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Peirce Society Newsletter 2:1
Peirce Society Newsletter 2:1
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*The Charles S. Peirce Society Newsletter, 2:1*
*March 2018*

Dear Gary,

We are pleased to be sending you this year’s first issue of the Peirce
Society Newsletter.  Peirce’s ideas continue to be a source of inspiration
and cause for innovation throughout the world.  We hope that you will let
us know about the work you are doing and that the following information
keeps you abreast of the work of kindred scholars.

Yours truly,

The Charles S. Peirce Society Executive Committee

*Spotlight on the Peirce Society President*

*Rossella Fabbrichesi* is Professor of Hermeneutics at the State University
of Milan, Italy.  She has published four monographs on Peirce and three
collections of Peirce’s writings, besides many essays on the subject.  She
also has worked on the link between Peirce and Wittgenstein, on semiotics,
and on hermeneutics.  She edits the first Italian website entirely devoted
to Peirce and is Former President of Associazione Pragma.  Her most recent
essay was published in the volume of the Library of Living Philosophers
devoted to *The Philosophy of Umberto Eco*.  Her most recent book is *Cosa
si fa quando si fa filosofia?* (Cortina, Milano, 2017).  She also recently
edited *Pragmatism: Some New Ways of Thinking for an Old Name*, a
monographic issue of *Rivista di storia della Filosofia *(3-2017).

*The Peirce Memorial Monument Project*

You recently received an email about our efforts to build Peirce a proper
memorial monument.  If you have already supported this project, *Thank You!*
To learn more about it or to donate, please visit: http://monument.peirce-

*Have You Been Keeping Up with the Transactions?  *

Benoit Gaultier’s 2016 Peirce Essay Prize winning piece “The Iconicity of
Thought and Its Moving Pictures” appeared in the most recent issue.  Along
with it were Tom Short’s carefully argued “The 1903 Maxim,” Daniel
Kalpokas’s insightful “Sellars on Perceptual Knowledge,” and Marco Stango’s
compelling “A Deweyan Assessment of Three Major Tendencies in Philosophy of
Consciousness.”  Also in the volume were a fascinating examination of Black
Elk’s theology titled “Native Hermeneutics: Reverse Typology and
Remythologization,” by S. Joshua Thomas, and an intriguing comparative
study on the axiologies of Alain Locke and William James titled
“Absolutism, Relativism, and Anarchy,” by Neil W. Williams.  The next issue
of the *Transactions* will be out soon—subscribe by becoming a member of
the Peirce Society today!

*Are You Able to Help SPIN?*

The Scalable Peirce Interpretation Network (SPIN) project has the aim of
enlisting scholars and interested members of the public as volunteers in a
collaborative effort to transcribe select portions of the C.S. Peirce
manuscripts into an online searchable form.  The approach draws on
crowdsourcing strategies to make transcriptions that are improved
incrementally over time.  The project is up and running and the management
team would like to encourage all who might be interested to (1) join the
transcription efforts and (2) share the information about the project with
colleagues, students and other contacts who might be willing to volunteer
some of their time.  In recent months, volunteers have taken on the task of
transcribing drafts of the “Neglected Argument” and portions of the 1903
Lowell Lectures, and they have facilitated discussions of the ideas in
those texts on the Peirce-List.  Over time, the project management team
would like to have hundreds of volunteers joining in the efforts—even if
some only transcribe a page or two.  As the saying goes, many hands make
for light work.  Towards this end, the team is exploring innovative ways to
support the transcription efforts of a large community of volunteers, and
they are also trying to support a wide range of possible downstream uses of
the transcriptions.  Scholars and editors should contact with questions or to express interests in having
particular collections of manuscripts transcribed.  Exports of the
transcriptions can be made available in a wide range of formats.
Information about getting started, including simple transcription
guidelines and a short video, are available on the project site.  The
process is relatively simple for transcribing text, and there are more
detailed instructions for encoding logical formulas and diagrams in LaTeX.

