----- Original Message -----
From: "Patrick White" <
Subject: RE: pentax-discuss-digest V1 #764

> Tonghang Zhou writes:
> > Surely if you are using Pentax lenses, which are what really
> > then it should be OK?
> > On Mon, 21 May 2001, Conrad Samuels wrote:
> > > What is the feeling about my using these cameras with
> > > lenses (they are M42 mount cameras) when submitting
pictures to
> > > the PUG?  I know that in open months concessions are made
> > > the rules seem a trifle ambiguous when discussing Pentax
> > > equipment or lenses (quote) for the other months.
> Perhaps things got more restrictive in the last year while I
was absent
> from the list, but the rule used to be that it was a gallery
for PDML
> members who were using Pentax-brand (or compatible) equipment.
I noticed
> the (new to me) official Pentax-equipment restriction when I
submitted my
> June submission.  Since even Pentax-brand equipment is not all
Pentax design
> and manufacture, I assumed the restriction could legitimately
be interpreted
> to mean Pentax-mount (or, perhaps more general,
> equipment.  That would allow me and others to mix and match
> equipment they have to take pictures without having to worry
about whether
> or not they got a piece of Pentax-brand equipment somewhere in
the mix to
> satisfy PUG submission.  After all, I prefer to see the
gallary as primarily
> a way to share images taken by the members, and also as a mild
> of what kinds of images can be captured with Pentax and
> equipment, not as having evolved into some sort of elitist
> Is this an unreasonable interpretation?  If so, then we should
probably nix
> use of any Pentax-OEM'd equipment too since that stuff won't
be a show of
> what can be accomplished using Pentax-engineered equipment

I ran a survey last summer. The consensus was that since it was
the "PENTAX" users gallery, PENTAX equipment should be used.
Even then I could not bring myself to put in a hard equipment
restriction. It is impossible to enforce within the confines of
the PUG.
Please reread guideline #9, which deals with equipment usage.

"9. Themed month gallery images should have been created with
Pentax camera and/or lens. Images created with non Pentax
equipment are welcome in the open
category months." ŠPUG 2000

This guideline is far less restrictive than what the general
consensus at the time indicated.
So far, I have not turned away an image for lack of Pentax
content. The guideline is deliberately ambiguous so as to
encourage use of Pentax equipment for gallery submissions,
without actually making it a requirement.

If it makes you feel better, at least one of my own submissions
was taken with a Tachihara camera and a Nikkor lens. I did use a
Pentax spotmeter however.

I am far less concerned with guideline #9 being adhered to than
#s 1, 2, 5 , and 7.
William Robb
PUG maintaner dude

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