I can totally understand your thinking about not buying a new film camera now 
that the ist-d has come out. Given a choice, I would certainly buy the ist-d 
over the MZ-s right now. Both cameras are exceptional but you would really 
need a good reason to go out and pay full pop for an MZ-S. I picked up mine for a 
good price used otherwise I could not have justified it....

The *ist D did. When William Robb said that he bought one within minutes
of first picking it up, I can fully understand what he meant. I could
feel it myself. If I hadn't migrated away from modern Pentax, I would
have ordered one sight-unseen. It is a little gem. Maybe a bit too little
- I am now used to monster cameras - the Canons tower over the diminutive
*ist D. With my big hands, no bad thing.
Far be it for me to be judge any gear without giving it a proper outing -
it's quite unfair and you're right to pull me up on it.
The MZ-S wouldn't be any good as a doorstop - it has no weight to it!


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