Re: [PD] help making sense of [readsf~]

2024-03-03 Thread Christof Ressi


making it seem it would load the file into an internal memory and not 
just read directly from the disk

The help file says "soundfile playback from disk"...

Here's how the object works:

A worker thread is reading data from the given file and fills a buffer. 
If the buffer is full, it waits until there is space. The thread starts 
to do its job right after the [open( message.

Once we send the [start( message, the perform method simply tries to 
read a block of samples from the buffer and copy it to the outlets. If 
there is not enough data in the buffer, the method blocks - which is 
something we definitely want to avoid! This is exactly the reason why we 
need to wait a little bit between the [open( message and the [start( 
message; otherwise the perform routine might have to wait for the 
buffer, causing a dropout.

The second argument for [readsf~] is the size of the buffer. The default 
value seems to be 262144 bytes (per channel). In single-precision Pd 
that corresponds to 65536 samples, which should be more than enough. I 
think this value comes from the times where everybody had slow HDDs with 
unpredictable seek times; for modern SSDs it can be much smaller, but we 
probably don't care about a few kilobytes.

(BTW, I have no idea why the help patch uses a buffer size of 1 MB...)


[writesf~] behaves just the otherway round. Since the perform routine is 
the producer, we don't need to wait after the [open( message. But after 
we send [stop(, we should to wait for the worker thread to drain the 
buffer and write the data to disk before we send another [open( message.


On 04.03.2024 05:24, Alexandre Torres Porres wrote:
Hi, a discussion on facebook led me to revise the help file of 
[readsf~] and I'm making some edits and changes. It seems it wasn't 
all to clear how it works, making it seem it would load the file into 
an internal memory and not just read directly from the disk, and in 
fact I'm not really sure how it works.

Also, the help has been saying forever how one should open a file "a 
bit" in advance, which is vague and it also doesn't make it clear why 
and how long soon... it also says it starts reading from the file 
right away, but doesn't play it until you say so... this is what makes 
it a bit confusing to people I guess, cause it seems to load into 
memory. Now, I believe there is some operation that is done in advance 
and then it adds some latency maybe, so if you do it in advance you 
get to manage this a bit better, is that it?

Can we have and add a bit more information about it?

Also, is it the case that this used to be a somewhat significant issue 
back in the day, which means this has become not significant all for a 

Last, but not least, I can't make much sense of the 2nd argument. I 
had a look at the code to see what is the default value (which is also 
the minimum allowed value), something I always put on the help files, 
and I wonder if this is some kind of memory buffer that we load the 
file into... Moreover, why would someone need a bigger buffer than the 
default value?

I need this information well sorted to make this help file as nice as 
the others.


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Re: [PD] help making sense of [readsf~]

2024-03-04 Thread Christof Ressi

Actually, I forgot something important:

Of course, the worker thread must also *open* the file! If the file is 
not yet cached by the OS, this can indeed take a few milliseconds.If you 
don't add some delay between "open" and "start", you might notice that 
you get a dropout the very first time, but not on subsequent times.

In fact, if you don't wait between "open" and "start", the perform 
method almost certainly blocks. However, often we don't notice because 
it may be "absorbed" by Pd's own ringbuffer (= "Delay" in the audio 

Anyway, I agree that the help needs some more clarification! (Just make 
sure you really understand how the object works before changing the help 
patch :)


On 04.03.2024 06:23, Christof Ressi wrote:


making it seem it would load the file into an internal memory and not 
just read directly from the disk

The help file says "soundfile playback from disk"...

Here's how the object works:

A worker thread is reading data from the given file and fills a 
buffer. If the buffer is full, it waits until there is space. The 
thread starts to do its job right after the [open( message.

Once we send the [start( message, the perform method simply tries to 
read a block of samples from the buffer and copy it to the outlets. If 
there is not enough data in the buffer, the method blocks - which is 
something we definitely want to avoid! This is exactly the reason why 
we need to wait a little bit between the [open( message and the 
[start( message; otherwise the perform routine might have to wait for 
the buffer, causing a dropout.

