Hi everyone,

From an article I just posted: 

"This is a more personal post than I usually write, and it was prompted by
several people asking what I had been up to lately.  It turns out that it is
somewhat of a story.  It is a long story too.

Since the beginning of 2018 day to day management of PowerDNS is now truly
in the hands of professionals.  I’m very proud to report that PowerDNS has
not only survived the transition to Open-Xchange but is actually thriving &
has achieved sufficient revenues & talented staff that we’ve solved the
famous open source “what if Bert gets hit by a bus“ problem.

Mind you, I’m still around, but now with a broader remit, and I get to spend
less time personally signing contracts and opining on office arrangements."

Far more on what I/we've been up to can be found here:


I wish you a happy new year, and let's make 2019 a good one for all of us,
the Internet & PowerDNS!

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