:\msys\home\purr-data\ you can move the build directory somewhere else
before you uninstall.

> Also the registry thing is necessary for externals to load so I think the 
> thing is not really “unzip and run”. Though I could load zexy/z~, but I'm not 
> sure which was, I mean I have different zexys installed on my system.
Try this:[zexy/z~]
[externdir(|[classinfo z~]|[print externdir]

What does it print out?

> Also some abs that have specific [declares] were unable to open, literally no 
> window and no errors printed on the console. I suspect those [declares] were 
> pointing to an ggee/image that is not compatible with RC4.
What are the arguments to those [declare] objects?

> Probably the next thing will be to use the installer, but I have other 
> priorities.
> Let me know if you wanna test something.
> BTW, excellent work!!!
> (1) I keep a copy for some time on another HD but is way big, cuz all the .o?
Are you talking about the build environment you just created, or the installer?


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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-01-12 Thread Lucas Cordiviola
remember that i didn`t install or did the "inno" thing.

>Are you talking about the build environment you just created, or the installer?

Build-env & installer = 2.68 GB

installer = "C:\msys64\home\Lucarda\purr-data" = 1.07 GB

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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-01-12 Thread Lucas Cordiviola
>Try this:




[classinfo z~]


[print externdir]

What does it print out?

Right, this gives the "/purr-data/packages/win32_inno/build/extra/zexy"

>What are the arguments to those [declare] objects?

[declare -path data/externals/bin] --> this is relative to the patch and works 
on Vanilla for all OS cuz there I put what is needed for that.

>Are you talking about the build environment you just created, or the installer?

Build-env & installer = 2.68 GB

installer = "C:\msys64\home\Lucarda\purr-data" = 1.07 GB

Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

From: Jonathan Wilkes 
Sent: Friday, January 13, 2017 3:56 AM
To: Lucas Cordiviola; Alexandre Torres Porres;
Subject: Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

> Cool,

> FYI I could successfully build, attached screenshot, but i`m gonna unninstall 
> msys2 and delete purr-data(1) cuz both things are about 2.5GB and normally I 
> use small C:\ drives for fast recovery if the system becomes 
> unstable/non-operational.

That's mostly the msys2 build environment and dependencies
The build directory is all that's needed to run Purr Data.  If you go in
C:\msys\home\purr-data\ you can move the build directory somewhere else
before you uninstall.

> Also the registry thing is necessary for externals to load so I think the 
> thing is not really "unzip and run". Though I could load zexy/z~, but I'm not 
> sure which was, I mean I have different zexys installed on my system.

Try this:

[classinfo z~]
[print externdir]

What does it print out?

> Also some abs that have specific [declares] were unable to open, literally no 
> window and no errors printed on the console. I suspect those [declares] were 
> pointing to an ggee/image that is not compatible with RC4.

What are the arguments to those [declare] objects?

> Probably the next thing will be to use the installer, but I have other 
> priorities.

> Let me know if you wanna test something.

> BTW, excellent work!!!

> (1) I keep a copy for some time on another HD but is way big, cuz all the .o?

Are you talking about the build environment you just created, or the installer?



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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-01-12 Thread Jonathan Wilkes via Pd-list
> Cool,

> FYI I could successfully build, attached screenshot, but i`m gonna unninstall 
> msys2 and delete purr-data(1) cuz both things are about 2.5GB and normally I 
> use small C:\ drives for fast recovery if the system becomes 
> unstable/non-operational.
That's mostly the msys2 build environment and dependencies.
The build directory is all that's needed to run Purr Data.  If you go in 
C:\msys\home\purr-data\ you can move the build directory somewhere else 
before you uninstall.

> Also the registry thing is necessary for externals to load so I think the 
> thing is not really “unzip and run”. Though I could load zexy/z~, but I'm not 
> sure which was, I mean I have different zexys installed on my system.
Try this:[zexy/z~]
[externdir(|[classinfo z~]|[print externdir]

What does it print out?

> Also some abs that have specific [declares] were unable to open, literally no 
> window and no errors printed on the console. I suspect those [declares] were 
> pointing to an ggee/image that is not compatible with RC4.
What are the arguments to those [declare] objects?