The second argument for [readsf~] is the size of the buffer. The 
default value seems to be 262144 bytes (per channel). In 
single-precision Pd that corresponds to 65536 samples, which should be 
more than enough. I think this value comes from the times where 
everybody had slow HDDs with unpredictable seek times; for modern SSDs 
it can be much smaller, but we probably don't care about a few kilobytes.

(BTW, I have no idea why the help patch uses a buffer size of 1 MB...)


[writesf~] behaves just the otherway round. Since the perform routine 
is the producer, we don't need to wait after the [open( message. But 
after we send [stop(, we should to wait for the worker thread to drain 
the buffer and write the data to disk before we send another [open( 


On 04.03.2024 05:24, Alexandre Torres Porres wrote:
Hi, a discussion on facebook led me to revise the help file of 
[readsf~] and I'm making some edits and changes. It seems it wasn't 
all to clear how it works, making it seem it would load the file into 
an internal memory and not just read directly from the disk, and in 
fact I'm not really sure how it works.

Also, the help has been saying forever how one should open a file "a 
bit" in advance, which is vague and it also doesn't make it clear why 
and how long soon... it also says it starts reading from the file 
right away, but doesn't play it until you say so... this is what 
makes it a bit confusing to people I guess, cause it seems to load 
into memory. Now, I believe there is some operation that is done in 
advance and then it adds some latency maybe, so if you do it in 
advance you get to manage this a bit better, is that it?

Can we have and add a bit more information about it?

Also, is it the case that this used to be a somewhat significant 
issue back in the day, which means this has become not significant 
all for a while?

Last, but not least, I can't make much sense of the 2nd argument. I 
had a look at the code to see what is the default value (which is 
also the minimum allowed value), something I always put on the help 
files, and I wonder if this is some kind of memory buffer that we 
load the file into... Moreover, why would someone need a bigger 
buffer than the default value?

I need this information well sorted to make this help file as nice as 
the others.


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Re: [PD] help making sense of [readsf~]

2024-03-04 Thread Dan Wilcox
To echo Christof, each object has a parallel worker thread as the file I/O 
could block Pd's audio thread. It takes time to read the beginning of the file 
(or  from the start point) before it can be played back.

IMO the warning / concern in the help file is really from a time of *much* 
slower media where the file I/O would take a lot longer, especially if a 
spinning hard drive has to access multiple files in multiple physical 
locations. Nowadays, speed and (pre-)caching make access times so much faster 
we don't necessarily think about it except for very large files we need to be 
able to randomly access.

As Christof says, fine tuning the reader buffer size could be thought of as 
fine tuning the audio buffer length, ie. a 64 block size is faster but has less 
space/time if your patch does some really CPU intensive stuff. If you don't 
need super responsively, you can increase the block size. I have never 
personally needed to use anything but the default readsf~ buffer size.

> On Mar 4, 2024, at 12:00 PM, wrote:
> Message: 2
> Date: Mon, 4 Mar 2024 06:23:16 +0100
> From: Christof Ressi>>
> To: <>
> Subject: Re: [PD] help making sense of [readsf~]
> Message-ID: < 
> <>>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed
> Hi,
>> making it seem it would load the file into an internal memory and not 
>> just read directly from the disk
> The help file says "soundfile playback from disk"...
> Here's how the object works:
> A worker thread is reading data from the given file and fills a buffer. 
> If the buffer is full, it waits until there is space. The thread starts 
> to do its job right after the [open( message.
> Once we send the [start( message, the perform method simply tries to 
> read a block of samples from the buffer and copy it to the outlets. If 
> there is not enough data in the buffer, the method blocks - which is 
> something we definitely want to avoid! This is exactly the reason why we 
> need to wait a little bit between the [open( message and the [start( 
> message; otherwise the perform routine might have to wait for the 
> buffer, causing a dropout.
> The second argument for [readsf~] is the size of the buffer. The default 
> value seems to be 262144 bytes (per channel). In single-precision Pd 
> that corresponds to 65536 samples, which should be more than enough. I 
> think this value comes from the times where everybody had slow HDDs with 
> unpredictable seek times; for modern SSDs it can be much smaller, but we 
> probably don't care about a few kilobytes.
> (BTW, I have no idea why the help patch uses a buffer size of 1 MB...)

