
I think this is a very astute analysis of what Peirce is doing in the latter 
Lowell lectures. Certainly they focus on the classification of arguments, which 
is in a sense the climax of speculative grammar; and what stands out to me 
lately is the overlapping of the three main divisions of arguments (abduction, 
induction, deduction). When Peirce lays out in detail the steps in a Euclidean 
argument, for instance, we see that there’s an element of induction 
(quasi-experimentation), and of abduction (ingenuity), within a process which 
is in the main deductive. Peirce repeatedly rethought his analysis of signs, I 
think, because that was the inductive part of the investigation he called 
speculative grammar (or later Stechiology): once you have the main divisions a 
priori, then you have to keep adjusting and refining them as you look at more 
and more specific examples of reasoning processes. Peirce was not the type to 
be satisfied that he had come to the end of such an investigation, one that 
would give him a final and definitive taxonomy. Rather we approach a complete 
understanding of semiosis by reiterating our examination of it, with each 
iteration looking at the semiosic phenomena from a slightly different angle of 
observation. And we as Peirceans go through the same reiterative process in 
developing our understanding of Peirce, as we try to follow the various texts 
now coming to light (some of which had been dismembered by the CP editors).

But I guess I’m rambling here and I’d better get back to the investigation 
instead of talking about it …

Gary f.


From: Jeffrey Brian Downard <> 
Sent: 17-Jul-18 19:59
To: 'Peirce List' <>
Subject: Re: [PEIRCE-L] Lowell Lecture 7


Hi Gary F, List,


Thank you for making and sharing the transcription of Lecture 7. I've been 
reading the latter lectures in manuscript form, and it is much easier for me to 
search through the contents, construct outlines what appears to be going on and 
comprehend the structure of the arguments when reading them in the transcribed 


Looking at the account of induction that he is developing--and the refinements 
he is making with respect to prior statements of his accounts of the three main 
classes of induction, it does now appear clearer how lectures 5 and 6 support 
the clarifications and amendments he appears to be making. He express aims in 
those lectures were to make further clarifications of the conceptions of 
multitude and probability for the sake of providing a better account of the 
nature and validity of the three main classes of inductive reasoning.


Drawing on the points made about the alpha, beta and gamma graphs in the 
earlier lectures, it looks to me like he is trying to make good on his promise 
of drawing on these mathematical systems of deductive logic for the sake of 
inquiry in critical logic concerning synthetic forms of inference. As such, I 
imagine that Peirce is drawing on the EG as he reflects on the points he has 
made about multitude and probability drawing. In turn, the logical diagrams are 
informing his inquiries--especially about the differences that he is 
articulating between the second and third classes of induction. 


In this first part of Lecture 7, he provides and explanation of how the three 
forms of inference fit together in the cycle of inquiry. Having compared the 
more analytic and the synthetic forms of inference, he says that the more 
analytic form is the least important of the three: 


You will see from what I have said that Deduction is decidedly the least 
important of the three. Deduction is merely a link by which the result of 
Abduction,— that is to say the proposed explanatory hypothesis,— is put into a 
form in which Induction can be applied to it; and it only consists in making 
thought distinct as to what the Supposition that the Abduction suggests really 


Having made this point, he goes on to say that deduction has a special role to 
play in critical logic--including the study of synthetic forms of inference.


While it is a relatively insignificant step in the inquiry, however, Deduction 
becomes of surpassing importance in logic; and the reason of this is that Logic 
or rather Critic, which is that branch of logic that evaluates arguments, is 
itself Deductive.

In order to put this remark into a clear light it is requisite to view the 
three Classes of Argument from another standpoint.


I am curious about the shift in standpoint that he is announcing here. What 
does the change of perspective involve? Here is how he describes it at length.


