Blah blah blah blah blah....cut to the next-to-last paragraph of the email
below for the 'meat' (this is a followup to John Mustarde's earlier posting,
which I forwarded on to Ebay/PayPal requesting clarification). I've deleted
the PayPal employee's contact info

Unbelievable. The seller has to prove they shipped the item and, if it's
worth more than $250, also that someone signed for it on the other end,
otherwise they get charged for the item cost. I don't think I'll be using
PayPal anymore.......
Brian Dipert
Technical Editor: Mass Storage, Memory, Multimedia, PC Core Logic and
Peripherals, and Programmable Logic
EDN Magazine:
5000 V Street
Sacramento, CA   95817
(916) 454-5242 (voice), (617) 558-4470 (fax)
Visit me at

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2003 5:36 PM
Subject: Your Inquiry

Dear Brian Dipert,

I sincerely apologize for the difficulties you have encountered while
using PayPal. The company values your business, and I want to do
everything possible to answer your question.

Let me be very clear when I express to you that PayPal is, has been,
and remains, absolutely committed to providing a safe environment for
our customers, from all over the world, to conduct business in a
environment. We deeply regret every loss experienced by our sellers
work on a daily basis to remove or minimize such threats to all our

Because of the extreme risk that reports of fraud, or other reversals,
pose to the profitability of the online economy, PayPal offers free
indemnification from such losses in the form of our Seller Protection
Policy. PayPal encourages all of our valued sellers to participate in
this program to defend themselves from the risk of such reversals.

This free plan has no enrollment or activation; you need only meet the
requirements to take part. If you do, PayPal will indemnify you against
reports of fraud or non-receipt, up to $1000 per transaction, $5000 per
year. You will find the full terms and conditions of this plan at the
following link:

Unfortunately, any seller who chooses not to follow the terms of the
Seller Protection Policy is wholly liable for any funds lost as a
result of a fraudulent transaction. Because of the extreme risk posed
by such reversals to the profitability and viability of our Seller's
accounts, we recommend that every seller fully follow the terms of the
Seller Protection Policy as much as their business model will allow.

In a buyer complaint is filed we contact the seller and request
tracking information, something that can be tracked on line.  If the
transaction is over $250.00 then we request that sellers get signature
conformation as well.  If the seller does not have that information,
then the buyer would win the buyer complaint.

Having read the email you forwarded, that seller's interpretation is
for the most part correct.  A seller is required to get a tracking
number.   However, PayPal does keep track of all buyer complaints that
are filed.  If any account shows a pattern of filing buyer complaints,
their account can be limited or closed.

Executive Escalations
PayPal, an eBay Company

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