Dan Wilcox <> <>
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Re: [PD] help making sense of [readsf~]

2024-03-04 Thread Dan Wilcox
*This* is a good point and worth noting, not necessarily as a "always delay 
before playing" sort of thing but more a short description of how it works, 
then a note like "if you experience occasional dropouts on first accessing a 
file, consider adding a small delay after opening but *before* playing."

> On Mar 4, 2024, at 1:01 PM, wrote:
> Message: 1
> Date: Mon, 4 Mar 2024 12:55:54 +0100
> From: Christof Ressi>>
> To: <>
> Subject: Re: [PD] help making sense of [readsf~]
> Message-ID: < 
> <>>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; Format="flowed"
> Actually, I forgot something important:
> Of course, the worker thread must also *open* the file! If the file is 
> not yet cached by the OS, this can indeed take a few milliseconds.If you 
> don't add some delay between "open" and "start", you might notice that 
> you get a dropout the very first time, but not on subsequent times.
> In fact, if you don't wait between "open" and "start", the perform 
> method almost certainly blocks. However, often we don't notice because 
> it may be "absorbed" by Pd's own ringbuffer (= "Delay" in the audio 
> settings).
> Anyway, I agree that the help needs some more clarification! (Just make 
> sure you really understand how the object works before changing the help 
> patch :)
> ?Christof

Dan Wilcox <> <>
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Re: [PD] help making sense of [readsf~]

2024-03-04 Thread Christof Ressi

As Christof says, fine tuning the reader buffer size could be thought 
of as fine tuning the audio buffer length, ie. a 64 block size is 
faster but has less space/time if your patch does some really CPU 
intensive stuff. If you don't need super responsively, you can 
increase the block size.

Just to clarify: the buffer for readsf~ itself does not cause any delay, 
so larger values don't hurt (except for wasting some kilobytes). The 
latency is explicitly controlled by the user as the time between the 
"open" and "start" message.

(The reason why the buffer itself does not cause a delay is because the 
worker thread is "eager", i.e. it already has all the data available and 
so it always fills the buffer as fast as possible. This is different to 
an audio device where the audio input is produced at the same rate as it 
is consumed.)

I have never personally needed to use anything but the default readsf~ 
buffer size.
Yes, as I noted, the default buffer size is 65356 samples, which is over 
1 second of audio at 48 kHz. This is much more than we will ever need on 
modern systems. The user only needs to think about the wait time between 
"open" and "start" to avoid *initial* dropouts.

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Re: [PD] help making sense of [readsf~]

2024-03-04 Thread Christof Ressi
not necessarily as a "always delay before playing" sort of thing but 
more a short description of how it works,
I agree! It's always better when the user actually understands *why* 
they need to do something.

In general, though, I would advice everyone to consider a delay between 
"open" and "start" when you design your patches, in particular if you 
plan to distribute it to other people.

[open , start( is convenient, but it can be hard to refactor at a 
later stage!

Personally, when I build a playlist in Pd, I have one or more [readsf~] 
objects and cycle between them. For example:

| cue  | readsf~ 1 | readsf~ 2 |
|  | - | - |
| 1| play 1| open 2|
| 2| open 3| play 2|
| 3| play 3| open 4|
| 4| open 5| play 4|
| 5| play 5| open 6|


I think you get the pattern.


On 04.03.2024 13:07, Dan Wilcox wrote:
*This* is a good point and worth noting, not necessarily as a "always 
delay before playing" sort of thing but more a short description of 
how it works, then a note like "if you experience occasional dropouts 
on first accessing a file, consider adding a small delay after opening 
but *before* playing."

On Mar 4, 2024, at 1:01 PM, wrote:

Message: 1
Date: Mon, 4 Mar 2024 12:55:54 +0100
From: Christof Ressi
Subject: Re: [PD] help making sense of [readsf~]
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; Format="flowed"

Actually, I forgot something important:

Of course, the worker thread must also *open* the file! If the file is
not yet cached by the OS, this can indeed take a few milliseconds.If you
don't add some delay between "open" and "start", you might notice that
you get a dropout the very first time, but not on subsequent times.