> Probably the next thing will be to use the installer, but I have other 
> priorities.
> Let me know if you wanna test something.
> BTW, excellent work!!!
> (1) I keep a copy for some time on another HD but is way big, cuz all the .o?
Are you talking about the build environment you just created, or the installer?


Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

From: Jonathan Wilkes 
Sent: Friday, January 13, 2017 3:17 AM
To: Lucas Cordiviola; Alexandre Torres Porres;
Subject: Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4 > I think I will spend some time trying to 
build it for myself and learn what I can along the way.

It shouldn't take that long to start the build-- somewhere between 10-20 minutes
depending on your internet connection.  Once you start the build process the
rest is automatic.  If anything weird happens you can just uninstall msys2-- no
state should be left on your machine at that point.

> Also I might ask for a couple of questions.
> But this is not my top priority at the moment.
> Salutti,> Lucarda.

Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-01-12 Thread Jonathan Wilkes via Pd-list
> I think I will spend some time trying to build it for myself and learn what I 
> can along the way.

It shouldn't take that long to start the build-- somewhere between 10-20 
depending on your internet connection.  Once you start the build process the 
rest is automatic.  If anything weird happens you can just uninstall msys2-- no 
state should be left on your machine at that point.
> Also I might ask for a couple of questions.
> But this is not my top priority at the moment.
> Salutti,> Lucarda.

Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

From: Jonathan Wilkes 
Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2017 11:01 PM
To: Lucas Cordiviola; Alexandre Torres Porres;
Subject: Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4 

>In fact if you want to go that route, you can just install msys2 and ignore 
>the instructions to install inno setup.  The script will 
>ultimately fail, but you should still end up with everything inside the build/ 

> To cut it short:
> Can you supply that “build dir” Zipped for us to test RC4, RC5 and so on?
Unfortunately I don't own a Windows machine, nor do I have arbitrary access
to one to do this.
But if someone who has Pd-extended installed will test installing and then 
uninstalling Purr Data, that would be enough to confirm or allay your fear.


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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-01-12 Thread Lucas Cordiviola
I think I will spend some time trying to build it for myself and learn what I 
can along the way.

Also I might ask for a couple of questions.

But this is not my top priority at the moment.


Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

From: Jonathan Wilkes 
Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2017 11:01 PM
To: Lucas Cordiviola; Alexandre Torres Porres;
Subject: Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

>In fact if you want to go that route, you can just install msys2 and ignore the
instructions to install inno setup.  The script will ultimately
fail, but you should still end up with everything inside the build/ directory.

> To cut it short:

> Can you supply that "build dir" Zipped for us to test RC4, RC5 and so on?

Unfortunately I don't own a Windows machine, nor do I have arbitrary access
to one to do this.

But if someone who has Pd-extended installed will test installing and then
uninstalling Purr Data, that would be enough to confirm or allay your fear.


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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-01-12 Thread Jonathan Wilkes via Pd-list

#yiv2689043513 #yiv2689043513 -- P 
>In fact if you want to go that route, you can just install msys2 and ignore 
>the instructions to install inno setup.  The script will 
>ultimately fail, but you should still end up with everything inside the build/ 

> To cut it short:
> Can you supply that “build dir” Zipped for us to test RC4, RC5 and so on?
Unfortunately I don't own a Windows machine, nor do I have arbitrary access 
to one to do this.
But if someone who has Pd-extended installed will test installing and then 
uninstalling Purr Data, that would be enough to confirm or allay your fear.


Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

From: Jonathan Wilkes 
Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2017 9:11 PM
To: Lucas Cordiviola; Alexandre Torres Porres
Subject: Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4 > One of the reasons I haven`t tested Purr-Data 
is because i fear the installer and file asociations in the registry.

> Is it possible to make a ZIP version that just run?
> Like Pd`s Zip Version.
Yes, it's possible.  You can follow the build instructions 

That will create an *.exe installer, but it will also leave a full version of
Purr Data in purr-data/packages/win32_inno/build.  If you look inside
purr-data/packages/win32_inno/build there should be a .com or .exe you
can click to start the program.
In fact if you want to go that route, you can just install msys2 and ignore the
instructions to install inno setup.  The script will ultimately
fail, but you should still end up with everything inside the build/ directory.

> Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

From: Pd-list  on behalf of Jonathan Wilkes via 
Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2017 7:55 PM
To: Alexandre Torres Porres
Cc: Pd-List
Subject: Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4 

So the initial release will be runnable on Windows XP, and on both 64-bit and 
32-bit versions of Windows.  Probably after that the best thing is to drop XP 
support, and just use a 32-bit binary of the most recent version of nw.js for 
Windows versions.

> doesn't it make more sense to have a 64 bit versions for windows, and not 
> dropping XP support? One of the most amazing thing about Pd is that it can 
> run anywhere, I'm sure someone will be bummed out for not being able to 
> install in on XP
I can wait a little longer-- at most until nw.js bumps the LTS version.


> cheers

   ___ mailing list
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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-01-12 Thread Lucas Cordiviola
>In fact if you want to go that route, you can just install msys2 and ignore the

instructions to install inno setup.  The script will ultimately

fail, but you should still end up with everything inside the build/ directory.

To cut it short:

Can you supply that "build dir" Zipped for us to test RC4, RC5 and so on?

Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

From: Jonathan Wilkes 
Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2017 9:11 PM
To: Lucas Cordiviola; Alexandre Torres Porres
Subject: Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

> One of the reasons I haven`t tested Purr-Data is because i fear the installer 
> and file asociations in the registry.

> Is it possible to make a ZIP version that just run?

> Like Pd`s Zip Version.

Yes, it's possible.  You can follow the build instructions here:

That will create an *.exe installer, but it will also leave a full version of
Purr Data in purr-data/packages/win32_inno/build.  If you look inside
purr-data/packages/win32_inno/build there should be a .com or .exe you
can click to start the program.

In fact if you want to go that route, you can just install msys2 and ignore the
instructions to install inno setup.  The script will ultimately
fail, but you should still end up with everything inside the build/ directory.


> Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

From: Pd-list  on behalf of Jonathan Wilkes via 
Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2017 7:55 PM
To: Alexandre Torres Porres
Cc: Pd-List
Subject: Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

So the initial release will be runnable on Windows XP, and on both 64-bit and
32-bit versions of Windows.  Probably after that the best thing is to drop XP
support, and just use a 32-bit binary of the most recent version of nw.js for 
Windows versions.

> doesn't it make more sense to have a 64 bit versions for windows, and not 
> dropping XP support? One of the most amazing thing about Pd is that it can 
> run anywhere, I'm sure someone will be bummed out for not being able to 
> install in on XP

I can wait a little longer-- at most until nw.js bumps the LTS version.


> cheers

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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-01-12 Thread Lucas Cordiviola

From: Lucas Cordiviola 
Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2017 8:03 PM
To: Alexandre Torres Porres; Jonathan Wilkes
Subject: Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

> for not being able to install in on XP

One of the reasons I haven`t tested Purr-Data is because i fear the installer 
and file asociations in the registry.

Is it possible to make a ZIP version that just run?

Like Pd`s Zip Version.

Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

From: Pd-list  on behalf of Jonathan Wilkes via 
Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2017 7:55 PM
To: Alexandre Torres Porres
Cc: Pd-List
Subject: Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

So the initial release will be runnable on Windows XP, and on both 64-bit and
32-bit versions of Windows.  Probably after that the best thing is to drop XP
support, and just use a 32-bit binary of the most recent version of nw.js for 
Windows versions.

> doesn't it make more sense to have a 64 bit versions for windows, and not 
> dropping XP support? One of the most amazing thing about Pd is that it can 
> run anywhere, I'm sure someone will be bummed out for not being able to 
> install in on XP

I can wait a little longer-- at most until nw.js bumps the LTS version.


> cheers
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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-01-12 Thread Jonathan Wilkes via Pd-list

So the initial release will be runnable on Windows XP, and on both 64-bit and 
32-bit versions of Windows.  Probably after that the best thing is to drop XP 
support, and just use a 32-bit binary of the most recent version of nw.js for 
Windows versions.

