pentax list,

thanks cotty, been a rather long day here.  also been a real long time since
i've posted anything here.

mike: i've noticed it looks sorta like a reflection of sorts.  but i'm not

anyways i looked further between my PZ-1p and ZX-L.  the PZ-1p appears to
have two pieces of foam, for access to the removable focusing screen, whilst
the ZX-L has a continuous strip of foam.  this foam is probably used to
dampen and cushion the reflex mirror when it flips up for an exposure.  if
you guys don't know what i'm talking about, look at your camera body without
a lens, and look for a strip of foam near the bottom of the prism--that's
what i'm talking about.  if you can't see any foam---looks like you need to
get your camera to the shop for service! hehe!

so i took the pz-1p outside and and pointed it backward to the sun (hehe i'm
daring) and without a lens attached.  with bulb mode, i held the shutter and
looked to see what kind of light might come thru.  sure enough with a strong
incident light, some light does come thru the gap between the foam.  (man i
wish i had a digicam to show you guys what i mean--i'll try to take a pix
using my cheapy webcam when i get home).  my guess is that the stray light
coming from the viewfinder thru the gap between the foam somehow reflects
off the rear element of the lens attached and imprints itself onto the film
during an exposure.  the only lens that i think could do this is the Tokina
ATX 28-70mm f/2.6-2.8 that i have---it's rear element is quite large.  the
other two lenses i have, the Tokina ATX 80-200mm f/2.8 and Tamron SP
24-135mm f/4-5.6 design at the rear of the lens don't really look like it
would reflect.

furthermore, the leading edge of the mirror (bottom edge) on the ZX-L is
painted black, whilst the mirror on the PZ-1p isn't painted at all.  at
certain angles of the sun, the whole leading edge of the mirror can "light"
up.  if you have a coloured plastic transparent clipboard, try looking at
the edge--it will seem to be lighted.   i think this exacerbates the

in case you are wondering, the mirror seems to flip up all the way.

so this is where experimentation will come in.  i plan to get some cheapy
kodak film to shoot tests shots with my three lenses  with various angles of
the camera viewfinder pointed to a very bright sun.  afterwards, i will use
some cheap black electrical tap to just cover the gap in the foam on my
PZ-1p and retake the same shots.   i am hoping that is the problem.  a quick
run to costco for a develop only 1hr job ought to "shed some light" on my
problem.  i'll keep you guys posted.




Quoc Bao Raphael Tran
Cityspan Technologies, Inc.
> > hi guys,
> >
> > this is a little frustrating for me....but i have a pentax PZ-1p and i
> > sometimes get random light streaking towards the top half of the
> > i am guessing that since the image imprinted onto the film is actually
> > flipped, the seems to be a light leak in the bottom of my camera.  here
> > some links to the phenomenon:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > i don't know what could be causing this.  maybe the lens isn't
> > and sealing up correctly?  maybe it's just one lens? (the lens that
> > shots were taken were with a Tokina ATX 28-70mm f/2.6-2.8 --maybe it's
> > that lens?) could there be a light leak through the prism? or maybe
light is
> > getting in when i change lenses?  i plan on taking some cheapy kodak
> > and taking all sorts of odd shots in bright sun to see what combinations
> > causing this light leak.  in the meantime, it would be of tremendous
help if
> > anyone else with a PZ-1p with similar problems could email me.
> Almost certainly not a light leak.  Looks like a reflection of some
> sort.  There seem to be parts of the image, or parts outside the image,
> in the streaks.  It's intriguing, whatever it is.  Would like to know
> the answer, when you find it.  Suggest you make some experiments to try
> to define the circumstances of occurence.
> mike

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