In fact, if you don't wait between "open" and "start", the perform
method almost certainly blocks. However, often we don't notice because
it may be "absorbed" by Pd's own ringbuffer (= "Delay" in the audio

Anyway, I agree that the help needs some more clarification! (Just make
sure you really understand how the object works before changing the help
patch :)


Dan Wilcox <> <>
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Re: [PD] help making sense of [readsf~]

2024-03-06 Thread Alexandre Torres Porres
Em seg., 4 de mar. de 2024 às 02:25, Christof Ressi 

> A worker thread is reading data from the given file and fills a buffer.

and this buffer size is set via the 2nd argument, right?

> If the buffer is full, it waits until there is space. The thread starts
> to do its job right after the [open( message.

And it'll have space when it starts playing, which frees the data from the
buffer, huh?

> Once we send the [start( message, the perform method simply tries to
> read a block of samples from the buffer and copy it to the outlets. If
> there is not enough data in the buffer, the method blocks - which is
> something we definitely want to avoid! This is exactly the reason why we
> need to wait a little bit between the [open( message and the [start(
> message; otherwise the perform routine might have to wait for the
> buffer, causing a dropout.

But it's not like we need for the whole buffer to get filled before
playing, right? So we can read and free from the buffer while it's being

> The second argument for [readsf~] is the size of the buffer. The default
> value seems to be 262144 bytes (per channel). In single-precision Pd
> that corresponds to 65536 samples, which should be more than enough. I
> think this value comes from the times where everybody had slow HDDs with
> unpredictable seek times; for modern SSDs it can be much smaller, but we
> probably don't care about a few kilobytes.

I see.

> (BTW, I have no idea why the help patch uses a buffer size of 1 MB...)

seems weird in fact to require anything bigger than this, really, and this
should be clear in the help file! When should one care and feel like 65536
isn't enough?

> [writesf~] behaves just the otherway round. Since the perform routine is
> the producer, we don't need to wait after the [open( message. But after
> we send [stop(, we should to wait for the worker thread to drain the
> buffer and write the data to disk before we send another [open( message.

maybe worth mentioning.

> Actually, I forgot something important:
> Of course, the worker thread must also *open* the file! If the file is not
> yet cached by the OS, this can indeed take a few milliseconds. If you
> don't add some delay between "open" and "start", you might notice that you
> get a dropout the very first time, but not on subsequent times.
> In fact, if you don't wait between "open" and "start", the perform method
> almost certainly blocks. However, often we don't notice because it may be
> "absorbed" by Pd's own ringbuffer (= "Delay" in the audio settings).

Thing is, I don't think I've ever noticed a dropout and have been ignoring
this warning and playing files right away forever, since I started using Pd
in the 2000s... I got this rather old 2013 macbook air, and using it with a
delay of only 5ms doesn't give me any noticeable dropout!

Can others test this?

This is why I was assuming that it was a concern for pretty old computers.
I thought maybe it was a cpu issue, but I see it could also be hard drive
related now. This ver old macbook air has got SSDs anyway...

> Anyway, I agree that the help needs some more clarification! (Just make
> sure you really understand how the object works before changing the help
> patch :)
that's what I am doing :)
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Re: [PD] help making sense of [readsf~]

2024-03-06 Thread Alexandre Torres Porres
Em seg., 4 de mar. de 2024 às 09:08, Dan Wilcox 

> *This* is a good point and worth noting, not necessarily as a "always
> delay before playing" sort of thing but more a short description of how it
> works, then a note like "if you experience occasional dropouts on first
> accessing a file, consider adding a small delay after opening but *before*
> playing."

 nice suggestion :) thanks
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Re: [PD] help making sense of [readsf~]

2024-03-06 Thread Alexandre Torres Porres
Em qua., 6 de mar. de 2024 às 21:27, Alexandre Torres Porres <> escreveu:

> I got this rather old 2013 macbook air, and using it with a delay of only
> 5ms doesn't give me any noticeable dropout!

btw, 4ms chokes and causes dropouts when testing audio with the audio-mid
test patch, just playing a sine wave...
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Re: [PD] help making sense of [readsf~]

2024-03-06 Thread Christof Ressi

On 07.03.2024 01:27, Alexandre Torres Porres wrote:
Em seg., 4 de mar. de 2024 às 02:25, Christof Ressi 

A worker thread is reading data from the given file and fills a

and this buffer size is set via the 2nd argument, right?