*Mark Your Calendars*

March 28–April 1, 2018 | San Diego, CA, U.S.A. | On Thursday March 29,
6:00–9:00 p.m., The Charles S. Peirce Society will hold an Author Meets
Critics session on Cheryl Misak’s *Cambridge Pragmatism* at the meeting of
the American Philosophical Association, Pacific Division, Westin San Diego
Gas Lamp Quarter

June 13–15, 2018 | Helsinki, Finland | The University of Helsinki | The
Third European Pragmatism Conference

June 14–16, 2018 | Bucharest, Romania | National University of Political
and Administrative Studies, College of Communication and PR | Semiosis in
Communication: Differences and Similarities

June 16–19, 2018 | Warsaw, Poland | Institute of Philosophy, University of
Warsaw | Context, Cognition and Communication Conference

June 17–20, 2018 | Berkeley, CA, U.S.A. | 18th Annual Biosemiotics Gathering

June 18–22, 2018 | Edinburgh, Scotland | Edinburgh Napier University |
Conference on the Philosophy of Diagrams

July 13–15, 2018 | Toronto, ON, Canada | The International Association for
Cognitive Semiotics in Cooperation with OCAD University and Ryerson
University | The Third Conference for the International Association of
Cognitive Semiotics

July 24–28, 2018 | Cullowhee, NC | Twelfth Biennial Personalist Seminar:
C.S. Peirce and Robert Corrington

August 1–9, 2018 | Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Sociedade Brasileira de Logica
(SBL) and the Division for Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science and
Technology of the International Union for History and Philosophy of Science
and Technology (DLMPST/IUHPST) | A conference on Mathematical Logic will be
held in conjunction with the International Conference of Mathematicians |
Abstracts are due April 1

October 3–7, 2018 | Berea, KY, U.S.A. | Berea College | 43rd Annual
Conference of the Semiotic Society of America

October 17–18, 2018 | Milan, Italy | The State University | Workshop on
Evolutionism and Pragmatism

October 24–36, 2018 | Seville, Spain | University of Seville | Model-based
Reasoning in Science and Technology: Inferential Models for Logic,
Language, Cognition and Computation

October 30, 2018 | Moscow, Russia | Institute of Philosophy, RAS | 150
Years of Pragmatism

****This list and the following aren’t complete; for more information about
the topics, please visit <>!****

*Recently Published Books*

Robert Lane, *Peirce on Realism and Idealism* (Cambridge)

Daniel Campos, *Loving Immigrants in America: An Experiential Philosophy of
Personal Interaction* (Lexington)

Francesco Bellucci, *Peirce’s Speculative Grammar: Logic as Semiotics*

Ivo Assad Ibri, *Kósmos Noetós: The Metaphysical Architecture of Charles S.
Peirce* (Springer)

Marc Champagne, *Consciousness and the Philosophy of Sciences: How Peircean
Semiotics Combines Phenomenal Qualia and Practical Effects* (Springer)

Priscila Farias and João Queiroz, *Visualizando Signos* (Buchler)

*Recently Published Essays *

(See above for publications in the *Transactions*)

Francesco Bellucci, Amirouche Moktefi, and Ahti-Veikko Pietarinen, “Simplex
sigillum veri: Peano, Frege, and Peirce on the Primitives of Logic” in *History
and Philosophy of Logic*, Early View doi:

Aaron B. Wilson and Daniel J. Brunson, “The Transhumanist Philosophy of
Charles S. Peirce” in *Journal of Evolution and Technology*, 27:2, 12-29.

Richard Kenneth Atkins, “Sensation, Nominalism, and the Elements of
Experience” in *Journal of Speculative Philosophy*, 31:4, 538–556.

Kenneth Boyd and Diana Heney, “Peirce on Intuition, Instinct, and Common
Sense” in *European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy*, 9:2.

Trevor Pearce, “‘Protoplasm Feels’: The Role of Physiology in Charles
Sanders Peirce’s Evolutionary Metaphysics” in *HOPOS*, Early View doi:

Minghui Ma and Ahti-Veikko Pietarinen, “Let Us Investigate!  Dynamic
Conjecture-Making as the Formal Logic of Abduction” in *Journal of
Philosophical Logic*, Early View doi:

Minghui Ma and Ahti-Veikko Pietarinen, “Gamma Graph Calculi for Modal
Logics” in *Synthese*, Early View doi:

Cheongho Lee, “Interpretation of Nature: Peirce’s Theory of Interpretation”
in *Contemporary Pragmatism*, 15:1, 1–14.

