There are a number of debates on this topic at the moment.

1) Does 'Mind' or reasoning extend into the physico-chemical realm - as well as 
the biological and socioconceptual realm? Those of us who consider that it does 
are labelled as 'pansemioticians' or even 'panpsychics'. Even the definition of 
these terms is suspect; Clark Goble considers that pansemiosis 'neglects 
Firstness and Secondness'.  That's not my definition of pansemiosis - which is 
instead, that the semiosic process operates in all matter not just living 
matter. And since semiosis includes Mind/reasoning - that means that Mind 
operates in all matter...and in all three categorical modes. And this is 
certainly not neoplatonism.

Others consider that Mind or 'thinking', which is to say, operating within 
propositional formation, begins with the biological realm. And of course, I'm 
sure there are others who consider that it is confined to the socioconceptual.

2) Then, there are some who define the actions that take place among atoms and 
molecules as purely reactive, actions of Secondness; i.e., that no 'reasoning' 
process takes place. They may, as does Clark Goble, admit that mediation 
(Thirdness) plays a role but it is a non-cognitive mode. 

John Deely simply rejects Mind within the physical realm and considers their 
interactions, if I understand him, pure acts of Secondness - dyadic 
interactions with no mediation and of course, no Mind.

3) And there are terminological debates, such as the nature of and difference 
between 'cognition' and 'communication' and 'interaction' and so on.

I don't think that these debates are reducible to full communal agreement; our 
differences will remain.  After all, our opinions are not mere whims 
(Firstness) but are themselves due to our own cognitive analyses over many 
years. Therefore, we can debate and 'tweak' them, because we are cognitive 
beings - but in many cases, we'll have to leave it at that.

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