> doesn't it make more sense to have a 64 bit versions for windows, and not 
> dropping XP support? One of the most amazing thing about Pd is that it can 
> run anywhere, I'm sure someone will be bummed out for not being able to 
> install in on XP
I can wait a little longer-- at most until nw.js bumps the LTS version.


> cheers
   ___ mailing list
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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-01-12 Thread Alexandre Torres Porres
> So the initial release will be runnable on Windows XP, and on both 64-bit
> and
> 32-bit versions of Windows.  Probably after that the best thing is to drop
> XP
> support, and just use a 32-bit binary of the most recent version of nw.js
> for all
> Windows versions.

doesn't it make more sense to have a 64 bit versions for windows, and not
dropping XP support? One of the most amazing thing about Pd is that it can
run anywhere, I'm sure someone will be bummed out for not being able to
install in on XP

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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-01-07 Thread Jonathan Wilkes via Pd-list
> thought i'd check purr data with my girlfriend's windows notebook, but 
> apparently it's 32 bits cause it doesn't work. It has windows 7 by the way

You can probably just download any version of nwjs for win32, unzip, and 
take those contents to replace the contents of C:\Program Files (x86)\Purr 
> no chance of a 32 bit version?
I can do one.  The reason I stopped releasing them was that the machine I was 
using ran Windows XP, and the build environment (msys2) no longer runs on it.  
I am also using the LTS version of nw.js-- v 0.14.7-- because that's the last 
version that supports XP.  But for a final release, I can just make an 
installer for 
 Purr Data which includes the 32-bit nw.js binary.
So the initial release will be runnable on Windows XP, and on both 64-bit and 
32-bit versions of Windows.  Probably after that the best thing is to drop XP 
support, and just use a 32-bit binary of the most recent version of nw.js for 
Windows versions.
> cheers
2016-12-23 13:54 GMT-02:00 Jonathan Wilkes via Pd-list :

Purr Data release candidate 4!
* fixed race when opening pd file in OSX
* partial fix for midi prefs not getting saved under Windows
* fixed #194: saving a loaded abstraction gives errors
* fixed for #201: new subcanvas position isn't saved with patch
* sync the ALSA sequencer port state with the GUI
* reset ALSA MIDI device handles and event buffers when closing
* got rid of more debugging output
* go ahead and allow curly braces in Pd messages
* replace the Pd-extended output~ abstraction with Alexandre Porres' improved 
* report userful value for "dsp-status" method of [pdinfo] by ignorning 
* fixed display of dollar signs in properties dialogs
* fixed loading of lyonpotpourri and disis libraries

please report lots of bugs to jwilkes/purr-data/issues


rpi Raspbian (armv7l): jwilkes/purr-data-binaries/ 
raw/master/purr-data-armv7l- raspbian-rc4.deb

Debian Jessie 32-bit: jwilkes/purr-data-binaries/ 
raw/master/purr-data-i386- debian_jessie-rc4.deb)

Debian Jessie 64-bit: jwilkes/purr-data-binaries/ 
raw/master/purr-data-x86_64- debian_jessie-rc4.deb)

Ubuntu 14.04 32-bit: jwilkes/purr-data-binaries/ 
raw/master/purr-data-i386- ubuntu-14.04-rc4.deb)

Ubuntu 14.04 64-bit: jwilkes/purr-data-binaries/ 
raw/master/purr-data-x86_64- ubuntu-14.04-rc4.deb)

Ubuntu 16.04 64-bit: jwilkes/purr-data-binaries/ 
raw/master/purr-data-x86_64- ubuntu-16.04-rc4.deb)

Windows with 64-bit GUI: jwilkes/purr-data-binaries/ 

OSX 64-bit: jwilkes/purr-data-binaries/ 
raw/master/purr-data-x86_64- osx-rc4.dmg)

OSX 64-bit (10.8): jwilkes/purr-data-binaries/ 
raw/master/purr-data-x86_64- osx-10.8-rc4.dmg)

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   ___ mailing list
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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2017-01-07 Thread Alexandre Torres Porres
thought i'd check purr data with my girlfriend's windows notebook, but
apparently it's 32 bits cause it doesn't work. It has windows 7 by the way

no chance of a 32 bit version?