Giovanni Maddalena, “Peirce and Jung” in *European Journal of Pragmatism
and American Philosophy*, 9:1.

Ludwig Nagl, “Drei Leibnizlektüren: Charles Sanders Peirce, Gilles Deleuze,
John Rawls” in *Leibniz Heute Lesen.  *Ed. Herta Nagl-Docekal.  De Gruyter,

Nancy S. Struever, “*Subtilitas Applicandi* in Rhetorical Hermeneutics:
Peirce’s Gloss and Kelly’s Example” in *Rhetoric and Hermeneutics in Our
Time.*  Eds. Jerrold E. Levy and Stephen J. Kunitz.  Yale University Press,

Claudine Tiercelin, “Was Peirce and Genuine Anti-Psychologist in
Logic?” in *European
Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy*, 9:1.

Francesco Bellucci, Daniele Chiffi, and Ahti-Veikko Pietarinen, “Assertive
Graphs” in *Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics*, Early View doi:

Richard Kenneth Atkins, “Peirce on Truth as the Predestinate Opinion”
in *European
Journal of Philosophy*, 26:1, 411–429.

Nigel Warburton, “So What?: C.S. Peirce and William James” in *A Little
History of Philosophy*.  Yale University Press, 164–170.

Justin Remhof, “A New Peircean Response to Radical Skepticism” in *Contemporary
Pragmatism*, 15:1, 15–22.

Jorge de Barros and Lauro Frederico Barbosa da Silveira, “About Terms,
Propositions, and Arguments” in *Trans/Form/Ação*, 40:4, 47–66.

*Recently Published Journal Symposium*

*Peirce’s Rhetoric and Methodeutic*, Edited by Mats Bergman and Gabriele
Gava, *Semiotica, 220*, featuring essays by Mats Bergman, Gabriele Gava,
James Liszka, and Tony Jappy.

*Trending: Peirce’s Monist Series of the Early 1890s*

Peirce’s *Monist* metaphysical series of the early 1890s is one of the more
challenging in his corpus.  In *Cambridge Pragmatism*, Cheryl Misak reports
that when Frank Ramsey read the last two in the series he described them as
“sad stuff” (pg. 158).  Recent Peirce scholarship hasn’t been much kinder,
with T.L. Short arguing that Peirce in fact had no cosmology—or at least
what of it he had expressed in the *Monist* series was a failure (“Did
Peirce Have a Cosmology?” *TCSPS* 46:4).  Yet some scholars are now
shedding new light on Peirce’s metaphysical and scientific commitments and
trying to retrieve those aspects of it that are valuable.  In his new book,
Robert Lane examines Peirce’s realism and how it ties in both with the
idealism Peirce expresses in the early *Journal of Speculative Philosophy*
series of 1868–69 and the objective idealism of the *Monist* series of the
early 1890s.  Trevor Pearce is shedding light on the speculative biological
claims that underpin Peirce’s obscure “Man’s Glassy Essence” and on who
were Peirce’s interlocutors.  And Ivo Ibri’s *Kósmos Noetós*, now
translated into English, is filled with keen insights into Peirce’s
metaphysics.  The last word has yet to be said about Peirce’s *Monist*
metaphysical series—and some of the best are only now being uttered.


Do you have something to share?  If you recently published a book or an
article or are planning a conference related to Peirce, please let our
friends at know.  To do so, simply email Mats Bergman at  If you think someone might be interested in this
newsletter, please forward it to her or him.  If you wish to be added to
the email list for the Peirce Society, please send your first and last name
and email address to


Are you a member of the Charles Sanders Peirce Society?  If so, *Thank You!*
If not, would you please consider joining?  Your membership keeps
publication of *Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society* financially
viable, supports work by early-career Peirce scholars, and secures the
future of the Peirce Society.  To join, just subscribe to the journal by
going here.  <<>>.
[image: logo: The Charles S. Peirce Society]
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