
I would like to ask for your experience and advice on the following situation:

When we use a private IPv4 subnet (e.g. with NAT (to access the Internet) and at the same time (i.e. on the same LAN or VLAN) we use a public IPv6 address space, what should be the naming policy for hosts with dual stack, i.e. with a private IPv4 address and a public IPv6 address?

Naming using public IPv6 addresses leads to public names (e.g. example.com), while naming using private IPv4 addresses leads to private names (e.g. example.local).

What is the best way to reconcile the two? I feel that hosts should not be meant to have double names (in order to avoid management and dns havoc).

A (single) name should be an easy way to address a host, regardless whether it is using IPv6 or IPv4; this idea is largely defeated if we need to address/recognize (in the local network) a host using a different name in IPv6 and in IPv4.

Thanks in advance for your advice and thoughts.

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