2016-12-23 13:54 GMT-02:00 Jonathan Wilkes via Pd-list :

> Purr Data release candidate 4!
> * fixed race when opening pd file in OSX
> * partial fix for midi prefs not getting saved under Windows
> * fixed #194: saving a loaded abstraction gives errors
> * fixed for #201: new subcanvas position isn't saved with patch
> * sync the ALSA sequencer port state with the GUI
> * reset ALSA MIDI device handles and event buffers when closing
> * got rid of more debugging output
> * go ahead and allow curly braces in Pd messages
> * replace the Pd-extended output~ abstraction with Alexandre Porres'
> improved version
> * report userful value for "dsp-status" method of [pdinfo] by ignorning
> suspend/resume
> * fixed display of dollar signs in properties dialogs
> * fixed loading of lyonpotpourri and disis libraries
> please report lots of bugs to
> Binaries:
> rpi Raspbian (armv7l):
> jwilkes/purr-data-binaries/raw/master/purr-data-armv7l-raspbian-rc4.deb
> Debian Jessie 32-bit:
> raw/master/purr-data-i386-debian_jessie-rc4.deb)
> Debian Jessie 64-bit:
> raw/master/purr-data-x86_64-debian_jessie-rc4.deb)
> Ubuntu 14.04 32-bit:
> raw/master/purr-data-i386-ubuntu-14.04-rc4.deb)
> Ubuntu 14.04 64-bit:
> raw/master/purr-data-x86_64-ubuntu-14.04-rc4.deb)
> Ubuntu 16.04 64-bit:
> raw/master/purr-data-x86_64-ubuntu-16.04-rc4.deb)
> Windows with 64-bit GUI:
> jwilkes/purr-data-binaries/raw/master/
> OSX 64-bit:
> raw/master/purr-data-x86_64-osx-rc4.dmg)
> OSX 64-bit (10.8):
> raw/master/purr-data-x86_64-osx-10.8-rc4.dmg)
> ___
> mailing list
> UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management ->
> listinfo/pd-list
___ mailing list
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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2016-12-28 Thread João Pais
I did some patching, here are more details:

- backspace key isn't working yet. For now, elements can only be deleted
using the del key. (both work when editing text)

- regarding creating new objects connected to the selected object:
  - is it possible to define the distance from the selected object?
  - would it make sense to make a different shortcut to create an
unconnected object (if connected is the standard), or vice-versa?
  - add a shortcut to add an element before (instead of after) the current

- since it's so easy to change the shape of gui objects, would an option
"restore defaults" make sense?

- I tried a patch with 2 [line]s, each connected to a gatom, and while the
numbers were changing, it used a whole cpu for that. Can this be made a bit
more efficient? This seems to happen for both gatoms inside and outside
Strangely (or not), the cpu only jumped when [line] sends different
numbers. When the values stay (even if line is outputting), the cpu doesn't
Also: I then connected a bang to the line output, which obviously was
active when the line was sending something. But this didn't change anything
in the cpu activity - that means, the problem is just with the gatoms.

- it would be cool if it would be possible to drag already connected cables
- e.g. from outlet1 to outlet2 - or even in groups.

- when selecting a gop object, all handles of internal objects are also
visible (more red squares). Just to inform, I won't judge if this it
"correct" or not.

- if the window is thighter than the menu, the menu won't break and
continue to display in a new line. That is, it will be incomplete.

- window sliders seem to work well. there's a small artifact when the
canvas dimensions are close to the limits (the sliders appear and
disappear), but it's fine.
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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2016-12-28 Thread Jonathan Wilkes via Pd-list
> - there is a serious problem, the program can't open/write files in folders 
> with a "ü" in the name (didn't test for other characters). Spaces don't seem 
> to be a problem.
I just copy/pasted that character into the Save dialog and it works.  I also 
saving it in Pd Vanilla and opening in Purr Data which works, too.
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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2016-12-28 Thread João Pais
Hi, here are some more details, in no specific order:

