I still have some very desirable lenses up for grabs.

20-40  209              $500.0

15 LTD 228              $375.00

21mm 368                $300.00

35mm LTD  584           $325.00

40mm 717                $200.00

70mm 4327               $350.00

60-250 1201             $800.00

Again, the number beside the focal length is the number of pictures Lightroom says I have shot with that particular one. All are in very good, lightly used condition, no fungus, and clean glass, with very little internal dust.
According to a couple of list members, I have undervalued them.

Really, you should do yourself a favour and buy one or more of these lenses, you won't be sorry.

Terms of sale are below:

I am the original owner of all of them.

They will come with their original hoods, and both front and rear lens caps, though I will not guarantee that the rear caps are original. I might have to send one or two out with knock off caps. They all work, I live in a dry climate, so fungus is not an issue, all have normal amounts of dust internally. They have all been gently and quite lightly used and have not been abused.

Lenses will come in their original boxes.

Lenses are sold on an as is basis, I guarantee that they work properly when boxed for shipment. Shipping will be at the buyers expense, I will ship at actual cost using buyer's preferred conveyance, and at buyer's risk.

Paypal is a suitable means of payment, and funds must be received in full prior to shipment.

Replying to this email indicates acceptance of my terms of sale.



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