Bill how sad, that Canada treated the real owners of Canada so
pathetically. Come to think of it, when I was in Boarding School - run
by the Christian Brothers of Ireland - movies were screened every
weekend in the School Theater cum Study Room cum Museum. Lots of them
were Injuns vs Cowboys / US Army. And you bet the poor "Injuns" were
masacared & always lost the war, what with their bows & arrows and
tomahawks, and the whotes with guns.  And we would clap and shout in
glee, obviously supporting the "white fellas". The poor "Injuns" were
always shown as "bad fellas" in these films - as kids we were
conditioned to think like this.
Until I saw "The Last Of The Mohicans" & "Pocahontas". what a shame!?
I believe these "Injuns" live a life of hell in the "Reserves" and
Canada still does very little for these "once proud people" and owners
of Canada.
Simply put "Genocide" of a different kind.
I have CD of Red Indian Music & Dance, and it is so magical,
thrilling, peaceful, calm.
Well we Indians have not forgotten what the British did to us, my God
upto 1947 - until we got our sweet Freedom - midnight of August 15,
1947. And that great speech by Nehru, "when the world sleeps, India
shall awaken ..."
Bipin - from the far away enchanting land.

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