A Deduction is a process of thought by which it is rendered evident that a 
certain conclusion must be true; and this is so whether this relates to 
individual single cases or whether it is a statistical proposition concerning a 
ratio of frequency in indefinitely many single instances. The manner in which 
the conclusion becomes evident is this. The premisses are stated in general 
terms. Now the mode of being of a general is that of governing individual 
cases. Its full expression requires therefore the presentation of something 
corresponding to those cases,— a quasi-diagram of them. The deduction makes 
that diagram and when it is made it recognizes that this diagram is and always 
will be a representation of a state of things describable in a different 
general statement,— and this latter general statement constitutes the 
conclusion. To show that this really is a correct description of Deduction, it 
will suffice to consider the general structure of Euclid's demonstrations,— 
Euclid's being more formally correct in statement than modern mathematicians 
think is needful. He invariably begins with a general statement of what he 
intends to prove. This is called the proposition; in Greek πρότασις, that is 
the pretension, or preliminary statement. In Aristotle it means a premiss. He 
then restates the condition of his proposition in such a form as to assign a 
selective or proper name to every geometrical point, that is every individual 
of the set concerning which the predication is made. This at the same time and 
ipso facto describes any diagram of any state of things to which the 
proposition is applicable. This part ends by stating in terms of those 
selectives exactly what his assertion makes him responsible for. This part is 
called the ἔκθεσις, or exposition. Next comes his κατασκευή, or contrivance; 
which is an ingenious experiment that he performs upon the diagram, by adding 
lines to it drawn according to an exact precept, or his supposing one part to 
be moved and superposed in a particular way upon another part. He now shows 
that it is implied in what is already known that this experiment must give a 
certain result in every case. This operation is his demonstration ἀπόδειξις, or 
from-showing. This proof ends by repeating the very statement with which the 
ἔκθεσις closed, to which he affixes the words, “which is what had to be shown,” 
ὅπερ ἔδει δεῖξαι. It is, you perceive, simply a showing that the thing is so by 
actual experience in the imagination. As has often been remarked, by Locke, for 
example, by Kant, by Stuart Mill, and as is admitted by all logicians the 
conclusion simply redescribes the state of things which alone is represented in 
the premisses.


Let me draw attention to the point he makes after considering the examples of 
deductive reasoning drawn from Euclid's Elements. Notice the role of the 
selectives in the process of reasoning about a geometrical figure:  


He then restates the condition of his proposition in such a form as to assign a 
selective or proper name to every geometrical point, that is every individual 
of the set concerning which the predication is made. This at the same time and 
ipso facto describes any diagram of any state of things to which the 
proposition is applicable. This part ends by stating in terms of those 
selectives exactly what his assertion makes him responsible for.


What light, if any, does this point about role of selectives in geometrical 
reasoning shed on the character of inductive reasoning? In the paragraphs 
immediately following, he says that inductive reasoning involves a 
"quasi-experiment" of sorts, and that this experiment is crucial for drawing 
conclusions about an uncountably large multitude of possible future 
observations on the basis of a limited number of past observations. He says:  


Induction concludes more than would conceivably be true in every case in which 
what is observed would be true. It cannot, therefore, absolutely guarantee the 
truth of its conclusion. What can it do? Shall it show that the conclusion 
would be true in a large proportion of the embodiments of its general condition 
in the course of experience? This would be nothing but a necessary deduction of 
a statistical kind. It has to conclude that a hypothesis is true because 
certain predictions based upon it have been verified. Under what modification 
is it warranted in asserting that? Without exhausting the inexhaustible future 
it certainly cannot be justified in asserting that absolutely. It can, however, 
assert this, subject to such modification as further quasi-experimentation may 
make. (my emphasis in bold)


This, I think, is a rather refined restatement of the traditional "problem of 
induction" that was inherited from the likes of Hume, Kant and Mill. What is 
more, I think it embodies a rather refined response to this re-statement of the 
problem. A central feature in his response to this problem is the role of 
selectives in reasoning about the proportion of a given collection of 
observations--so that we can reasonably draw valid conclusions about there 
being a similar proportion in an uncountably large numbers of possible future 
observations. Or to put the matter more directly, the results of statistics can 
only take us so far because they are mathematical reasonings of a deductive 
sort. In order to justify the application of such mathematical conceptions in 
the context of inductive reasoning, we need to show that it is reasonable to 
apply one or another statistical model to a real world problem based on the 
collection of data we have on hand at a given time in the process of inquiry.








Jeffrey Downard

Associate Professor
Department of Philosophy
Northern Arizona University
(o) 928 523-8354


From: <>  < 
<> >
Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2018 9:52:05 AM
To: 'Peirce List'
Subject: [PEIRCE-L] Lowell Lecture 7 



My transcription of Lowell Lecture 7 of 1903 is now available at the SPIN site,
 , and has been added to the series on my website, at This one is all about inductive reasoning. 
Again I don’t plan to serialize it on the list, as I did with the first three 
lectures, but any discussion of it is welcome. Here’s a sample paragraph:

 MS 473-474 (1903) - Lowell Lecture VII (C. S. Peirce Manuscripts) | FromThePage <> 

MS 473-474 (1903) - Lowell Lecture VII (C. S. Peirce Manuscripts) - read work.


[[ The second order of induction only infers that a theory is very much like 
the truth, because we are so far from ever being authorized to conclude that a 
theory is the very truth itself, that we can never so much as understand what 
that means. Light is electro-magnetic vibrations; that is to say, it [is] 
something very like that. In order to say that it is precisely that, we should 
have to know precisely what we mean by electro-magnetic vibrations. Now we 
never can know precisely what we mean by any description whatever. ] MS 473 CSP 
60-2 ]

Gary f.

} The child finds its mother when it leaves her womb. [Tagore] { }{ Turning Signs gateway


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