Dario you TEASE!!!  

   Well, I just took posession last night of my brand new *ist D!  i spent about 3 
hours opening 
boxes, and playing.  Took about 250 pics!  

   Anyone interested in the results of an ist D with a fisheye lens, check out at 
   Warning, this index.htm file may be large, it has thumbnails for 158 images on it.
   Warning v.2.0, pictures included contain babies.
   Warning v.3.0, upload was not completed, so some pictures may be missing.

IL Bill

---------- Original Message -----------
From: "Dario Bonazza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thu, 8 Jan 2004 15:50:30 +0100
Subject: *ist D: hooray!

> Keep watching Pentax websites :-)
> Sorry, I cannot tell more, so please don't ask.
> Dario Bonazza
------- End of Original Message -------

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