I totally agree. I even use a local ldap "slave" server (an openldap syncrepl consumer, on the powerdns box) using syncrepl (on openldap) to avoid any pdns service outage due to network problems which would prevent connectivity with ldap. (Thankfully, syncrepl does not hang when there is a network outage.) So, practically, I have minimized any problems. (This design also optimizes the speed of lookups [i.e. of DNS authoritative queries], since they are carried out locally, and no network activity is required.)

However, as you point out as well, I believe the problem is critical and should be treated.


On 29/10/2010 9:31 πμ, Angel Bosch Mora wrote:
i agree this is critical but usually in a large environment you dont have just one LDAP service. i always configure pdns with at least two ldap servers located at different machines/places.
   ldap-host=ldap1:389 ldap2:389

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