On May 31st, I presented a talk on "Evaluating and reasoning with and about 
GPT",  and Arun Majumdar presented a demo that shows how the technology 
developed by Permion.ai LLC supports those methods.. These methods also show 
that ideas developed by Charles Sanders Peirce, especially in the last decade 
of his life, are still at the forefront of some of the latest developments in 

The Permion technology uses tensor calculus for relating  the Large Language 
Models (LLMs) of GPT to more traditional computational methods of AI (logic, 
conceptual graphs, computational linguistics, neural networks, and statistics) 
.   With these methods, the Permion software can use GPT for its ability to 
translate languages (natural and artificial)  and to retrieve large volumes of 
useful data from the WWW.

By using conceptual graphs and formal deduction, Permion can detect and avoid 
the errors caused by the loose or nonexistent reasoning methods of GPT while 
taking advantage of its useful features for processing languages.

For the slides by John Sowa, see  EvaluatingGPT--JohnSowa_20230531.pdf 

For the  Audio-Video recording of both talks, see  


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