- just saw now that gop borders can be dragged and resized manually. Very
nice touch. Some suggestions:
 - border resizing for vertical/horizontal dimensions (not just all at once)
 - double-clicking the red square the settings window opens up.
 - select the border, and move it with the arrows or shift+arrow keys (as a
normal object)
 - or a "select all + nodes" option, where the whole patch + gop box can be

- I gather that the gui presets are in the bin/css files? If this file
could be read/written in Pd, I could even write a GUI to edit them. But it
seems that all those ; and , make it impossible for those files to be
read/written in pd. I imagine that in case someone does a css editor, it
would make sense to include it in the program, and not as a patch/external
Nevertheless, is it possible to edit the css styles in realtime in purr-d?
 - or: is it possible to write a couple of lines on how to edit this (and
maybe other things) using the devtools?
 - do you have any long-term plans regarding how to organize the
costumization of the gui?

- midi settings save now, seems ok

- only now I noticed that labels can have spaces. From what I saw, it
doesn't bother in ext/vanilla, except when one tries to edit the objects -
then I get the error "(Tcl) UNHANDLED ERROR: wrong # args". Did you test
this feature in the other pd flavours?

- there is a serious problem, the program can't open/write files in folders
with a "ü" in the name (didn't test for other characters). Spaces don't
seem to be a problem.

- are hsliders wider than in pd-ext? my abstraction [jmmmp/maat-~] appears
cut, compared to the same in pd-ext. Functionality is ok, it's only the
visual aspect.
Same applies to vsliders, also check [jmmmp/maat~].

- also serious, [soundfiler] doesn't seem to work correctly. While opening
a file, it didn't read properly, maybe because the file isn't in 16b format
(it worked well in pd-ext). Here are the file specs:
Dateityp:44100 Hz, 32-Bit, Mono
Dateiformat:Apple AIFF
Apple AIFF 24-Bit gepackt
It worked when I converted the file to 16b.

I'm trying to patch with it this week, so I might have more details to talk



2016-12-23 16:54 GMT+01:00 Jonathan Wilkes via Pd-list :

> Purr Data release candidate 4!
> * fixed race when opening pd file in OSX
> * partial fix for midi prefs not getting saved under Windows
> * fixed #194: saving a loaded abstraction gives errors
> * fixed for #201: new subcanvas position isn't saved with patch
> * sync the ALSA sequencer port state with the GUI
> * reset ALSA MIDI device handles and event buffers when closing
> * got rid of more debugging output
> * go ahead and allow curly braces in Pd messages
> * replace the Pd-extended output~ abstraction with Alexandre Porres'
> improved version
> * report userful value for "dsp-status" method of [pdinfo] by ignorning
> suspend/resume
> * fixed display of dollar signs in properties dialogs
> * fixed loading of lyonpotpourri and disis libraries
> please report lots of bugs to
> Binaries:
> rpi Raspbian (armv7l):
> jwilkes/purr-data-binaries/raw/master/purr-data-armv7l-raspbian-rc4.deb
> Debian Jessie 32-bit:
> raw/master/purr-data-i386-debian_jessie-rc4.deb)
> Debian Jessie 64-bit:
> raw/master/purr-data-x86_64-debian_jessie-rc4.deb)
> Ubuntu 14.04 32-bit:
> raw/master/purr-data-i386-ubuntu-14.04-rc4.deb)
> Ubuntu 14.04 64-bit:
> raw/master/purr-data-x86_64-ubuntu-14.04-rc4.deb)
> Ubuntu 16.04 64-bit:
> raw/master/purr-data-x86_64-ubuntu-16.04-rc4.deb)
> Windows with 64-bit GUI:
> jwilkes/purr-data-binaries/raw/master/
> OSX 64-bit:
> raw/master/purr-data-x86_64-osx-rc4.dmg)
> OSX 64-bit (10.8):
> raw/master/purr-data-x86_64-osx-10.8-rc4.dmg)
> ___
> mailing list
> UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management ->
> listinfo/pd-list

Manteuffelstr. 19
10997 Berlin (Deutschland)
Tel +49 30 74921288 | Mob +49 162 6843570
Studio +49 30 69509190 | skype: jmmmpjmmmp
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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2016-12-24 Thread Jonathan Wilkes via Pd-list
> I followed the homebrew os x installation directions, but ended up with no 
> .dmg in said folder.

