Thanks Paul and Maris.
Luckily, I am paid to do stuff like this, so I'm very happy, you think it's
OK. It's a great pleasure for me to be able to do photgraphs and fly, at the
same time. Both are among my favorite activities!

Our cunsultants will blend the photgraph with a computer model (AutoCad) of
the project. We had exact directions as to where the helicopter was supposed
to hover (X,Y,Z coordinates) when shooting the photographs - even which
focal length to use (50mm - equal to app. 28mm on a 35mm format). Great fun!

Jens Bladt

-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: Maris V. Lidaka Sr. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sendt: 24. september 2004 18:19
Emne: Re: PESO: Aerial photograph

Gorgeous view!  Gorgeous photo of that view!

Congratulations on a job excellently done.


Jens Bladt wrote:
> As some of you may remember I have promised to post a 6x6 photograph
> from my helicopter in the beginning of this month.
> This is the 6x6 phoptpgraph (here it's croped and compressed), which
> was chosen to be used in the project for our 42 ha habour extention
> etc. (I am a city planner/architect, working in this town, where I
> also live).
> This was photographed with a Pentacon Six TTL and a Carl Zeiss Jena
> Flektogon 4.0/50mm on Fuji Velvia 100F, which was  scanned to app. 29
> Megapixel in the lab. Later cropped and compressed.
> Comments are of course welcome.

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