I just thought I would send you an update on my trip.  I had a wonderful
time!  I took my cousin Jessica.  We went to SC to see My Aunt Janet and
Uncle Jeep, first.  I told AJ that I would be at her house at 9pm on Sunday
night and I showed up at 8:59.  We Didn't do much in SC, we went to Wal*mart
about 7 times.  Uncle Jeep cooked for us  twice,  he is a real good cook.
We went the school where AJ subs and blue bubbles with her class, and we
talked a whole lot.   We hung out a bit with Stephanie, also.  I probably
didn't take 10 pictures in SC.
    We left SC on Thurs. We were headed for Grandfather Mnt, NC.  I was so
excited.  We showed up on GFM just in time to put up our tent, eat leftover
Olive Garden, and take pictures of the sunset.  We met Bill Owens in that
time too.  I discovered that I had left my quick release for my tripod at
home, so I had to improvise and take the ball head off of my monopod to use
on my tripod.  I am not a ballhead fan, but it worked in a pinch.   After
the sunset picts we went to the tent and got in our separate sleeping bags
to go to sleep.  Jessie was long gone and I was still up reading when I
heard these footsteps.  These scary big man footsteps, the kind that no
woman wants to hear when she's in a strange place, but it just turned out to
be Tom. He invited us to come to the cabin and meet everyone. That was a lot
of fun.
The next morning he got us up at some ungodly hour to go take pictures of a
sunrise you couldn't see because of the fog.  So we ended up at McD's.  That
was a joy.  After McD's we went back up the mountain to see the "cinnamon
bear", and take pictures of the cubs.  We had a blast.  I held the umbrella
for Tom and he held it for me.  We used a 400 mm lens and had a generally
good time.  Then we had lunch I had a wonderfully, wonderful chicken salad
sandwich.  Then we went and registered for the competition.  Tom took Jessie
and I to some really neat places to take pictures.  He was an awesome
instructor.  Then we got to go to a wonderful presentation.  Doug talked a
lot at that presentation. He told us mostly that he liked his haircut, um I
mean, to work the subject.   He is a very very good photographer.  After
that Jess, Tom and I went into town so Jess could get herself some Food.
Tom and I had Mcd's, again.  Then we went back into the campground and went
to bed.
The next morning Jess and I went up the mountain to shoot the sunrise.  That
was a lot of fun.  Then we went and shot some other stuff on the road.  It
wasn't long till Tom caught up with us and we shot some "god-rays"  then we
turned our film in, crossed our fingers, and hoped for the best.
That evening we had a blast at dinner a group of us sat outside and ate
under the trees.  If you ever have the chance to eat dinner with Doug I
wouldn't advise you to bring up pickles.   Then we got to hear Tony Sweet
talk. If you haven't looked at his web page yet,  Do It, NOW!  He's good.
The next morning we got up picked up our slides and turned in our favorites
and waited some more.  We got to hear the third speaker on digital
photography. He was interesting also.  Then came the winners.  I was so
excited when Jessie won honorable mention.  Hers was a wonderful shot,
upside down in the projector, but wonderful.  Then we packed up and headed
for DC by way of Grayson Highlands.
    We set up camp at Grayson Highlands then went up by the ponies and took
some pictures of the sunset and the ponies.  We also took some pictures of
the moon rising.  It was awesome out there.  I would defiantly go again if I
had the chance.
    The next morning we headed out to the DC area.  We stopped along the way
to take pictures of the wildflowers that had been planted beside the road.
We also stopped in Shenandoah and took pictures of some lady slippers.  I
enjoyed stopping on the roadside it is something I always wanted to do.  We
got do DC and were unloading the jeep just as my sister drove up and she
helped us unload then took us to A Thai restaurant for dinner.
The next morning we did the holocaust museum.   I've done the holocaust
museum 10 times at least, but this time it touched me deeper than it ever
has before.  That night we went to a mystics Basketball Game with Karen. It
was a lot of fun.  After the Game we went out for Mongolian BBQ.  That was
The next day I took pictures of a bird standing in front of the Washington
Monument and we did a few other museums.  Then we went out to Dinner with
Tom to celebrate my Birthday.
    The next morning we went to Tom's house and used his darkroom to develop
some b&w We had shot on our trip.  Then we went sailing on a Ship in
Baltimore.  That was a blast.  Of course, Karen told me I couldn't take my
camera so those memories are only in my mind.  Then we went to Karen's house
and went to a pasta house in Old Town for dinner.
The next morning we went out and had lunch then hit the road to come home.
It was a long trip but we made it.  We pulled up to Jessie's house at around
5:30 am.

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