Any one else with this issue?
It's a documentation bug:

On Sat, Dec 24, 2016 at 11:07 AM, Jonathan Wilkes via Pd-list 

> just to warn, the 64b-windows exe file is called rc3. but I couldn't find any 
> documentation saying which version is really installed. would it make sense 
> to add a clear reference to the document "about pd-2lork", as in pd-ext?
It's the rc4 binary.
I'm still trying to figure out a decent version number.


Purr Data release candidate 4!
* fixed race when opening pd file in OSX
* partial fix for midi prefs not getting saved under Windows
* fixed #194: saving a loaded abstraction gives errors
* fixed for #201: new subcanvas position isn't saved with patch
* sync the ALSA sequencer port state with the GUI
* reset ALSA MIDI device handles and event buffers when closing
* got rid of more debugging output
* go ahead and allow curly braces in Pd messages
* replace the Pd-extended output~ abstraction with Alexandre Porres' improved 
* report userful value for "dsp-status" method of [pdinfo] by ignorning 
* fixed display of dollar signs in properties dialogs
* fixed loading of lyonpotpourri and disis libraries

please report lots of bugs to jwilkes/purr-data/issues


rpi Raspbian (armv7l): jwilkes/purr-data-binaries/ 
raw/master/purr-data-armv7l- raspbian-rc4.deb

Debian Jessie 32-bit: jwilkes/purr-data-binaries/ 
raw/master/purr-data-i386- debian_jessie-rc4.deb)

Debian Jessie 64-bit: jwilkes/purr-data-binaries/ 
raw/master/purr-data-x86_64- debian_jessie-rc4.deb)

Ubuntu 14.04 32-bit: jwilkes/purr-data-binaries/ 
raw/master/purr-data-i386- ubuntu-14.04-rc4.deb)

Ubuntu 14.04 64-bit: jwilkes/purr-data-binaries/ 
raw/master/purr-data-x86_64- ubuntu-14.04-rc4.deb)

Ubuntu 16.04 64-bit: jwilkes/purr-data-binaries/ 
raw/master/purr-data-x86_64- ubuntu-16.04-rc4.deb)

Windows with 64-bit GUI: jwilkes/purr-data-binaries/ 

OSX 64-bit: jwilkes/purr-data-binaries/ 
raw/master/purr-data-x86_64- osx-rc4.dmg)

OSX 64-bit (10.8): jwilkes/purr-data-binaries/ 
raw/master/purr-data-x86_64- osx-10.8-rc4.dmg)

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   ___ mailing list
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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2016-12-24 Thread Ali Momeni
I followed the homebrew os x installation directions, but ended up with no
.dmg in said folder.
Any one else with this issue?

On Sat, Dec 24, 2016 at 11:07 AM, Jonathan Wilkes via Pd-list <> wrote:

