-----Original Message----- From: Chris Marshall
Sent: Monday, April 16, 2018 12:08 AM
To: perldl
Subject: [Pdl-general] CHM/PDL-2.018_01.tar.gz released

...and should be at a CPAN mirror near you soon.

On Windows, I'm getting failures for tests 96 and 97 in t/fits.t for perls 5.12 and 5.14. (I haven't tested any version of perl prior to 5.12.0.)

not ok 96 - wfits tilde expansion didn't fail
#   Failed test 'wfits tilde expansion didn't fail'
#   at t/fits.t line 322.
# died: Unable to create FITS file >~\PDL-IO-FITS-test_5340.fits
#  at C:/MinGW/perl514/site/lib/PDL/IO/FITS.pm line 1901
#       PDL::wfits() called at t/fits.t line 322
#       Test::Exception::lives_ok() called at t/fits.t line 322
not ok 97 - rfits tilde expansion didn't fail
#   Failed test 'rfits tilde expansion didn't fail'
#   at t/fits.t line 323.
# died: FITS file ~\PDL-IO-FITS-test_5340.fits not found at C:/MinGW/perl514/site/lib/PDL/IO/FITS.pm line 349 # PDL::rfits() called at C:/MinGW/perl514/site/lib/PDL/IO/FITS.pm line 565

#       PDL::IO::FITS::rfits() called at t/fits.t line 323
#       Test::Exception::lives_ok() called at t/fits.t line 323
Could not delete ~\PDL-IO-FITS-test_5340.fits: No such file or directory
# Looks like you failed 2 tests of 97.

No problems with 5.16 to 5.26. (I haven't yet tested any version of perl newer that 5.26.0.)


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