Hi Everyone.  I had have written a simple program with the line:
PDFToImage.main(new string[] {"C:\\Documents and 
jpg","-password","-startPage 1","-endPage 1","-outputPrefix C:\\Documents and 
And it yields the following message from Microsoft CLR Debugger:
"An unhandled exception of type 'java.awt.AWTError' occurred in 
Additional information: Cannot load AWT toolkit: ikvm.awt.NetToolkit, 
IKVM.AWT.WinForms, Version=, Culture=neutral, 
All I can say for certain is that, inside my .NET SDK IDASM tool, I'm looking 
right at a what appears to be an "ikvm.awt.NetToolkit" class.  The 
Configuration.java I dug for ikvm- says:
String default_awt_peer_toolkit = "ikvm.awt.NetToolkit, IKVM.AWT.WinForms, 
Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=13235d27fcbfff58";
I am using a PDFBox DLL that I had to build from scratch (using Ant), because 
my assembly cache wouldn't admit the bin dist. download of that file for like 
of a "strong name."  One of the lines in the Ant command line feedback does say 
    [javac] C:\ProgramFiles\PDFBox-0.7.3\src\org\pdfbox\PDFDebugger.java:346: wa
rning: [deprecation] show() in java.awt.Window has been deprecated
    [javac]         viewer.show();
    [javac]               ^
    [javac] C:\ProgramFiles\PDFBox-0.7.3\src\org\pdfbox\PDFReader.java:224: warn
ing: [deprecation] show() in java.awt.Window has been deprecated
    [javac]         viewer.show();
I don't know whether this is related to my problem.
Can anyone help?  Thanks.


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