> > just to warn, the 64b-windows exe file is called rc3. but I couldn't
> find any documentation saying which version is really installed. would it
> make sense to add a clear reference to the document "about pd-2lork", as in
> pd-ext?
> It's the rc4 binary.
> I'm still trying to figure out a decent version number.
> -Jonathan
> Purr Data release candidate 4!
> * fixed race when opening pd file in OSX
> * partial fix for midi prefs not getting saved under Windows
> * fixed #194: saving a loaded abstraction gives errors
> * fixed for #201: new subcanvas position isn't saved with patch
> * sync the ALSA sequencer port state with the GUI
> * reset ALSA MIDI device handles and event buffers when closing
> * got rid of more debugging output
> * go ahead and allow curly braces in Pd messages
> * replace the Pd-extended output~ abstraction with Alexandre Porres'
> improved version
> * report userful value for "dsp-status" method of [pdinfo] by ignorning
> suspend/resume
> * fixed display of dollar signs in properties dialogs
> * fixed loading of lyonpotpourri and disis libraries
> please report lots of bugs to
> Binaries:
> rpi Raspbian (armv7l):
> jwilkes/purr-data-binaries/raw/master/purr-data-armv7l-raspbian-rc4.deb
> Debian Jessie 32-bit:
> raw/master/purr-data-i386-debian_jessie-rc4.deb)
> Debian Jessie 64-bit:
> raw/master/purr-data-x86_64-debian_jessie-rc4.deb)
> Ubuntu 14.04 32-bit:
> raw/master/purr-data-i386-ubuntu-14.04-rc4.deb)
> Ubuntu 14.04 64-bit:
> raw/master/purr-data-x86_64-ubuntu-14.04-rc4.deb)
> Ubuntu 16.04 64-bit:
> raw/master/purr-data-x86_64-ubuntu-16.04-rc4.deb)
> Windows with 64-bit GUI:
> jwilkes/purr-data-binaries/raw/master/
> OSX 64-bit:
> raw/master/purr-data-x86_64-osx-rc4.dmg)
> OSX 64-bit (10.8):
> raw/master/purr-data-x86_64-osx-10.8-rc4.dmg)
> ___
> mailing list
> UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management ->
> listinfo/pd-list
___ mailing list
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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2016-12-24 Thread Jonathan Wilkes via Pd-list
> just to warn, the 64b-windows exe file is called rc3. but I couldn't find any 
> documentation saying which version is really installed. would it make sense 
> to add a clear reference to the document "about pd-2lork", as in pd-ext?
It's the rc4 binary.
I'm still trying to figure out a decent version number.


Purr Data release candidate 4!
* fixed race when opening pd file in OSX
* partial fix for midi prefs not getting saved under Windows
* fixed #194: saving a loaded abstraction gives errors
* fixed for #201: new subcanvas position isn't saved with patch
* sync the ALSA sequencer port state with the GUI
* reset ALSA MIDI device handles and event buffers when closing
* got rid of more debugging output
* go ahead and allow curly braces in Pd messages
* replace the Pd-extended output~ abstraction with Alexandre Porres' improved 
* report userful value for "dsp-status" method of [pdinfo] by ignorning 
* fixed display of dollar signs in properties dialogs
* fixed loading of lyonpotpourri and disis libraries

please report lots of bugs to


rpi Raspbian (armv7l):

Debian Jessie 32-bit:

Debian Jessie 64-bit:

Ubuntu 14.04 32-bit:

Ubuntu 14.04 64-bit:

Ubuntu 16.04 64-bit:

Windows with 64-bit GUI:

OSX 64-bit:

OSX 64-bit (10.8):

   ___ mailing list
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Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4

2016-12-24 Thread João Pais
just to warn, the 64b-windows exe file is called rc3. but I couldn't find  
any documentation saying which version is really installed. would it make  
sense to add a clear reference to the document "about pd-2lork", as in  

Purr Data release candidate 4!
* fixed race when opening pd file in OSX
* partial fix for midi prefs not getting saved under Windows
* fixed #194: saving a loaded abstraction gives errors
* fixed for #201: new subcanvas position isn't saved with patch
* sync the ALSA sequencer port state with the GUI
* reset ALSA MIDI device handles and event buffers when closing
* got rid of more debugging output
* go ahead and allow curly braces in Pd messages
* replace the Pd-extended output~ abstraction with Alexandre Porres'  
improved version
* report userful value for "dsp-status" method of [pdinfo] by ignorning  

* fixed display of dollar signs in properties dialogs
* fixed loading of lyonpotpourri and disis libraries

please report lots of bugs to


rpi Raspbian (armv7l):>raspbian-rc4.deb

Debian Jessie 32-bit:>debian_jessie-rc4.deb)

Debian Jessie 64-bit:>debian_jessie-rc4.deb)

Ubuntu 14.04 32-bit:>ubuntu-14.04-rc4.deb)

Ubuntu 14.04 64-bit:>ubuntu-14.04-rc4.deb)

Ubuntu 16.04 64-bit:>ubuntu-16.04-rc4.deb)

Windows with 64-bit GUI:>

OSX 64-bit:>rc4.dmg)

OSX 64-bit (10.8):>osx-10.8-rc4.dmg)___ mailing list
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