If the buffer is full, it waits until there is space. The thread
to do its job right after the [open( message.

And it'll have space when it starts playing, which frees the data from 
the buffer, huh?
Yes, although "frees the data" is the wrong term. The perform routine 
reads a range of samples and advances the read pointer, after which 
these samples can be *overwritten* by the worker thread. It's just a 
simple ringbuffer.

Once we send the [start( message, the perform method simply tries to
read a block of samples from the buffer and copy it to the outlets. If
there is not enough data in the buffer, the method blocks - which is
something we definitely want to avoid! This is exactly the reason
why we
need to wait a little bit between the [open( message and the [start(
message; otherwise the perform routine might have to wait for the
buffer, causing a dropout.

But it's not like we need for the whole buffer to get filled before 
playing, right? So we can read and free from the buffer while it's 
being filled.
Yes! Although in practice the buffer will be filled pretty quickly once 
the soundfile has been opened. One could say that the perform routine 
"drives" the worker thread.

The second argument for [readsf~] is the size of the buffer. The
value seems to be 262144 bytes (per channel). In single-precision Pd
that corresponds to 65536 samples, which should be more than enough. I
think this value comes from the times where everybody had slow
HDDs with
unpredictable seek times; for modern SSDs it can be much smaller,
but we
probably don't care about a few kilobytes.

I see.

(BTW, I have no idea why the help patch uses a buffer size of 1 MB...)

seems weird in fact to require anything bigger than this, really, and 
this should be clear in the help file! When should one care and feel 
like 65536 isn't enough?

Pretty much never.

[writesf~] behaves just the otherway round. Since the perform
routine is
the producer, we don't need to wait after the [open( message. But
we send [stop(, we should to wait for the worker thread to drain the
buffer and write the data to disk before we send another [open(

maybe worth mentioning.

Actually, I forgot something important:

Of course, the worker thread must also *open* the file! If the
file is not yet cached by the OS, this can indeed take a few
milliseconds.If you don't add some delay between "open" and
"start", you might notice that you get a dropout the very first
time, but not on subsequent times.

In fact, if you don't wait between "open" and "start", the perform
method almost certainly blocks. However, often we don't notice
because it may be "absorbed" by Pd's own ringbuffer (= "Delay" in
the audio settings).

Thing is, I don't think I've ever noticed a dropout and have been 
ignoring this warning and playing files right away forever, since I 
started using Pd in the 2000s... I got this rather old 2013 macbook 
air, and using it with a delay of only 5ms doesn't give me any 
noticeable dropout!
I did and still do notice it! Opening a file (that is not cached by the 
OS) can take a few milliseconds. If your delay setting is low and CPU 
load is high, you can easily get a dropout.

Can others test this?

This is why I was assuming that it was a concern for pretty old 
computers. I thought maybe it was a cpu issue, but I see it could also 
be hard drive related now. This ver old macbook air has got SSDs anyway...

Anyway, I agree that the help needs some more clarification! (Just
make sure you really understand how the object works before
changing the help patch :)

that's what I am doing :)

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Re: [PD] help making sense of [readsf~]

2024-03-06 Thread Alexandre Torres Porres
Em qua., 6 de mar. de 2024 às 22:10, Christof Ressi 

> Suggestion: "You should wait a few milliseconds between "open" and "start"
> to ensure that the buffer is filled in time, otherwise you may get a
> dropout."
How about "*You should wait a few milliseconds between "open" and "start"
on first accessing a file to ensure that the buffer is filled in time,
otherwise you may get a dropout.*"?

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Re: [PD] help making sense of [readsf~]

2024-03-06 Thread Christof Ressi

On 07.03.2024 02:38, Alexandre Torres Porres wrote:

on first accessing a file

I think this would cause more confusion than it would help. (What does 
"first accessing" actually mean?)

I wrote about the case where the file is not yet cached by the OS, but 
IMO that is too specific for a help patch. Also, it isn't the *only* 
case that can cause a dropout. In general, file I/O is non-deterministic 
and you are at the mercy of your OS.

