Bob, if you would like to test the various colonoscopy setups from other
optical manufacturers and report back on the efficacy of the various
coatings, I'm sure the rest of us would find it very enlightening -- not to
mention earning the respect and admiration of your peers for your dedication
to research. I wonder how the 'ghostless' coating would perform under those
circumstances? ;)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Bob Blakely" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, December 07, 2002 9:12 AM
Subject: Re: NO GUN TALK

> F*ck. The 12 or so actual OT posts were entirely without animosity. Now
> rabid anti OT folks, pushing the topic to beyond 40 posts so and climbing,
> are flaming each other!
> I love it!
> My next post will detail my colonoscopy and the Pentax "probe" used by my
> doctor. A lively discussion (or dead monolog) will follow praising Pentax
> for those special optical coatings that are impervious to various
> juices. Olympus and Nikon both make competitive products but we've yet to
> compare the virtues of these brands.
> Regards,
> Bob....
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> "Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!"
>    - Benjamin Franklin

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