On Mon, 22 Jul 2002, Jeremy Smith wrote:

> *If I link with the .lib, this is GPL'ed, and I assume I have to release
> the source as I am effectively 'compiling in' PDCurses

PDCurses is NOT GPL'ed, nor LGPL'd. Most of it is public domain -- hence
the name. The license of some portions, like the Win32 section, seems to
be more restrictive, but it's still not GPL. Specifically, it says this:

* This file comprises part of PDCurses. PDCurses is Public Domain software.
* You may use this code for whatever purposes you desire. This software
* is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY whatsoever.
* Should this software be used in another application, an acknowledgement
* that PDCurses code is used would be appreciated, but is not mandatory.
* Any changes which you make to this software which may improve or enhance
* it, should be forwarded to the current maintainer for the benefit of
* other users.
* The only restriction placed on this code is that no distribution of
* modified PDCurses code be made under the PDCurses name, by anyone
* other than the current maintainer.
* See the file maintain.er for details of the current maintainer.

I think that's pretty straightforward -- although of questionable
validity, since first it states that it's public domain, and then it
attempts to place restrictions on use. Anyway, it says that you can link
and distribute your binaries as you please, with or without source.

But if you were a good person, you'd want to release your code anyway. ;-)

William McBrine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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