I think it's enough to tell users that the buffer needs to be filled in 


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Re: [PD] help making sense of [readsf~]

2024-03-06 Thread Alexandre Torres Porres
thing is I can never hear dropouts, don't think I've ever had problems,
then it seemed that the issue might be first accessing an uncached file,
which kinda made sense why I never faced this I also have an
abstraction that is a wrap around readsf~ that doesn't care about this and
I use it many times to randomly play samples from sample banks, never found
anything funny (ok, my performances are usually loud and noisy anyway, haha)

And for testing now, I just recorded a new file (ok it was in Pd), then
renamed it and moved it elsewhere, no dropouts either, did my system cash
this somehow and kept track of it?

Anyway, I really like how Dan put it... which is you "may" get dropouts...
"if you do" then you should do this... because putting this as
something thas *has* to be done everytime doesn't seem right...  :)

Em qua., 6 de mar. de 2024 às 23:33, Christof Ressi 

> On 07.03.2024 02:38, Alexandre Torres Porres wrote:
> > on first accessing a file
> I think this would cause more confusion than it would help. (What does
> "first accessing" actually mean?)
> I wrote about the case where the file is not yet cached by the OS, but
> IMO that is too specific for a help patch. Also, it isn't the *only*
> case that can cause a dropout. In general, file I/O is non-deterministic
> and you are at the mercy of your OS.
> I think it's enough to tell users that the buffer needs to be filled in
> time.
> Christof
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Re: [PD] help making sense of [readsf~]

2024-03-06 Thread Christof Ressi

On 07.03.2024 04:05, Alexandre Torres Porres wrote:

thing is I can never hear dropouts, don't think I've ever had 
problems, then it seemed that the issue might be first accessing an 
uncached file, which kinda made sense why I never faced this I 
also have an abstraction that is a wrap around readsf~ that doesn't 
care about this and I use it many times to randomly play samples from 
sample banks, never found anything funny (ok, my performances are 
usually loud and noisy anyway, haha)
I definitely did get dropouts. Maybe you just never noticed it :-D Or 
macOS has just faster file I/O than Windows (which I believe is indeed 
the case).

And for testing now, I just recorded a new file (ok it was in Pd), 
then renamed it and moved it elsewhere, no dropouts either, did my 
system cash this somehow and kept track of it?

Yes, very likely.

Anyway, I really like how Dan put it... which is you "may" get 
dropouts... "if you do" then you should do this... because putting 
this as something thas *has* to be done everytime doesn't seem 
right...  :)

I don't agree. The problem with "if you do" is that it isn't portable. 
If you don't care about writing portable patches, that's probably fine, 
but I think we should really teach users the correct and portable way. 
The very idea of [readsf~] is that you don't open the file on the audio 
thread, but when you do [open , start( you indirectly block the audio 
thread. Just don't do it!

I've already mentioned this, but if you do [open , start( it can 
become quite awkward to change later. Better do the right thing from the 

(BTW, the equivalent SuperCollider object would be DiskIn UGen + 
Buffer.cueSoundFile; there you don't even have the chance to skip the 
buffering step.)


Em qua., 6 de mar. de 2024 às 23:33, Christof Ressi 

On 07.03.2024 02:38, Alexandre Torres Porres wrote:

> on first accessing a file

I think this would cause more confusion than it would help. (What
"first accessing" actually mean?)

I wrote about the case where the file is not yet cached by the OS,
IMO that is too specific for a help patch. Also, it isn't the *only*
case that can cause a dropout. In general, file I/O is
and you are at the mercy of your OS.

I think it's enough to tell users that the buffer needs to be
filled in

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Re: [PD] help making sense of [readsf~]

2024-03-06 Thread Alexandre Torres Porres
ok, I'm working a bit more on it and will take your suggestion, which is
" "You should wait a few milliseconds between "open" and "start" to ensure
that the buffer is filled in time, otherwise you may get a dropout."" or
something like that...

