Jeff, I’ll take a crack at it, inserting my answers after your questions.


Gary f.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jeffrey Brian Downard [] 
Sent: 4-Jan-16 19:37



I'd like to follow up on the post that Gary F. made some weeks back about the 
first two pages in NDTR.  Let me focus on two paragraph that are found on the 
second page of the essay in the EP:


Triadic relations are in three ways divisible by trichotomy, according as the 
First, the Second, or the Third Correlate, respectively, is a mere possibility, 
an actual existent, or a law. These three trichotomies, taken together, divide 
all triadic relations into ten classes. These ten classes will have certain 
subdivisions according as the existent correlates are individual subjects or 
individual facts, and according as the correlates that are laws are general 
subjects, general modes of fact, or general modes of law. (CP 2.238) 


There will be besides a second similar division of triadic relations into  ten 
classes, according as the dyadic relations which they constitute between either 
the First and Second Correlates, or the First and Third, or the Second and 
Third are of the nature of possibilities, facts, or laws; and these ten classes 
will be subdivided in different ways. (CP 2.239) 


How do these claims fit together?  For the time being, let's set aside the two 
systems of classification, and let's focus on the relations themselves.  In CP 
2.238, Peirce describes triadic relations between the first, second and third 


GF: Well, that’s what he does in the entire essay, based on the principle that 
the correlates are numbered first, second and third in order from simplest to 
most complex. Specifically in 238, he first considers each of the correlates 
monadically. For instance, in the case of a sign, considering it monadically 
(i.e. regardless of its relations to object or interpretant) gives us one 
trichotomy (later designated as qualisign/sinsign/legisign). Considering the 
object (second correlate) monadically would give us another trichotomy, and 
considering the interpretant (third correlate) monadically would give us a 
third trichotomy. (I say “would” because Peirce does not, in his later focus on 
sign relations, actually consider either the object or the interpretant 


JD:  In 2.239, he describes three dyadic relations between the correlates.  How 
are the three dyadic relations connected to the triadic relation or relations?


GF: As Peirce says in 239, every triadic relation constitutes three dyadic 
relations. In the semiotic case these would be sign-object, object-interpretant 
and sign-interpretant. In other words, each of these can be considered 
dyadically, and that would give us another set of three trichotomies, since 
dyadic relations (like monads) can be of the nature of possibilities, facts, or 
laws. (Only one of those trichotomies, icon/index/symbol, is actually given in 


JD: In the opening remarks in the discussion of triadic relations in "The Logic 
of Mathematics; an attempt to develop my categories from within," he says the 
following about the connections between the dyadic and the triadic relations:  

Each of the three subjects introduces a dyad into the triad, and so does each 
pair of subjects.  (CP 1.472)

How should we understand his claims about the manner in which the dyads are 
being introduced into the triad?


GF: It should be clear enough that each pair of subjects “introduces” a dyad 
into the triad (following the order of involution or analysis) because the 
triad includes three pairs, each of which can be considered dyadically (as per 
CP 2.239). I think the reason that each subject introduces a dyad into the 
triad is that each of its three subjects must have a dyadic relation to the 
dyad which is the other two considered as a “unit”. CP 1.471 gives some context 
to this, including a couple of examples which may be helpful:


471. We come now to the triad. What is a triad? It is a three. But three what? 
If we say it is three subjects, we take at the outset an incomplete view of it. 
Let us see where we are, remembering that logic is to be our guide in this 
inquiry. The monad has no features but its suchness, which in logic is embodied 
in the signification of the verb. As such it is developed in the lowest of the 
three chief forms of which logic treats, the term, the proposition, and the 
syllogism. The dyad introduced a radically new sort of element, the subject, 
which first shows itself in the proposition. The dyad is the metaphysical 
correlative of the proposition, as the monad is of the term. Propositions are 
not all strictly and merely dyadic, although dyadism is their prominent 
feature. But strictly dyadic propositions have two subjects. One of these is 
active, or existentially prior, in its relation to the dyad, while the other is 
passive, or existentially posterior. A gambler stakes his whole fortune at an 
even game. What is the probability that he will gain the first risk? One half. 
What is the probability that he will gain the second risk? One fourth; for if 
he loses the first play, there will be no second. It is one alternative of the 
prior event which divides into two in the posterior event. So if A kills B, A 
first does something calculated to kill B, and then this subdivides into the 
case in which he does kill B and the case in which he does not. It is not B 
that does something calculated to make A kill him; or if he does, then he is an 
active agent and the dyad is a different one. Thus, there are in the dyad two 
subjects of different character, though in special cases the difference may 
disappear. These two subjects are the units of the dyad. Each is a one, though 
a dyadic one. Now the triad in like manner has not for its principal element 
merely a certain unanalyzable quality sui generis. It makes [to be sure] a 
certain feeling in us. [But] the formal rule governing the triad is that it 
remains equally true for all six permutations of A, B, C; and further, if D is 
in the same relation at once to A and B and to A and C, it is in the same 
relation to B and C; etc.


This leads directly to your quoted sentence: “Each of the three subjects 
introduces a dyad into the triad, and so does each pair of subjects.”  (CP 


Anyway, that’s how I understand it!


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