Heh... I get to do a 3-for-1 here. :)

My $0.02 on the PUG/Pentax gear thing...
For almost 17 years I've been a Pentax user.  My first camera is a
K-1000 with the factory SMC-A 50mm/f2.0 lens.  I used that for almost 3
years as my exclusive rig.  I then obtained a Sigma 75-200/f2.8~3.5
lens.  Why Sigma and not Pentax (or any other brand for that matter?)
Simply put... Cost.  It cost me around $800US for that Sigma lens.  I
don't remember if Pentax offered a similar lens, but I do know that no
other make had one I could afford (delivering papers and cutting lawns
doesnt make for a tremendous income.)  Now that I've settled into my
house finally I'm planning on submitting some pictures to the PUG.  I do
hope the future of the PUG doesn't exclude me from using my 50mm lenses
(have a 50mm/f1.4 now also for my ZX-5n.)  I have and probably always
will consider myself a Pentax shooter/user.  I like their gear, the way
it works, the way it handles, etc.  And of course there's the whole
focusing thing (I'm naturally left-handed.  For some reason I have
trouble focusing lenses that focus in the opposite direction of Pentax
and Nikon lenses.)  FYI... That was another reason for the Sigma choice.
Tamron, Vivitar and Tokina all focused the wrong way.
I my opinion is, if it's shot with a Pentax body -OR- a Pentax lens it
should be allowed.  I personally now have 6 lenses in my stable, only 2
of them are Pentax, and they're both 50mm's.  Anyway, here's hoping I'll
be allowed to submit in the future.

Now as for eBay sellers.  I can honestly say I've only been
nearly-burned once.  Precautions are a must.  And, I gotta plug a
someone who may or may not be here.  I just received a pair of Sigma MF
lenses in PK-A mount from a Mr. Andrew Go.  They are a 14mm/f3.5
rectilinear and 15mm/f2.5 semi-circular fisheye.  Both came in
astoundlingly excellent condition.  They look and feel brand new!  AND I
got a great deal on them.  So hats off to Mr. Go.  He will definitely be
one of my first calls when I begin my next glass hunt quest. :P

(Next up... Some long and fast glass... 400mm/f5.6 or better.  Thinking
about a nice big lens for some auto racing and little league photography
work I like to do.)

Anyway, peace all.  I look forward to hearing more on these topics and
more.  PDML is a great list!

-- John
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