Em qui., 7 de mar. de 2024 às 00:27, Christof Ressi 

> On 07.03.2024 04:05, Alexandre Torres Porres wrote:
> thing is I can never hear dropouts, don't think I've ever had problems,
> then it seemed that the issue might be first accessing an uncached file,
> which kinda made sense why I never faced this I also have an
> abstraction that is a wrap around readsf~ that doesn't care about this and
> I use it many times to randomly play samples from sample banks, never found
> anything funny (ok, my performances are usually loud and noisy anyway, haha)
> I definitely did get dropouts. Maybe you just never noticed it :-D Or
> macOS has just faster file I/O than Windows (which I believe is indeed the
> case).
> And for testing now, I just recorded a new file (ok it was in Pd), then
> renamed it and moved it elsewhere, no dropouts either, did my system cash
> this somehow and kept track of it?
> Yes, very likely.
> Anyway, I really like how Dan put it... which is you "may" get dropouts...
> "if you do" then you should do this... because putting this as
> something thas *has* to be done everytime doesn't seem right...  :)
> I don't agree. The problem with "if you do" is that it isn't portable. If
> you don't care about writing portable patches, that's probably fine, but I
> think we should really teach users the correct and portable way. The very
> idea of [readsf~] is that you don't open the file on the audio thread, but
> when you do [open , start( you indirectly block the audio thread. Just
> don't do it!
> I've already mentioned this, but if you do [open , start( it can become
> quite awkward to change later. Better do the right thing from the beginning.
> (BTW, the equivalent SuperCollider object would be DiskIn UGen +
> Buffer.cueSoundFile; there you don't even have the chance to skip the
> buffering step.)
> Christof
> Em qua., 6 de mar. de 2024 às 23:33, Christof Ressi <
>> escreveu:
>> On 07.03.2024 02:38, Alexandre Torres Porres wrote:
>> > on first accessing a file
>> I think this would cause more confusion than it would help. (What does
>> "first accessing" actually mean?)
>> I wrote about the case where the file is not yet cached by the OS, but
>> IMO that is too specific for a help patch. Also, it isn't the *only*
>> case that can cause a dropout. In general, file I/O is non-deterministic
>> and you are at the mercy of your OS.
>> I think it's enough to tell users that the buffer needs to be filled in
>> time.
>> Christof
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Re: [PD] help making sense of [readsf~]

2024-03-06 Thread Alexandre Torres Porres
Em qui., 7 de mar. de 2024 às 00:27, Christof Ressi 

> (BTW, the equivalent SuperCollider object would be DiskIn UGen +
> Buffer.cueSoundFile; there you don't even have the chance to skip the
> buffering step.)

This is a much better design. I don't mind the latency, but I'd really like
to tell the object to just play and it can then work out when it is ready
and start doing it :)

In fact, I would like to suggest a new "play" message, that would do
exactly this: "open" + "start', making sure there are no dropouts...

Seems like a job to you by the way ;)
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Re: [PD] help making sense of [readsf~]

2024-03-07 Thread Christof Ressi

On 07.03.2024 04:43, Alexandre Torres Porres wrote:

Em qui., 7 de mar. de 2024 às 00:27, Christof Ressi 

(BTW, the equivalent SuperCollider object would be DiskIn UGen +
Buffer.cueSoundFile; there you don't even have the chance to skip
the buffering step.)

This is a much better design. I don't mind the latency, but I'd really 
like to tell the object to just play and it can then work out when it 
is ready and start doing it :)
Keep in mind that this is not deterministic, i.e. playback will just 
start whenever the data is ready. This is probably fine for many uses 
cases, but if you want sample accurate playback, you'd need to wait 
until Buffer.cueSoundFile has completed before creating the DiskIn, 
similar to [readsf~].

In fact, I would like to suggest a new "play" message, that would do 
exactly this: "open" + "start', making sure there are no dropouts...

Actually, I had already thought about that! There could be an option 
that makes [readsf~] non-blocking, i.e. the perform routine does not 
wait on a condition variable if the buffer is empty, instead it would 
just output silence. This would be essentially the same behavior as 
DiskIn. I thought of doing this with a flag to the "open" message: [open 
-n , start(

But I agree that [play ( looks much nicer and less obscure.

I just opened a feature request: :)

Seems like a job to you by the way ;)___ mailing list
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