Dear all,

PeeringDB is working towards releasing the PeeringDB source code to the
public under an open source license. We believe that open sourcing
PeeringDB has many benefits, such as lowering the bar for our community
to contribute to PeeringDB, understanding PeeringDB's inner workings,
and ease of onboarding for new vendors.

The PeeringDB board commissioned a comprehensive security audit of the
source code that drives The audit was deemed important to
ensure that open sourcing PeeringDB would not result in immediate
regret! :-)

PeeringDB tasked Computest ( to execute the
audit. Computest was excellent to work with, and produced very detailed
information for the PeeringDB developers to help address the issues that
were uncovered. The resulting security patches were deployed yesterday.

Below is a high level report on the results of this audit. In summary,
the auditor concluded the findings were minor.

Kind regards,

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